the reason I am sharing under the #RussiaUkraine hashtag is that there are multiple mentions in the 2 volumes about Ukraine, and Manafort, and Manafort also worked ten years as a lobbyist for former Ukrainian president Yanukovych, Putin's buddy, Trump's 2016 campaign manager.
Trump, Putin Tories & #Brexshit are very closely linked.
the FSB made use of Facebook
Russia needs to be recognised for the evil it is. they use Facebook to rile up the very worst sections of societies. This Ukraine invasion has been a long standing plan
there's lot's of interesting stuff, but now I'm gonna turn to another issue, which many people will not be aware of, and the West has chosen to ignore at its peril
Putin has an advisor, who wrote a book, about:
regaining the lands and power the USSR lost
years and years ago
his name is Dugin
this is the logo he designed (remind you of anything)
those Trump supports taking part in insurrection on the 6th Jan
idolise him!
can anyone see where I'm going???!!!
Putin had a plan, and it started with oligarchy, donations and information warfare.
Facebook made it REAL easy to stir up the racists, fascists & brextremists
achieving #Brexshit & Trump were part of his plan to create a new world order
this is Dugin's most important book, that Russia teaches in schools and who the Russian military are ALL very familiar with.
Oil to exert power & influence
now this is where I jump in to Ukraine
Putin and his media had already prepared for a successful overthrow of independent Ukraine
sadly, the article has now been taken down, but I screenshot it immediately, and others on twitter can verify it was circulating at 8am 2 days after troops invaded Ukraine. (I'll add in links to their tweets later)
this information warfare leading up to Putin's arrogance to invade has other levers:
I maintain ministers only listen to their Koch funded Tufton St, so called "think tanks" advocating for supply side policy changes, and to the loony toon #GBD#HART & #UsForThem antivaxx / mask arseholes.......