As I witness the vicious dehumanization occurring in Ukraine, by Ukrainians towards Russians, the tone of rhetoric is only slightly more toxic than what you find here in Canada. Several conservative politicians & many supporters walk a dangerous line.
@ethniccanuck The dehumanization witnessed for this war is disturbing. But it’s also a rational adaptation to the current situation.
Fight or flight kicks in when we are under existential threat. A paradigm shift occurs to permit individuals to defend themselves & their loved ones.
@ethniccanuck No longer does our mental frame include all human beings as deserving of respect and compassion. It changes to reject those that are causing the threat. That shift must occur to use deadly force. To allow reasonable compassionate people to kill ‘othered’ human beings.
Weird all these cross connections that lead to Russia.
Just so weird.
Did I forget to mention that Putin, Flynn and Carpay/JCCF are all using evangelical religious Dominionist tactics to recruit and indoctrinate.
What’s interesting, is that they represent 3 different religious sects. Putin is Orthodox Catholic, Flynn is Protestant Evangelical, and Carpay is Roman Catholic. Demonstrating the willingness of sects to put their differences aside in pursuit of a common cause.
So when you’ve finished stating your opinion on Kenney’s dictator side show, please remember a Justice Minister who interferes with administration of law enforcement has attempted to obstruct Justice.
Which in Canada, and Alberta, remains a crime.
Kenney is permitting corruption to define and represent his regime.
There are radical left progressives working especially hard to criticize the moderates (read centrists, liberals and moderate socialists) and their “apparent” indifference to or support of Nazi and fascist ideology.
Even more progressive lefties fail to realize this is propaganda and disinformation generated by the far right who have infiltrated the left, or by delusional people who see the world in black and white rigidity.
If you are still struggling to understand what is happening in global politics, please listen to this episode of this podcast.
It’s an excellent overview of the ideological beliefs that are the foundations of Putin’s and Russia’s motivation.…
It provides the historical context for Russia’s war on Ukraine. It explains the global appeal of this narrative and identifies the people most in support to remove liberalism and create a world where absolute authority reigns.
If you’re stuck on “it sounds like a conspiracy theory” then don’t bother.
But if you want to understand the historical context and the level of danger the globe is in, please listen.
An Alberta provincial justice minister who has been confirmed by the judiciary to have interfered with law enforcement is moved to the immigration file, not fired for corruption.
People like Putin start with interfering with law enforcement. They end up approving thermobaric bombs killing innocent civilians in their demand for absolute power.
Yes. There is a lot of space between Madu and Putin. But that’s where it starts. When corruption is ignored and permitted. When the corrupt act with impunity, they become bolder and crave more power.
The public MUST demand the removal of Madu from the legislature.