... bike repair stations in Fresno, can the Safety funds cover this?
Jill Gormley: No.
Susan: What if it included educational signage on how to repair bikes.
Jill: That could ,but we don't have time to put something together.
Safety Awards:
We have a form to nominate someone for safety awards, sent by Phil, who said previously according to Jill, will be sending these to the councilmember offices. The community can get them as well.
According to Carla: They will be posted on the BPAC city website.
@climateadvocat1 : Is it possible to get the nomination form in Spanish?
Carla Gonzalez: We don't have anything right now, but we can work on it.
Jill Gormley: Phil's wife is a translator and did the CMACtv ads for us.
Vote is unanimous to approve the forms to change the contact info form Jill to Carla.
PD Collision report, emailed by officer John Belli (not present tonight).
No one from the public commenting.
They almost skipped over Vision Zero!
We will have a presentation finished by the March BPAC meeting. Will meet with our councilmembers in the interim.
Barstow Bikeway (Scott Sehm)
Scott: This plan was prepared by a consultant for the next STBG grant program. There was one more we had a consultant work on. We are working on accelerating it and implementing video detection. fresno.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&…
Scott Sehm: We are working on a pretty typical class IV project. Other Class IVs have not turned out as we hopped due to residential driveways. Barstow almost exclusively has commercial driveways spaced far apart from each other. The green paint does not reflect our standards ...
... the consultant did this.
We will incude bike boxes as seen here, conflict zones will be highlighted around driveways. There are some areas were it will be class II's instead of Class IV's.
Traffic signals will go in at Barstow/Bond in about 3 years thanks to STBG funds.
A locally funded signal will also go in at 10th and barstow.
Although the class IV will precede all of these, we will be designing it to complement both of these upcoming projects.
Slurry seal will be provided where needed. Although we will
@LauraGromis1 : Where does it switch to class II and could it be the standard to include green paint where it is class II?
Scott Sehm: I don't know, but we can't arbitrarily do different designs at different locations for no reason or else there is no point in having standards.
Scott Sehm: It's a maintenance issue if it is green everywhere and also it could be ignored if everything is green.
Steven Bradley: It is all green paint leading towards state capital and people drive over that all the time.
Scott Sehm: MMA paint is a significant cost ...
... to the project and to maintain. Making it all green means we can't keep it green long-term. If you look at the green paint at Palm and Herndon, the first one in Fresno, it hasn't been painted since it was installed in 2017.
Nick Paladino: I see that you are going for a 6 foot bicycle travel way. Caltrans says that 7 feet is preferred. Though you do exceed the 5 feet minimum, I don't know if Barstow needs 11 feet travel lanes. What about 10.5 feet?
Nick Paladino: This might attract children, you need to have space for tricycles and more. Clovis might be looking into doing 7 feet with concrete curbs and giving us a run for our money. Since it's not a truck route, give it 7 feet.
Jill: This cross section has 6 feet lanes, but on the drawing it is 8 feet labeled.
Scott Sehm: Some of these could be widder and the buffer narrower. I don't know why the consultant did the labeling like this.
Public Comment:
Anthony Molina: There is supposed to be a trail east of Cedar one day. Could you explain the video detection?
Scott Sehm: Instead of the loop detection that is standard in Fresno, we are using cameras similar to what is in Clovis.
You can detect the speed of trucks and do other amazing things in the software. The city had locations in the past where they had cameras and the software was never updated and became obsolete. Recently, they fixed issues with fog and wind. They know where in the lane they ...
... are supposed to look. On this street you can put your bike anywhere in the green and the camera will detect you. Though this won't be on Palm/Belmont.
On to Trail Wayfinding.Presented by Carla Gonzalez
We are going to have the final public meeting of the study in March.
The website isn't updated yet, but we will have a plan out for public review for 30 days.
The links will be updated when the city uploads the plans.
PARCS update (Shelby McNab)
Current grant award from the office of traffic safety that allows us to do some bike rodeos and more.
We are looking to purchase a larger display for safety messages to draw ppl to booths.
Shelby McNab: The purpose of tonight is just to reintroduce myself to you and say we would be very interested in having your expertise.
Steven Bradely: Would parks be interested in using our PSAs we already made?
Shelby: Yes! I can coordinate with Jill to get access.
On to Mary Church with a grant update:
Mary Church: I am working on a project for the Measure C transit oriented development grant. It has to do with SOUTH BLACKSTONE MOBILITY PLAN!
Mary Church: We are working on the segment from Pine to 180.
We need information to cost-estimate this project. So we are using the measure C application to get competitive in order to fund this project.
We are looking for a letter of recommendation from BPAC tonight.
Any questions?
Tony Molina: This is making blackstone a complete street?
Mary: The work is to get a design that will be feasible for the city to implement.
Me: Is there any chance that this would include Bus only lanes?
Mary: I can't really give you an answer to the question, at the moment, but I know what you are referring to. This study would help identify the feasibility of this.
@LauraGromis1 had to leave the meeting, we no longer have a quorum.
Jill: technically if we already had a quorum set, we can still vote. 🧐
Vote was unanimous other than @climateadvocat1 abstaining due to being on the Measure C oversight committee.
The annual report is a summary of anything relating to complete streets.
⏺️ Lane miles of Class IV/II/Trail facilities constructed 🚴
⏺️ Linear feet of New/Repaired Sidewalks🚶
⏺️ Transit stops added/ improved frequencies🚍
⏺️ New street trees planted🌳
Me: My only question is what is meant by Bike Lane-miles?
Jill: Lane miles is the amount of bike lanes on both sides of the street.
@PhilArballo reads the agenda changes, Officer Belli's report and Midtown trail update are going to be coming first because staff needs to leave earlier.
Officer Belli reads the collision stats 2 fatal collisions since the last meeting. 2 other collisions not listed here includes when a drunk driver hit a man eating in front of a Taco Truck. Another was hit in an alley. abc30.com/taco-truck-cra…
A representative from HSR wanted a letter of support for a grant to fund improvements for the area surrounding the future HSR station, he wasn't on the agenda so BPAC couldn't vote before the July 12th deadline.
Segment 2 (shields between Fresno and First street) is set to be awarded for construction for June.
Segment 5() out for bid and hoping to award in June.
Both Segments will be under construction this year!
Segments 3/4 scheduled for fall 2021 award construction this winter.
Segment 1 is currently going through a geometric approval process to eliminate a through lane to provide space for the trail. Construction anticipated Spring 2022.
Gene Richards: Segment 5 is where the planes go over, they aren't going to have any trees?
Jason Miller: There will be landscaping, but it won't be very tall and is required to not attract wildlife by FAA.
Gene Richards: "Why is is so hard for public works to share the plans...
The plan, which included paths surrounded by trees, a central water feature, and a pedestrian plaza for the County Library has mostly sat on a shelf for nearly 2 decades.
"On April 14, 1947, by a yes vote of 71 percent, the citizens of Fresno approved a bond issue to purchase the land between Fresno, Mariposa, N and O Streets to create a public green space."
Of course, then it became a parking lot for 50 years!