this thread now exists to catalogue deficiencies in canadian civic rights
you can be compelled to self incriminate as long as its not your case and they cant directly use that evidence against you lmao pity about parallel reconstruction innit
LMAO holy shit ok so they can just have parliament suspend any part of the constitution they like for five years
whats in sections 2 and 7-15 probably nothing important right
as noted elsewhere the cHaRtEr opens by "*explicitly limiting its guarantees** to whatever someone decides is "reasonable" at any given point
its a single sentence setting the stage for their bill of rights and the sentence is "dont take this stuff too seriously"
historical tidbits
- the last time habeas corpus was suspended was under trudeaux adoptive father
- canada had internment camps in **WWI.** above and beyond
-- there was an assassination plot involving someone with the most canadian name imaginable, Thomas D'Arcy McGee
canadian followers im sorry im horrified by your country and im just going to be going off full tilt for a while
you have to understand we thought you were just like us only more polite and boring. now we are awakening to find your government system has garbage for decades
theres nothing a proper american takes more offense at than a badly designed system of government
"buh buh buh you impose Parliamentary systems on your conquered foes!" yes to keep them down and remind them they dont deserve better
canadas second-highest order of merit honors those who want to get the fuck out of canada
canadians i wish you the best of luck in overthrowing your government and in the mean time i am grateful for the object lesson you are giving america
we ALL KNOW the "rus people" were the result of relentless conquest by norsemen of supine slavs. their entire "culture" is downstream of the longship and the seax
if anything we should insist on the return of muscovy and kyiv to the dominion of Great Uppsala
russia has NEVER BEEN an independent state! first they paid tribute to the Norsemen; then they knelt before debauched Byzantium and adopted the superficialities of their Pantokrator with none of his glory or might
after THAT they were trounced repeatedly by Mongols for centuries, paying tribute
muscovy rose to prominence as the servile tax collectors of the golden khans and we should never let the descendants of the conspiracy of silence forget their debased ancestry