Joe Murgia Profile picture
Mar 1 91 tweets 23 min read
1 @ufogarage - #ufo #garage

#Lue: At this point, #UFOs really aren't weird, but pineapple on pizza IS kind of weird. UFOs are now kind mainstream & people are like, "Meh."

Lue likes pineapple w/Pina Colada. (Mandalay Bay pool has AMAZING PCs! ~Joe)

2 Lue: UFOs/UAP - Some people are like, "Just call them UFOs!!!" But there are reasons for UAP. We're not even sure these are flying. With flight, you have thrust, lift, drag & weight. When u understand those, u create lifting bodies & you can fly. But the things we're seeing
3 Lue: don't even have wings, any obvious signs of propulsion or the things we normally associate w/flight. And BTW, we're also seeing them in water & space. Are they really flying? Well, they're in the air: aerial phenomenon. Case in point (holds up small model of a plane),
4 Lue: U have wings & lifting & different forces that act on that. And u fly. Think of a 737 from NY to LA. But UFOs don't have any of those associated technologies. So, to say they're flying may not be accurate. They're moving around in the sky but flight may not even be part
5 Lue: of the calculus.

Lue: I've never said this publicly: People say...u had that show (Unidentified) & I say, Well, we did that as part of our (TTSA's) public engagement & I'm not really a TV guy. Not who I am as I prefer to stay in the shadows. I remember when the show was
6 Lue: green-lit & everybody was giddy & super happy & I got this call from some folks in NY who offered up congrats on the show getting picked up. They had this happy hour for us to tell us, "Hey, this is gonna be great!" I feel bad now, looking back, bc I didn't mean it in a
7 Lue: bad way...but I looked at one of the producers & said, "Wanna know how to find out when ur show is gonna get cancelled?" And she said, "How?" She was hoping for intel on how to know when a show is going get cancelled. I said, "The day you find out it gets green-lit
8 Lue: because no show is forever (Although, I started shooting Pawn Stars on @HISTORY in 2009 and it's still going strong. Just without me!). Yes, this is time for celebration but it's also a funeral to some degree bc there will come a day where the show will end, for any
9 Lue: number of reasons (ratings tank or cast doesn't want to do it any more), so always be humble & don't get too big for your britches & get too full of yourself & say. "Oh, this is it! Now, we're number 1!" No show last forever. Back then: We're on a mission & if you think
10 Lue: the reason we're doing the show is to sell advertisements, ur wrong. We're doing this bc we believe in this cause & we're gonna do our very best & reevaluate in 2 years. "Unidentified" was a means to an end, to get the conversation started. It was one pillar of 5 pillars
11 Lue: that we've been aggressively attacking. It's hard for some folks in Hollywood bc they think once you have a show, you're success. I disagree. I think it's just the beginning. It served a purpose & is when that purpose was achieved, it was time to do something else.
12 Lue: Maybe in the future they'll be times to do it again. I don't know (Lue has spoken about being part of a #UFO doc that will be the best ever. I'm paraphrasing). Right now, we're focused on getting our gov't, Congress, our executive branch, & our intelligence & defense
13 Lue: communities, & people...all informed. I prefer doing things like this show & others bc it's real, authentic & it's now, as opposed to taping something that airs five months later. Live shows are what it's really about & this a great way to share ideas.
14 Joe asks what we (UFO community) should talk about more.

Lue: Talk to your kids & find out more about their lives & school, etc. Need to invest in the next generation & ourselves & stop investing in reality shows & the Kardashians (Lue just said, "Keeping Up with the...")
15 Lue: That's our priority & we're seeing it as a nation. We're seeing a slow & steady decay of what we consider priorities for humanity. We don't see ourselves as individuals. In Hollywood (where he spent time when he lived in Cali), people wanted to know, "What do you do?"
16 Lue: instead of, "Who are you?" or "How are you?" or "What's your name?" People wanted to know if they could get something from you or if they're higher or lower on the social steps. Very transactional. We lose a little big of our humanness. We should ask out kids about what
17 Lue: they think about world issues like Russia/Ukraine, climate change & ask if they think it's important or if other issues are more important. Need to invest in the next generation. Greatest national treasure we have is ourselves/our children. Spend time w/each other.
18 Ben: What would you give up in your life to know the while truth about the phenomenon, the history of human beings and consciousness?

Lue: Real truth is real freedom but it doesn't necessarily equate to real happiness. People are looking for the next dopamine hit. I think we
19 Lue: lose touch, sometimes, in the pursuit of that ultimate truth. "I'm not sure we're ever going to get to the bottom of it. We're species that loves to ask questions & inquire but there's still a lot to this Universe we don't know about." We've been around as Homo sapiens
20 Lue: sapiens for the last 100,000 years. Life on this planet is divided into the plant kingdom, animal kingdom & fungus. We were happy, & then a little bit more than 100 years ago, someone came up & said there's this entire invisible reality on this planet. In fact, there is
21 Lue: is a life form right in front of us where if you took all of the biomass of ALL the people, animals, plants, trees, and fungus, &i put it all together, it still would not equal the biomass of this hidden kingdom of life on Earth. And that's microorganisms, which are,
22 Lue: frankly, truly the dominant life form on Earth. And it was right in front of our faces & hidden from us for millennia. We're constantly realizing, as a species, really how insignificant we r. And here we are having a conversation about the Universe. What a contradiction.
23 Lue: "Can you have matter exist w/o space. No, you have to have a space for matter to exist within. It has to reside there. And to some degree, space is defined by how much matter you have in it. So the two kind of need each other to exist.
24 Lue gets in a discussion that he had on the podcast a few days ago w/Lehto & @TheSkateCase.

What if one person popped into a universe & there's nothing else but u & empty space. How to know how big u are or size of Universe?

You can read that here:

25 Lue: Our Universe could simply be within an atom of another universe. Our it could be the big universe. We sit in this middle point of scale - not size but scale - where you have, roughly, 90 billion light years of distance within the known Universe, & we kind of sit right in
26 Lue: in the middle of it. As infinitesimally small & insignificant as that may seem, there's an equal amount of space in every single human being. If u compare an atom, which is 1 x 10 -26 in size, WE are the universe compared to the atom. We sit right in the middle of the
27 Lue: known universe. And unless something is one order degree magnitude, above or below, we'll never see it, we'll never be able to interact with it bc it's either too big or too small. So therefore, by definition, the majority of the known Universe is beyond our grasp.
28 Lue: We have to figure out better ways to look at it & understand it. We don't even understand ourselves. How many people go to a therapist bc they're trying to figure shit out? We don't even understand ourselves as a species.
29 Don't understand ourselves as a species, let alone the Universe. Part of my regret is that there are other humans that seek to monopolize the conversation & provide a false narrative about UAPs. Maybe they're making $ on it, or they're insecure, or they want attention.
30 Lue: Or they have some deep psychosis. Either way, they're trying to rob us from having a conversation. Doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what u think & what the data suggests bc everybody is on this own personal journey together. We're all going somewhere together
31 Lue: but each & every one of us is gonna get there a little differently. Some will walk. Some will run. Some will skip. We still have a lot to learn & humility & has humbleness is one of those lessons. Dammit, we just keep tripping over the same rock, man. There's an old
32 Lue: saying: Hubris is a bitch. And there's a reason for that. Learn your lessons. Stop pretending to be something you're not!

Ben: Is everything one? Or not?

Lue: It's all connected, I think, is fair to say. Scientists are looking at string theory or holographic theory
33 Lue: about our Universe. Discussions going on in the scientific community with now about what human consciousness really is. Not talking about sitting in the Lotus position and meditating. Talking about the processes that occur within the human brain that signify...
34 Lue: Is it possible that consciouses is part of that thing that is all encompassing of what a human being really is? If you were to imagine distilling a human down to its actual essence & that is what you have left over once the carbon body is gone & what not, the organics.
35 Lue: What's left behind? That's the great mystery of the Universe. Is that (consciousness, or what's left behind when we die) how (speculating) people remote view & psychic abilities & all these things that appear to be paranormal, when in reality may have a very perfectly
36 Lue: rational explanation? It's just part of a hidden kingdom to which we're all connected. It's possible. Hard to measure things u can't see or feel or touch or taste? You measure that in the value of love, expression & art. Things that are intangible but are expressions of
37 Lue: the human spirit. Random acts of kindness, people who give more than they take. Don't wanna get too esoteric but I think human consciousness is something that we don't really understand very well. I think it is, potentially, something that is beyond the carbon units that
38 Lue: we call a human being. If I'm in combat & lose a leg or arm, I'm still Lue, minus a couple of limbs. You're not defined by what you see in the mirror or by what you think or how you think. There is something else that makes us who you are. What is that elusive property
39 Lue: that we're looking for? This 4th element, if you will, of matter. "Does it lie I'm the spiritual word? I've been privy to some pretty extraordinary things. I don't talk about them publicly but I tend to be a fairly rational-minded guy. I went to school & studied science
40 Lue: "and have degrees in that field & believe in the scientific method & process. But there are other elements out there that science can't explain yet. And I think it's OK, & I think we should be weary of poo pooing it & being like, "Nah, that doesn't exist." Well, OK, but
42 Lue: "there was a time when people didn't know electricity existed. You saw lightning in in the sky: Ooh, the Gods are angry! You had no idea it was electrons moving from cloud to cloud." We laugh about it now but for a lot of people it was the Gods being angry. We're always
43 Lue: teaching each other & learning from each other, hopefully, & not trying stifle each other's thoughts, dreams and hopes.

Lue's greatest experience of his life has been being a father to his daughters. He almost lost his wife & youngest daughter during childbirth so
44 Lue: he knows what it's like to almost lose a loved one. Greatest experience UFO-related is interacting with real people who want to share ideas & improve other people's lives, even if it's just w/a handshake or a hug. He spent a good portion of his life in a career field
45 Lue: that one can argue, you're destroying human beings. I'm at a point in my life where I'd like to spend the rest of my life trying to put them back together, if I could.
46 Lue: Personal truth is belief in religion/gov't culture. Then there are universal truths like gravity. Nobody escapes that. Everybody is affected by it the same. Is a universal truth, truly universal? Can that truth even be subjective to some degree? We're on a journey of
47 Lue: discovery & it's OK to ask the questions. Be brave & be bold in your questioning of everything & everyone. The truth has nothing to fear or hide. The truth sometimes whispers but if u listen carefully enough, you can hear her speak. That's what we should pay attention to.
48 Lue: Everybody has their own personal truth. As real as our personal truths may be to ourselves, they may not be real to other people & vice verse. We don't relate to each other or respect each other very well. Mentions the story about three blind men touching the elephant.
49 Lue: One is touching the trunk, one is touching the ear, one is touching the foot and they're all describing something completely & totally opposite of each other and yet it's part of the same animal, the same structure. I'm not a philosopher & this is just my perspective.
50 Lue: I'm just speaking from my heart and it doesn't necessarily mean I'm right. Ask me a Q & I'll provide an answer where I feel, in my heart, that it's true but at the end of the day it's up to others to decide.

As far as Lue not being able to answer certain Qs...
51 Lue: My wife says I need 2 come up w/something different. U need 2 figure something out. You can't keep telling people, "no" any more. OK, but what do I say?

Lue covers what happens (polygraph) when u have a clearance. He spoke about it the other day:

52 Lue: "And yes, it's very stressful for me & sometimes very painful when I know an answer & I'm just not at liberty to say." But I took an oath and I'm gonna honor it. Me not violating my oath is why we have come this far in the convo. I can go to Capitol Hill & talk to certain
53 Lue: people there bc they know they can trust me. They know I'm not gonna sell them out. They know I'm not gonna violate that trust under any circumstances. You can do whatever you want to me, I'm not gonna violate that trust. And to me, trust means everything. Either you're
54 Lue: loyal to it or ur not. I made a promise & I'm gonna keep it.

Joe asks why good credit is important 4 his security clearance.

Lue: It's important bc if I get into financial trouble & my credit rating takes a dive, I may be vulnerable to offers to spy 4 the enemy for $.
55 Lue: Folks who that happened to (notable spies) were Albert James & Robert Hanssen & they did it to make $ & pay off their debts. They didn't want to lose their clearances or status.

Lue: I took my oath to American people & to our institution. It was NOT to the bureaucracy.
56 Lue: People think the gov't is this big monolithic thing & we have do what it says. No, we don't. We are the masters of the gov't, not the other way around. We cannot allow apathy to subjugate us. Bc it will. Gov't will. All governments will, eventually, if you'e not careful.
57 Lue: Old saying: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Gov't should be wielded & managed. Don't think government's job is 2 manage us, it's our job 2 manage gov't. Vote in local elections & make sure right people get in. Bad politicians are elected by good people who don't vote.
58 Q in chatroom about millions of missing people

Lue: "I'm not sure it's millions but it's substantial. There's enough people who wind up missing that someone needs 2 look into it. We know for a fact that folks over in France, an organization, GEIPAN,…
59 Lue: "has been looking into missing persons on the French countryside that just disappeared. Just gone, vanished, like they never existed. We've had reports here in the United States of individuals being gone for days at a time. In other cases, people with missing time.
60 Lue: "I happen 2 have a very good friend & colleague of mine. I haven't talked 2 him in a while. He was - I'll be careful what I say here - a patient of a effort in the gov't as it relates 2 this topic. And, u know, he had missing time. And it's something we should look into.
61 Lue: "I think it's too early to say, 'Well, these people are being abducted & it's being caused by, you know, those things, whatever they are that are flying. But we do need to look at it. And if it turns out, that's the case, then we've got some hard questions we
62 Lue: "need 2 ask ourselves. Bc ur right. Where I come from, as a former special agent, if u take someone away from their location against their will, that's called kidnapping. And by the way, if I touch you, that's called assault. So now we're talking two felonies right there.
63 Lue: "God forbid, anything else, right? Anything else, it only gets worse from that. So, I don't think that the conversation about things being aways benevolent & good is necessarily accurate. Again, that's a personal truth, not a universal truth, so. I really think we need
64: Lue: "to have that conversation at some point. And this is why you see now, in the @gillibrandny law that was passed, that we're gonna look at biological effects. That's bc of people like you, John, who are curious about this & say, 'Hey, is there a connection?' Well, u know
65 Lue: "what? That's a damn good question, let's find out.




Continued soon...

There's some good stuff in those last few tweets, starting at 58...
66 Q: Is there an impending event that relates to recent disclosure efforts?

Lue: "This is a high-evolving topic right now. We're learning stuff every day. I think people would be shocked & some would be amazed at some of the things that are happening. If you're focused on the
67 Lue: "three videos, that just got the conversation started. There's a lot more & it's getting the attention of some very senior people."

Q about gravity.

Lue: We still don't know what the hell gravity is. We know the effects of it. But is it a particle, a field, a wave,
68 Lue: "or is it something completely & totally more bizarre? What we DO know, is if you have two objects in space, that the space-time between those two objects is different than the space around those objects, on the outside. Why? Why does matter perturb space & time the way
69 Lue: "that it does? How does space know that it's there? Why does space react that way? And time? So, that tells you that there's some fundamental principles we don't understand yet. Space & time are connected but why & how? And why does it matter that mass in the Universe
70 Lue: "perturbs it? We all sorts of mathematical equations that can describe it but we still don't know what it is. Is it a leach over effect? Is it one of the fundamental forces that, technically, should be much much stronger? Why is it so much weaker? Well, it
71 Lue: "bleeding off into another universe or a dimension? These are all real hypotheses that have been postulated by very smart people in academia & physicists. We have no idea what gravity is."

Q: Is low observability consistent? And what other stealth tactics do they use?
72 Lue: "Low observability was coined bc it was hard to see both with the naked eye. It was hard to see electro-optically & it was hard to see with thi,ngs like radar. So, the question is: Why? And turns out there that were some principles suggested in physics that if you
73 Lue: "understand the technology behind it, then low observability is a natural byproduct of that technology. It's gonna be hard to see unless u power DOWN the vehicle, the technology. Once it's powered up, ur gonna get this weird effect, bubble, around the object, the vehicle.
74 Lue: "And as a result, it's gonna be extremely difficult to see bc it's like looking at a Koi fish underneath a pond. It looks distorted, it looks wavy. When in reality, the fish isn't distorted or wavy, it's the way that light behaves when it hits the water & is reflected
75 Lue: "and refracted back into the eye. The fish is fine, it's not wavy at all. It just appears that way. We may be seeing something very similar, vis a vis the phenomenon of gravitational lensing."

Will finish tomorrow. Falling asleep as I type.
76 How are FLIR videos are captured...

Lue: Ultimately, it boils down to technology that is looking at a very, very, VERY narrow spectrum called the electro-optical spectrum. So when u look at the electromagnetic spectrum, & u start on one end & u work your way ALL the way up,
77 Lue: until eventually u get to this little teeny band we call visible light. Then u move up into ultraviolet & ultimately into x-ray & to gamma radiation, right? We perceive the entire Universe thru this little tiny slit of colors we call visible light. To us, that's the
78 Lue: Universe, everything, right? But in reality, it's not. It's just a tiny little sliver. Electro-optical guns cameras are looking at energy through that range (holds his hands close together) of visible light - like you see on a black & white TV - and just a little below,
79 Lue: like infrared & heat, & just a little bit above. But it's still super, super narrow. It's really tough bc we think that this pieces of equipment is so incredibly capable - & some of them are. When you get into hyper, hyper spectral technology, now ur looking at a much
80 Lue: wider swath. Think of a much bigger lens that u can see stuff with. But in reality, most of the technology we have is designed for combat aircraft. And let's face it, a MiG-25 or an Su-22 is can see it. So a gun camera works just fine. But when you're
81 Lue: with a technology - & like you mentioned, even stealth & stuff like that - where low observability is prt of its design, then you have to develop other sensors that complement that camera system, And we do. You have LIDAR & laser technology now, that u can use, to "ping"
82 Lue: a target or paint the target. Hyperspectral technology. You've got all sorts of stuff.

Q: Are people who are being physically affected by these things being studied at universities?

Lue: I can't answer that right now bc I can't speak on behalf of those institutions
83 Lue: that might or might not be involved. I don't have their permission to do that. I will tell you that data IS being looked at but I can't say by who. Not that I don't know, but I can't say that right now.
84 Q on Roswell

Lue: "I think people would be surprised 2 know there's more 2 Roswell than I think most people are aware of. Some people are aware of it. But, u know, there's more 2 Roswell & there's other similar incidents that r equally compelling."

Like these in EWD email?👇🏼
85 Lue: "I wanna be careful bc look, I wasn't around 4 Roswell & we have 2B careful bc we don't want anecdotes 2 cloud facts, right? Bottom line, it's a really cold case, it happened a long, long time ago. And those people who were involved, most of them are dead, quite frankly."
86 Lue: "Let's look at this from an empirical data perspective. OK, let's just suspend what people know right now of Roswell, or what they think they know. If a balloon crashes, I'm probably gonna send a staff sergeant & probably a couple of privates to go retrieve the balloon.
87 Lue: "And I'll probably send a little small security detail - a couple of MPs, to go out and just secure the area, make sure no one trips over it. I wouldn't necessarily send a senior officer with a lot of people and a flatbed trailer, low-boy trailer with three axels, that
88 Lue: "are designed to carry, heavy, heavy, heavy weights...and big objects...for a mylar balloon. That's not the way we do business, you know? You don't do that, you don't send an army out to write a speeding ticket. That's not the way it works."
89 Ben: "Or backhoes to move large amounts of dirt."

Lue: "Right. Balloons don't do that. You don't need that for a balloon crash. You need 2 people, that's it. And probably the trunk of a jeep. And that's it. And done. One & done. That's some of the things that people should
90 Lue: "consider when ur looking @ a cold case like this. Why is it u had this asymmetric response 2 a balloon, of all things?

Lue says he grew the beard & got rid of the goatee bc he didn't want it 2B a distraction or be known for that. Cult of personality type of thing. [END]
92 Lots of people thank me 4 these tweet transcripts. They take a lot of time. If u REALLY appreciate this & my other work, have the financial ability, & would like 2 support my efforts

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More from @TheUfoJoe

Feb 28
1 Tom Mahood:…

"Aside from dealing with Lazar’s science being absolute rubbish, I also need to discuss what those glowing objects, seen by many over Groom Lake, actually were. They were, as I apparently didn’t lay out forcefully enough 20 years ago, the
2 Mahood: "result of the operation of a proton beam device. I repeat….THEY WERE GODDAMNED PARTICLE BEAMS!!! There, having said that I feel much better.

"Now I didn’t exactly pull that theory out of my ass. It was, um….suggested to me that I might want to pay a visit to my
3 Mahood: "university library and look up something called the Bragg Curve. In essence, it relates how far charged particles can penetrate into matter given their initial energy."
Read 4 tweets
Feb 28
1/4 Full disclosure: After fees, I make about $400/month w/Patreon. And then, whatever folks send on Pay Pal/Venmo. Usually, it's minimal. 2 wks ago, it was good bc of 3 generous peeps. I'm grateful for any and all support! ❤️ You have no idea. But...
2/4 Bills (mostly rent) are $2K+/month, not including food. My TV work (which pays more per day than I make per month on the UFO stuff) is dead right now. Thankfully, I did the NHL All Star game. I apply for a lot of jobs, but so far, nothing. I'd give up the great TV money to do
3/4 UFOs FT, but so far, that's not possible. I know YT is considered more valuable by most folks but it's hard to find time for everything. And yet, I will! Lue (& other) transcripts are VERY time consuming.

Reminder: On Patreon, u can support me for as little as $1 or $2/month
Read 5 tweets
Feb 26
1 I'll focus only on #UFO talk #lehto

Chris: ATFLIR pod is 550 lbs, or heavier. (Online says 420 lbs)

Lue: If they're pulling 4 Gs, ATFLIR is 4 times heavier. From a physics perspective, instantaneous acceleration is really hard 2 pull off. Some UAP are pulling 600, 700, 800 Gs
2 Side Note: (Michael Via told me that Paul Hill (author of Unconventional Flying Objects) are NOT engaging in instantaneous acceleration. But it appears that way. More on that at a near-future date. ~Joe)
3 Lue: We tend to look at, certainly in military perspectives and classic science as you learn in school, and in Newtonian physics. Any object in motion, tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Force = Mass x Acceleration. Fascinated that ur (@TheSkateCase)
Read 107 tweets
Feb 26
1 "We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act
2 "independently, it demands that we don't do so... I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!

"This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico ... They took us over
3 "because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 24
1 Lue on with @WitnessCitizen & @JayCKing78...

Start out with a question about Russia & how the invasion began long before yesterday/today. The ground invasion is what began yesterday/today. Part of the blame goes to us for failing to recognize the signs over the past 10 years.
2 That blame goes to conservatives & liberals. Good generals avoid war. Some bullies only understand force.

Lue mentions the fraudsters & hucketers who actually have criminal record for fraud and identity theft and in some cases, being violent against their female counterpart.
3 That truth will come out and it will take a toll on this (UFO/UAP) community. People who follow those hucksters will be turned off to the subject. Lue has no problem with opposition views but DOES have a problem with people who deliberately mislead others.
Read 97 tweets
Feb 24
I know some folks are personally affected by what's going on in Ukraine & want nothing to do w/UFO news right now. I understand. I'm going 2 continue doing what I do & if people want to ignore it, I understand. Hopefully, things don't deteriorate from here. I AM paying attention.
2 Ex-wife #2 (Iva), who is still my roommate, is of Estonian heritage so there's a history with the Soviet Union there, too. One thing she pointed out to me is The Singing Revolution. I had no idea.

"Estonia, which had endured foreign occupation for centuries, joined its fellow
3 "Baltic Republics of Latvia and Lithuania in a nonviolent movement that enabled them to become independent from the Soviet Union in 1991. Beginning in the mid-1980s, Estonians began taking advantage of their unique and rich cultural tradition, particularly in choral music, to
Read 5 tweets

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