3. $RUNE is burnt to mint THOR.USD and THOR.USD is burned to redeem $RUNE.
A fee is paid to mint or redeem to prevent attacks.
4. The median price of USD is computed through Anchor pools that already exist.
These pools consist of $USDT, $USDC, $UST and $BUSD.
Down the line, more pools may be added. These pools will anchor the price of Thor.USD to the dollar.
5. Given that #ThorChain watches over these anchor pools already, it will know if the markets are being manipulated.
6. #THORChain guarantees on chain liquidity through the USD-RUNE pool.
This USD-RUNE pool does not have any LPs, all balances are virtual.
The $RUNE quantity in the pool is not counted against network security
7. This virtual pool ensures deepest stable pool in the network and therefore the cheapest stable by fee.
Both $RUNE and Thor.USD do not actually exist in the special virtual pool, it is only there to convey the burn and mint prices.
8. Fees collected will be added to the Thor.USD vault.
Using ThorChain, Thor.USD can be easily used with other chains. Just like the RUNE -USD pool, there exists other virtual pools for Thor.USD and other assets.
9. Fees collected from these pools are added to the Thor.USD vault, thus increasing yield.
Big news. Here's everything you need to know about it.
A thread 🧵👇
2. For the first time, BTC holders can easily move their BTC to #AVAX.
This means that they BTC holders can now use their BTC in the AVAX ecosystem.
3. BTC is yet to fully join Dapps and DeFi. But now, with the bridge, BTC will bring over a trillion dollar asset and connect it to the popping Avax network.
Here's your breakdown of lending, borrowing & saving on THORFi.
A thread🧵👇
2. Lending.
Users can borrow in THOR.USD by depositing collateral.
Collateral is in LP units of the primary asset of any chain. In other words, it will be in the units of ETH not ERC20s.
This makes the pools deeper and drives $RUNE price up.
3. Borrowers pay 0% interest. This is BIG. The way this works is, borrowers forego yield on their collateral and all loans must be open for a minimum of 100 days.
An age where creativity and imagination will become the primary creators of economic value.
In this thread I'm going to dive into what that the future holds, what it means for us and how crypto is enabling this to happen.
A thread👇🧵
2. The Imagination Age, coined by @RitaJKing, is a theoretical period beyond the Information Age where creativity and imagination will become the primary creators of economic value.
3. Most of what we're studying and learn in school is antiquated.
People are frustrated. Lots are dropping out. Everyone knows what we're studying and learning in school is useless.