Good Morning Sweetlings, Beautiful Monsters and Fabulous Disasters. A rip roaring start to the day with a phone call from local Mental Health Services, had a lovely chat, some advice and local contacts. Starting again in a new area can be difficult at the best of times!
Washing is on and whirring softly away to itself, singing the cleansing song of Machima. Got some cleaning to do next, new rota in place to make sure neither of us forget anything that needs doing.
Hopefully going to play some Cyberpunk 2077 later, new character joy!
Do you have plans for today, do you have good news that you'd like to share? Let me know how you're doing!
Always remember, that you do matter and your lives are important. You are special, unique and amazing. You bring light to the darkness, you bring a song to the hearts of those who love you. You are not alone, you are not a monster, you are not a fraud.
The head likes to lie to us in the darkness, it likes to lead us down paths of confusion. We mustn't feel guilty for enjoying ourselves or feeling happy, we are not defined by our Mental Health.
Be kind to your friends and those you care for, be patient with those who work so that you may survive this world.
Good Morning Sweetlings, Beautiful Monsters and Fabulous Disasters.
Sometimes I find myself staring blankly at the screen, waiting for words to form themselves on the digital canvas before me. And today is one of those days...
But you're typing these words, I hear you say!
Well, yes I am.
Constructing this was not easy, it took many forms in my fingers, fired across empty spaces between synapses. Thrown around like aa bag of ping pong balls, until it finally took form on the screen. And even then, a garbled message appeared and was quickly deleted
Words don't come easy to me, I'm not the most logical of people. I tend to flit from idea to idea, and before anything tangible becomes reality, it's gone within the next moment. Then some days I turn around, and words have somehow fallen haphazardly onto the screen, with no idea
Good Morning Sweetlings, Beautiful Monsters and Fabulous Disasters. In this world of chaos, I am just a tiny part of a system. I am what most would consider, a nobody, insignificant in anything I may do or say. Nothing I do will change anything in this world, so why bother to try
When others attack, they are often quick to point out how insignificant I am, how that I will never amount to anything and because I am poor, not famous or work my self to the bone for likes and retweets. They use that to dismiss my opinions.
They claim that because person X has money, fame or clout, that their opinion is all that matters. That what they do is for the good of all, that they obviously know what's right because they have 'MADE' something of themselves.
Good Morning Sweetlings, Beautiful Monsters and Fabulous Disasters. I'm in the process of cleaning the kitchen and have had to take a break, for me staring at light coloured surfaces for too long induces a headache as my brain tries to work out what's dirt and what's floaters.
That's why I like to make my surroundings darker, it's more pleasing and soothing to me as the darker colours negate the constant floaters in my eyes.
Life here in the Scottish Borders in proceeding nicely, we feel settled here.
I hope today brings you some peace from the constant barrage of noise from the world around you, and you find a reason to smile.
Reach out and tell someone you love them today, make sure you thank the folks that work to make our lives easier. Be patient, be kind
Good morning sweetlings, beautiful monsters and fabulous disasters. A fresh day, a new beginning, another chance to try again. Another day to explore who we are and how we can help each other, lift each other up and pave the way for those to come.
We don't have to be perfect, we don't have to have all the answers, we don't even have to know where we are going. We can reach out with love, hope and understanding. Our hands to balance the unsteady, our arms to carry the weak, our hearts to give compassion and ears to listen.
When we open our lives to the endless possibilities of diversity, we open ourselves up to love, we open ourselves up to freedom.
Head out today, proud of who you are, humble in your approach. Carry a song in your heart and remind yourself that you are beautiful, you are loved.
Good morning sweetlings, beautiful monsters and fabulous disasters. On this day, 30th of August 2017, I told the first person about the real me.
It's been a rollercoaster of a journey since that point. I've connected with people around the world, amazing people.
I learnt to love myself again, although I still struggle with MH issues. I thought I would never find love again, but I did. I can't see where my road will lead me, but I have a wonderful lady to walk with me, explore with me and lift me up with her love.
This journey has been the most challenging, exhausting and rewarding in recent years. I'm still fighting, I'm still learning and I'm never going to give up.. Neither should you, the path will be difficult but it is worth every moment.
I'm not sure what's going on with my head right now, but I am fully aware of imbalances in my state of mind. Yesterday I was overcome with a great sense of sadness, despair and emptyness. I'm in a great place right now, with a woman that I love, yet I'm lost.
In these rational moments, everything seems clear. I can see the depression for what it is, I can fight it, I have the weapons to beat it back and deal with it.
Recently I've been tired, and find myself unable to focus properly. I believe this has given negative thoughts an entry
My guard has been low, much like my overall mood.
I'm lucky, I have @JessicaNellH who takes me in her arms and tells me that we will get through this together.
Thank you to all those who reached out yesterday, your love was felt, your words were heard.