... mention US National Institute of Health sponsored study ⤵️ showing Masking in schools works, and that you expect @fordnation to be prudent and keep masking in schools .../4
... mention to @fordnation that Europe is already in another wave and #CovidIsNotOver, so he'd be wise to act right now, or wave#6 will hit just in time for his coming re-election campaign.
Mention to @fordnation that there are clear signs that wave number six is upon horizon here in Ontario.
Keep up with universal school masking, at the very least. This ⤵️ is Guelph, and Orangeville %Test_Positivity and wastewater data.
... mention to @fordnation that #Ontario is in a very bad state with high and rising %Test_positivity data , including by @WHO metrics.
Keep universal masking at the very least in schools. #CovidIsNotOver
... further mention to @fordnation , how on earth can it be fine allowing school boards to mandate dress w costly school uniforms, and yet @Sflecce claims 🙃 that school boards can't add wearing a mask as a requirement on their own during a pandemic‽ 🤯
"Long COVID in Children and Adolescents" Research paper ⤵️ is one of many reasons why we should continue to mask in schools, etc. for now :
"A total of 80,071 children and adolescents with COVID-19 were included. The prevalence of long COVID was 25.24% " medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
Tell @fordnation that China doesn't think BA.2 varient is mild. They are agressively acting to control it. Why isn't he keeping universal masking at least in schools?
... also tell @fordnation that with international flight restrictions lifted and masking mandates lifted, he can expect Province to follow England's path ⤵️ right into a new #COVID19 wave#6 just in time for his #Ontario provincial election campaign.
➡️ (in Guelph anyways) Feb 7: High Schools returned to indoor eating in cafeteria for lunch period.
Look what happened to % Positive Test results for ages 14-17, it jumped to top above 0-13ages. 🧐🤔 @WellingtonCath@ugdsb#onted