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Mar 24 200 tweets 49 min read
1 @LueElizondo on with Linda Moulton Howe of @Earthfiles.


2 LMH: "Which one of your many investigations most convinced you that UAP/UFOs are advanced, non-human intelligences & technologies that interact with our planet, humans & animals? In all of that work that you did, was there a case, or a variety of something, that really
3 LMH: "convinced you - and I understand that I'm making the assumption that you now have a conviction that we are dealing in UAP/UFOs, with something that is OTHER than Homo sapien."

Lue: "I think, for me, is when you have the eyewitness testimony of fighter pilots, that is
4 Lue: "then backed up the elctro-optical data, or in this case, gun-camera footage, which is then backed up by radar data. And they're all describing the same event, at the same time, at the same place, under the same circumstances, and maneuvering in a way that is simply
5 Lue: "outside of our current understand of physics and aerodynamics, that really causes you to pause. Because what we're talking about is some sort of disruptive technology, and I don't mean disruptive in a negative way. What I mean disruptive by, by a game-changing technology
6 Lue: "that is beyond next generation. There is a natural arc to things when you talk about technological advancement, right? So, in order, for example, to have the super computer, first you go invent the computer. Before you invent the computer, you have to invent microchips
7 Lue: "and vacuum tubes and electricity. And there's a natural scale for technology to be, eventually, presented and used by humans. And in this case, we're looking at technology that we're nowhere even near ANY type of arc on being able to understand some of this...some of the
8 Lue: "performance characteristics. Case in point: Let's take this little aircraft, for example. This little airplane, this model airplane...flies. And it flies because there's four fundamental forces: You have thrust, lift drag and weight. And when you understand those forces,
9 Lue: "you can create a lifting body and fly. But there's really only a few ways we know how to fly, and through physics. And one is through actual flight. Another one is through buoyancy..."

LMH: "And that takes wings."

Lue: "It takes wings, correct! You have to have a
10 Lue: "lifting body, you have to create, basically, a low pressure over the wing, and a high pressure underneath, which creates lift. Another way to fly is through buoyancy, so think of a hot-air balloon, lighter than air, where the density inside that cavity is less than
11 Lue: "the density outside. And so, very much like oil to water, it tends to rise. And then another way is just sheer ballistics. Think about throwing a baseball in the air, with your arm. You can throw it with enough energy where Force = Mass x Acceleration. It will go up, and
12 Lue: "then eventually come back down. But there's really only three fundamental ways we know how to defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. What WE are witnessing are objects that can "fly," if you will, but without the associated technologies. No wings, no obvious signs
13 Lue: "of propulsion or thrust...not even a cockpit, no rivets. Nothing...not ailerons and rudders and control surfaces that we associate for maneuvering, and yet these things are in our atmosphere. And furthermore...

LMH: "And, they can travel at 12,000 miles an hour,
14 LMH: "that we record, and stop, mid-air, on a dime."

Lue: "One of the observables we had in the Pentagon was hypersonic velocity, and that is speeds that are characterized by Mach 5 or above. Mach being the speed of sound (Mach 1 = 761 mph - Mach 5 = 3805 mph ~Joe). That's
15 Lue: "very fast. Now we DO have aircraft that can do it. So let's take this little mockup & let's say it's the SR-71. When I'm doing 3200 mph in the SR-71, and I wanna take a right-hand turn, it takes me roughly the state of Ohio to do it. Yet, what we are seeing is precisely
16 Lue: "what you just described: An object that is flying at not 3200 mph, but 8,000, 9,000, 10,000, 11,000, 12,000 mph, and able to do right-angle turns. Something that is well beyond ANY technology that we have. You're talking about extreme acceleration, hypersonic velocities,
17 Lue: "and frankly, the ability to, maybe, operate in space as well and under water."

LMH: "Right. And @ those speeds, even up to 60 miles, where there should be some kind of evidence of the heat, that there is NO trail, there is nothing associated with UFOs. I've heard pilots
18 LMH: "talk about that for years. How can something move fast, 90 degree, and leave absolutely no trace in the atmosphere, up to 60 miles?"

Lue: "We have something called signature data. And let's say this pen was a ballistic missile. Anything that is moving in our atmosphere,
19 Lue: "at a particular velocity, has a signature. So, you might express, for example, when you're seeing this rocket, you would see a contrail coming out the back. That is a visual signature, that is vaporization & vapor particles and exhaust. You would also expect to see heat
20 Lue: "signatures. So, infrared. You'd see, for example, heat ablation off the front, or friction. You could see the nose cone glowing. Like when the space shuttle comes in, you can see the nose cone and the tail glowing because of heat, and the heat dissipation. You also have
21 Lue: "acoustic signatures, like sonic booms, right? So when the space shuttle comes in and lands, you have that double sonic boom. These are signatures. And then you have atmospheric ionization and whatnot. But you're absolutely correct, what we are seeing with these UAP,
22 Lue: "despite these incredible, performance characteristics, we don't see any real associated signatures with them. And that, for us, is really perplexing because that means there is technology out there that can perform the ways that we are seeing it perform, & yet, not leave
23 Lue: "the, if you will, the signature, right? Or the fingerprint behind, of that vehicle. And it is extremely perplexing because, let's face it, our taxpayer dollars spend BILLIONS of dollars each year to make one single stealth aircraft, a B-2 bomber, for example. And that
24 Lue: "B-2 bomber isn't particularly invisible, it's just harder to see on radar...low observability, right? And we spend billions of dollars. Imagine if there was some sort of foreign adversary that had the technology 2 literally operate, unimpeded, in our controlled airspace
25 Lue: "without ANY associated signatures, and not only hard to see on radar, but even hard to see with the naked eye, right? TRUE stealth, TRUE invisibility, to some degree. It would be a game changer. And so, for reasons like that, and many, many others, we're fairly convinced
26 Lue: "we're not...first of all, we know it's not our technology and we're fairly convinced it's not adversarial technology. Which really leaves only one other option: It's someone or something else."
27 LMH: "And I have interviewed, probably a dozen people who have worked in minuteman missile launch control situations, either as officers or as support. And they have been 60 feet underground at various missile sites that have ranged, let's say in the United States, from the
28 LMH: "Minuteman at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana, to Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota, to F.E Warren (AFB), in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and beyond, and that is when UFOs have interfered with nuclear missiles, which would be our most sensitive, defense
29 LMH: "technology. Now, back in March of 1967 - we're speaking on March 19th of 2022 - the Strategic Air made it to a piece of paper that has gone through history, and we have it today. That the Strategic Air Command reported on March 17th, 1967, that quote,
30 LMH: "'All 10 missiles in Echo-Flight at Malmstrom AFB, lost strategic alert within 10 seconds of each other. The fact that no apparent reason for the loss of ten missiles can be readily identified is cause for great concern to this SAC headquarters."…
31 LMH: "On week later, on March 24th, 1967, Air Force Captain, Robert Salas was the Launch Control Officer, underground at Oscar-Flight at Malmstrom, Bob told me an above-ground security guard phoned him to say that a large red, glowing UFO was hovering right over the Oscar,
32 LMH: "launch-control facility gate, and suddenly, ten missiles, dropped off alert status. One, every second. That's steam engine, steam engine, steam engine, that a missile is going down every second. And incredibly, he learned that the exact same thing had happened one week
33 LMH: "before on March 16th, 1967, at Echo-Flight, that was also at Malmstrom. But he, being a captain and being a launch officer, knew NOTHING about the March 16th event! It was completely squashed, and then, it happened to him. He put me in touch with a Boeing engineer who
34 LMH: (This is officially the longest question ever asked of Lue 😁) "told me, quote...this is from my own notes in the 90s, talking w/a Boeing engineer who was sent to Malmstrom and to investigate Oscar & Echo flights. Quote, 'Linda, it was impossible for those ten missiles,
35 LMH: "'in two different flights, to go offline, one by one, every second, like they did. Impossible. But it happened. And the cause was, apparently, UFOs that we don't understand and we cannot control.' Close quote. Lue, there have been dozens of military eyewitness, such as
36 LMH: "Captain Salas, talking about UFO intrusions in our nuclear missile sites, since the 1960s. Maybe even the end of the 1950s. But the world has not fallen apart by those people speaking up. So why do you think that our government, and other governments, have classified
37 LMH: "almost everything about UFOs and ETs since World War II, 70 years ago."

Lue: "Well, in national security, there is perhaps one of the greatest fears that we could ever have in the world of national security, is a vulnerability. And that is an Achilles heel, if you will,
38 Lue: "of our national security apparatus. And especially when you're talking about nuclear weapons. That the part of the nuclear triad, is really the crown jewels of our country. That is the one thing that, & some people argue, obviously, it's a terrible technology,
39 Lue: "other people argue it's the only thing that's been keeping the peace for this long because it's assured mutual destruction (Mutual Assured Destruction - MAD ~Joe). Any time there's a perceived vulnerability in our national security structure, in this case, our nuclear
40 Lue: "readiness, the government is going to be very, very, very loathed to acknowledge that publicly, because you're broadcasting to the enemy that, 'Hey, look, if this can happen with UFOs, maybe Russia has the ability to do it as well, & we don't wanna let Russia know that.'
42 Lue: "So, there is a huge concern to ever discuss any type of vulnerability that we have. But you know what, Linda, you're absolutely right, & I know it for a fact because I've seen the intelligence reporting on the Malmstrom incident. But, you know, equally concerning is
43 Lue: "that...some people may argue, 'Well, they turned them offline, they're showing that nuclear weapons aren't very useful for mankind.' And yet, in Russia (Ukraine ~Joe), the exact opposite happened. In fact, there was an event where these nuclear weapon were actually
44 Lue: "brought ON-line. So imagine how scary that is? (Nuclear weapons brought online, apparently by UFOs, also happened in the United States. ~Joe) Now you have a potential, runaway freight train, and the start of World War III, potentially.
45: (This next part is 28:29 into the livestream and cued up at the link)

Lue: "And then there's a...I'll give you, I'll share with you, I've never shared this publicly, and I wanna be very careful not to go into too much detail. But there is, allegedly,
46 Lue: "we're tracking this down, there was an incident involving a U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier in the early 70s - I won't say which one - that encountered a UFO. And it brought the entire aircraft carrier offline, for a while. And this was a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.
47 Lue: "So, it's a big deal. And yes, you're right, we are seeing interference, and interest - whatever interest it may be - by these UAPs, around nuclear technologies. There's a book written by Robert Hastings. It's about the relationship the United…
48 Lue: "States and the world has had with nuclear technology and the UAP phenomenon. It's very compelling. And, by the way, it's very accurate. So, you're right, there's a connection. We are aware of it in the national security arena. I think that's probably why Congress is
49 Lue: "taking this so seriously, to some degree, because of that connection."

LMH: "And Lue, I would like to reference what I think it the most important seven-hour discussion I've ever had with anybody who worked for the United States government. I got to see some of his
50 LMH: "identifications. He sought me out. That's how I came to have this discussion. He worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency - one of your areas - and he had a close colleague in the world bank. It was the individual in the world bank who knew me from conferences and kept
51 LMH: "with me with telephones. I always wondered if the man in the world bank also worked for an intelligence agency because I've come to understand that there is a kind of marriage, often, between intel and the barter system of the planet, and you can keep track of a lot of
52 LMH: "things by having people doing double duty in something like the world bank or the IMF, and intel. So, think of this as, the man had worked for 23 years for the DIA, and was retiring, as I was told. That was the context. And when he began, "Linda, for theist 23 years,
53 LMH: "my job has been to monitor and analyze the conflict of three, competing extraterrestrial civilizations on this planet. And our government has proof that they have been here, in competition, for at least 270 million years. When I asked him what the proof was,
54 LMH: "he said, 'It would be too dangerous for me to tel you. It would be dangerous for you and it would be dangerous for me." And I've never had a complete answer. We are dealing with technologies that include temporal technology that can manipulate timelines. And that the
55 LMH: "manipulation of timelines, like the manipulation of atoms are both equally dangerous. And we humans have nothing that can compete. However. he & the current source said, 'We do have advanced intelligences who have a vested interest in us, in humans being able to survive
56 LMH: "on this planet. And some of them are very strict, and they will not, under any circumstances, allow us to use nuclear weapons because - and this is another quote - 'When we let off atomic bombs in World War II, we were tearing into dimensions we knew nothing about.
57 LMH: "And we are now dealing with advanced intelligences who not only understand other dimensions, they can move and pop in other dimensions, which is part of what they appear to us, to pop in & out of our reality.' If you've been exposed to any of this, please say so, and if
58 LMH: "you can't, I have done the bridge to what I think is part of the reason that it doesn't matter who you are on Earth, who is human...that what we are in the context of describing, is mind boggling at many levels. And that we cannot begin 2 move forward on the planet until
59 LMH: "ALL of the governments, and ALL of the people who are interacting directly with non-humans, as I understand, tell the whole planet, and we all need to be educated about subjects that we've never even been exposed to. And the sooner the better. Because, I think, that what
60 LMH: "we humans are doing on the Earth, is considered a threat to what they consider to be the HIGHER priority than Homo sapien sapien, And that is, saving the precious laboratory that Earth has been for millions and millions of years, to other intelligences."
61 Lue: "Wow, there's a lot to unpack there, Linda. Uh, very thoughtful. Let me start with my, if I can, recapture the three premises that you just had mentioned. One is the notion that time is non-linear. Two, is that nuclear weapons and their use, is in some way forbidden
62 Lue: "or forboden. And the last is some sort of intention 2 either interfere or manipulate, not necessarily in a bad way, human evolution. And so, let's start with the nuclear weapon's premise, if I may. I think we all agree that the use of nuclear weapons is a terrible thing.
63 Lue: "It's not even a last resort, we should never even resort to it at all. However, my concern with your source saying that we, under any circumstance, can't use nuclear weapons, doesn't hold up to the fact that in World War II, of course, we used them. We also used them
64 Lue: "for testing throughout the 50s, 60s & even early 70s. We DID test a lot of nuclear weapons."

LMH: "Yeah, good point."

Lue: "Then you have, also have North Korea, recently testing them. You have India & Pakistan testing them, just this last century, 2020.
65: Lue: "So, nowhere did we see UAP or UFOs interfere or stop that. And that testing continues, unfortunately. So, for me, it's very hard for someone to say, 'Under no circumstances we'll be allowed to use them," because continue to use them on a fairly routine basis, globally.
66 Lue: "And again, I'm not saying that's an excuse that we should. We shouldn't. But the fact is that we do and we haven't seen UFOs..."
67 LMH: "Maybe the distinction is: War would be a heavy use? Maybe testing is less & more controllable?"

Lue: "Well, maybe, but still, if someone is saying that you're ripping a hole into a dimension then it shouldn't really matter. I would submit to you that, probably...we've
68 Lue: "tested them, along with the the Russians, in space, we've tested them on the ground, underground [and] we continue to do so & so do other countries. I DO think that there is a connection, we do know that for SURE, because anecdotally, there's been reported UAP incidents
69 Lue: "around Fukushima and, potentially, even Chernobyl. So, and then even here in the United States. We've had absolute...government reporting around some of our interesting facilities around here, to include Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and some other more sensitive
70 Lue: "facilities that I can't mention here. So I do think there's absolutely, a nuclear connection & interest."

Tired. Will pick it up in morning.

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71 Lue: "Your second piece you talk about time being linear for us, as humans, but that there may be another species that experiences time where you can manipulate it, almost like space."

LMH: "Exactly."

Lue: "There's more dimensions, as we know, to space. There's three
72 Lue: "dimensions to space. There's an x, y, z axis, and perhaps time is the same way. And, there ARE some models in quantum mechanics that DO, to some degree, substantiate the fact that time, at the very, very small level, kind of...the notion of time breaks down. It becomes
73 Lue: "nonsensical. So one of the examples is using the electron. As kids, u learn, @ least my generation, we learned that the electron orbits the nucleus of an atom. We now realize that's flawed, that's not really the way an electron works."

LMH: "It's in all points at once."
74 LMH: (Laughs)

Lue: "Absolutely. It's there, and it's not, all at the same time. And so, time, when you get down to that level, really starts to break down. And is it possible that, if an electron can experience time, multidimensionally, that other things can, too?
75 Lue: "Well, potentially, that IS true. Yeah, that may very well be the case. We don't know, but the science & the mathematics does suggest that time itself is not linear, the way that we experience time. And then, the last thing here is: Is it possible that there is a species
76 Lue: "that has been, if you will, actively interested in human development? Now, 250 million years ago is an awful long time. Most of us were simple organisms, either living in an ocean or probably squirming, sliming around the beach somewhere. But the complex mammals that we
77 Lue: "see today, were really not there. It was mostly..."

LMH: "It was 270 million, is what he used."

Lue: "Yeah, that's...right, that's an awful long time. Now, it doesn't mean that something wasn't still interested in Earth and our biome, right? Because we know, we are
78: Lue: "interested in all the biomes on Earth as a human species..."

LMH: "Yeah, the implication was not that humanity, even humanoids, which did not come into play until two million years ago and Homo erectus (Upright man ~Joe) and evolution. No, he was talking about, that
79 LMH: "there had been active, genetic manipulation in Earth by three conflicting species, using Earth like a laboratory. And look at how long dinosaurs dominated on the Earth, without, what we should say, the flora and fauna of today. So the emphasis was, three, competing
80 LMH: "extraterrestrial civilizations using Earth as a laboratory to make all kinds of genetic experiments."

Lue: "Sure. Well, we do know that Earth is very unique, compared to the other planets in our solar system because here life is abundant. That's not to say life won't
81 Lue: "be found in other parts of our solar system, but for Earth, it is chock full of life. In fact, there's life at the very large, at the very small and it's super, super diverse. When you take a human being and compare it, let's say, to a house plant, right? They couldn't
82 Lue: "look & behave any differently, & yet are parts of lifeforms, parts of certain kingdoms of life, here on this planet. And they compete for resources, & they need food & they need water & they replicate. We do a lot of the same things that a banana does, believe it or not.
85 LMH: "Base in Albuquerque, in a meeting that was set-up for me by Peter Gersten, who was representing Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), to talk with AFOSI special agent, Richard Doty about the whole #UFO subject, starting and beginning
84 LMH: "And Lue, here is a perfect place to remind the audience that it was April 9th, 1983 (My last three months of high school! ~Joe), when I was working on a documentary for Home Box Office called, 'UFOs, The ET Factor,' that I was shown a document, here at Kirtland Air Force
85 LMH: "Base in Albuquerque, in a meeting that was set-up for me by Peter Gersten, who was representing Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), to talk with AFOSI special agent, Richard Doty, about the whole #UFO subject, starting and beginning for this HBO documentary. And instead
86 LMH: "of discussing something that had happened at Ellsworth Air Force Base, he said - and these were his exact words and I remember - 'My superior authority has requested that I show you this.' And he opened up a drawer & took out a manila envelope & pulled out some white,
87 LMH: "typing-sized pages. And he said, 'You can read this. You cannot take notes, and I want you to move from the chair you're in, to one in the middle.' And I was so green, at the time, that it never occurred to me that I was being moved because they had cameras that were
88 LMH: "going to record. I've heard people who have watched these videos. And as I read, there were two paragraphs with sentences that I've never forgotten: 'These extraterrestrial, biological entities manipulated DNA in already-evolving primates, to create Homo sapien.'
89 LMH: "And the latin, Homo sapien, was used. Another sentence: 'All questions and mysteries about the evolution of Homo sapien on this planet, have been answered, and this project is closed.' And I remember that my mind was stunned, and was re-reading those sentences. And that
90 LMH: "was in 1983...a DIA guy in 1999 gives me more versions, a current person. And Lue, it seems to be that this is one of the biggest enchiladas that political forces in governments decided, in World War II, if they were learning this in pieces, that they thought that human
91 LMH: "beings could not handle being told, 'We are a product of genetic manipulation on this planet, that is going on throughout this Universe.' But in denying us, as humanity, the truth, I think it has weakened us, & today, we are in a, like, we're in a Chinese torture. We
92 LMH: "need everybody to know the truth, and yet, we still have policies, we still have people that are infighting, internessing warfare, trying to keep everybody in the dark, while we are evolving. And it is my understanding, from the source in the past two years, that we do
93 LMH: "space forces working with some ETs on 22 solar systems, at this end of the Milky Way galaxy. Can I prove that? No. But I can say this as an investigative reporter, after nearly a half century, that I think that the people who have been telling me, 'We have been going
94 LMH: "'into other solar systems since 1972, three years after the landing of Apollo, in which the great scene of getting out with Armstrong onto the Moon. And I think I'm saying all of this to you because the disconnect between what is REALLY happening, by a tiny fraction of
95 LMH: "human beings in power-broking control, with non-humans, vs. what we are being told on the Earth, it is SO huge. Isn't it, at this point, a possible threat to our security that the disconnect between truth & what we're told as policies of lies and denial, is so great?"
96 (I DO like the question of how humanity will adjust to what we're being told now (which is minimal), vs. what the actual truth turns out to be. But working w/ETs in 22 solar systems? WHAT? ~Joe)

Lue: "Wow, again, a lot to unpack here, & really, I think, thoughtful questions,
97 Lue: "Linda. Let me see if I can start with the first statement would be, 'The truth is always better than anything else.' I think we, as a species, deserve the truth, no matter what that truth is. And it's the reason why I'm committed to do what I do. I think, as
98 Lue: "an intelligence...former intelligence official, for me, I really adhere to the old adage: And The Truth Shall Set You Free. And DO believe, the truth, where it's good news or bad news, should always be a primary motivation. Especially when you're dealing with your own,
99 Lue: "when your own people, you're talking to your own citizens, we have a moral obligation to always tell the truth, to ourselves. Two: You talk a little bit about the allegations since 1972, we may have had extra-solar system travel. When we went to the Moon, we were using
100 Lue: "conventional technology. We were using, basically, chemical rocket motors in order to send us to the Moon. Very much, as we talked about in the beginning of this conversation: Force = Mass x Acceleration. Ballistics, right? So, put enough energy behind something and
101 Lue: "it's gonna take off and eventually you can get it to the Moon. But if we were able, successfully, to travel outside the solar system in 1972, I am almost 100% positive, we would have to be using some sort of technology other than conventional technology like we've been
102 Lue: "seeing most recently. Even the MIR and taking people to the ISS, is still done in the same way we've been doing it since the 1960s."

LMH: "Right. I understand, by so many people who are in authority today, who are in agencies, to me, that I have to assume that they are
103 LMH: "not lying about a relationship that has been developing between non-humans and at least our government, and I assume, other governments, in bits and pieces, over the 20th, to the 21st century. Whether it began in any kind of formal treaty way, in World War II, with
104 LMH: "the alleged treaty that Eisenhower may have signed w/ of these, all of us need the documents, we need the proof. I understand that. If, everything that the DIA agent told me, & the current source has told me, the issue of: Are we still...are we still someone's
105 LMH: "genetic manipulation/experiment? And experiments have beginning and ends."

Lue: "Well, I think u bring up a really good point, as far as genetic, you background, before I ever joined the gov't, was...I went to school to be a microbiologist & immunologist,
106 Lue: "with some work in parasitology. Not parapsychology, parasitology, the study of parasites, microorganisms. And my minors were mathematics & chemistry. Genetics is something that has always been on the forefront of science, ever since we first really unlocked the secrets
107 Lue: of DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid. And in the 80s, we were still somewhat in the infancy. We hadn't mapped the human genetic genome yet. We really didn't understand a lot of what we considered genetic junk to be. It turns out, it really isn't junk at all."
108 LMH: "That's right (laughs)."

Lue: "It's actually very, very important. I think, genes, when you look at gene sequencing, if you ever get into a class of virology and see how viruses work, you can see where mutations occur. To some degree, genetics is like a digital roadmap.
109: Lue: "When you're talking DNA, what is it? Well, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine & Tyrosine (Google says Thymine), AGCT. And those are the genetic codes that make up the DNA. And why that is important is because you an actually look at it & see where mutations occur, temporally.
110 Lue: "You can see where, for example, a particular group of humans started 2 develop a certain type of disease. You can find that in the genetics. And so, genetic manipulation, whenever it occurs...whether it's through Mother Nature, or, because of just natural mutations, or,
111 Lue: "there is some sort of mutation, due to an environmental perspective, or a technology, for example, radiation after Hiroshima & Nagasaki. As awful and terrible as it was, there was a lot learned afterwards, several generations, watching the exposure that high amounts of
112 Lue: "radiation has on the human genome."

LMH: "And Lue, you're making such an excellent point, that would explain that last sentence in that briefing paper that I read here at Kirtland, in a way, because it was so shocking. ALL questions and mysteries about the evolution of
113 LMH: "Homo sapien on this planet have been answered and this project is closed. What else could any of us, who have some education in science...what else could we conclude, but that at a genetic level, that there was something in the DNA, the RNA, that matched something our
114 LMH: "government was already retrieving, which were craft and bodies? Even if the bodies were Gray androids, they were made by something that made some of them biological. Others, I now understand, were printed, just like we print now in this printing technology, where
115 LMH: "you can go to Mars and the Moon, and you can print out what you want to do and assemble it. That some the Grays are EXACTLY that, and some are biological. And that the other beings are also biological. So the fact...if the briefing paper was an insight into the truth,
116 LMH: "our government knew that we were the product of genetic manipulation by non-humans."

Lue: "Right now, what is absolute for certain and is now a law, historic for the first time ever in our nation's history, is that biological effects are now part of this conversation.
117 Lue: "Meaning: If a U.S. service member or somebody, gets into contact with a UAP, and there are...we need to study, are there negative, biological consequences that can be measured? That includes, by the way, genetics, right? So, if someone receives a radiation burn because
118 Lue: "they happen to come too close and up personal with a UAP, is there also some sort of damage, genetically. Now we know there were studies that we did through AAWSAP & AATIP, in the early days, that looked at the potential for there to be some sort of genetic mutation
119 Lue: "on individuals who can too close to this type of advanced technology. Because we did see that...if you come up to a certain point, there were these superficial burns that looked like radiation burns. If you got a little closer, there was internal organ damage and
120 Lue: "potentially, some genetic mutation occurring."

LMH: "You're right at my next question (both laugh), and I only want to insert just right now because this is exactly where I was going next.
127 LMH: "'electrical equipment failing in their presence, that there is a production of EM radiation, and there is a high probability that the #UFO/UAP can effect the human brain.'"
122 LMH: "In December of 2000 - this is 2022, this is 22 years ago - the UK Defense Intelligence Analysis staff produced a highly classified, secret UK, EYES ONLY, two-volume report, entitled, 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defense Region - Scientific & Technical
123 LMH: "Memorandum - No. 55/02/00. On page F-4, that's Annex F, Volume 2, Pages 16-30, under a section entitled, "Potential Mental Effects on Humans." It states, "The well-reported Rendlesham Forest Bentwaters event, in England, that was December 26th-28th, 1980, is an example
124 LMH: "where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to UAP radiation for longer-than-normal UAP sighting periods.' Which means, that probably the UFO was interacting with the human & keeping the human there. 'There may be other cases which remain
'unreported. It is clear that the recipients of these effects are not aware that their behavior perception, of what they are observing, is being modified. The E field strengths, which are known to effect the brain,' the human brain, 'are of the order of 50 multivolts
126 LMH: "'per centimeter, at between 1 and 100MHz & experiments have shown that effect can be produced at several levels.' Then paragraph 15 of the MOD Report states, "It is included, therefore, that if some UAPs, as is believed & correlated by actual reports, such as car
127 LMH: "'electrical equipment failing in their presence, that there is a production of EM radiation, and there is a high probability that the #UFO/UAP can effect the human brain.'"

Lue: "That's, again, a very, very thoughtful, I think...topic you bring up.
140 Lue: "brains, if you will, interfered with by UAP technology. I don't think that's a big leap at all."

(If that's the case, has the intelligence or intelligences behind UAPs/#UFOs
129 Lue: "you can put in a microwave, and with simple microwave radiation, heat it up. And how are you heating it up? Well, it's not that the microwave is actually heating anything up. What happens is that the microwave interacts w/the H2O molecules and shifts them back & forth,
130 Lue: "very rapidly, creating friction, heat."

LMH: "And with calcium ions that allow us to have nervous system. I mean, they are affected."

Lue: "Right. So, my point being is that the human brain really isn't much different than a computer chip, really. And we KNOW that
131 Lue: "you can fry a computer chip w/all types of radiation. In fact, there's electronic warfare - I gotta be careful what I say here - but there's a whole area of warfare dedicated 2 conducting warfare, via electromagnetic emissions. And also collecting data via that as well.
132 Lue: "So, it's not at all surprising to me that the human, if u will, the human organism, if it gets too close to something, can absolutely experience adverse, biological consequences. Now, here's the interesting part: There is also some preliminary data to suggest that some,
133 Lue: "SOME individuals, actually report the opposite. So rather than having some sort of negative, biological consequence, all of a sudden u have somebody who's now, for example, a piano virtuoso who's never sat in front of a piano before. Or who now becomes suddenly, super,
134 Lue: "artistic, or who claims to have some sort of extrasensory capabilities or talents now, if you will, or a sixth sense. Whereas before, they didn't. And I find that, even more interesting. I should say that. Not more interesting [but] equally interesting as the negative
135 Lue: "consequences. But ur point is very well taken. Look, the human brain, the human organism isn't a whole lot different than anything else in nature, & if u can fry a car battery w/technology, then chances are, you can also - I hate 2 say it - but fry a human brain, too.
136: "And you can do other things. We have, in fact, if you ever talk to John Alexander, a former colonel, Special Forces, wonderful human being, this is a person who spent a lot of his time researching, quote, unquote, 'non-lethal technologies' for the US government. Now, what
137 Lue: "is a non-lethal technology? Well, it's using non-lethal methods to get a human being to do something that they wouldn't normally do. One of those technologies that was explored was trying to get convince, for example, an angry riot, or an angry mob, to become super
138 Lue: "passive and lay down any type of potential weapons they may have. Through literally, in a very crude sense, scrambling the brainwaves in the human brain. Imagine setting up an emitter that can send out an invisible frequency and cause human beings to do certain things
139 Lue: "and behave a certain way that they wouldn't normally do. Russians did a lot of this experimenting in the 60s with their psychotronic weapons development program, so it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility that people can be manipulated, people can have their
140 Lue: "brains, if u will, interfered with by UAP technology. I don't think that's a big leap at all."

(If that's the case, has the intelligence or intelligences behind #UFOs manipulated or influenced humans (especially certain leaders) throughout the history of mankind? ~Joe)
141 LMH: "What do u think is the biggest reason for why our gov't, & other gov'ts are still maintaining policies of lies & denial (Lue: "Oh my gosh." (smiles)) about this huge, huge phenomena that has been interacting w/our planet for so long, & affects us, & we need the truth?"
142: Lue: "Sure. Well, if anybody in your audience right now has children that are listening, I'll give you a second to cover their ears. OK. Now that their ears are covered: Why do we still don't tell our kids about Santa Claus, right? And why do we still tell our kids about the
143 Lue: "Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, right? Okay, now if you have kids, they can unplug their ears. We do that as parents because we want to elicit certain behaviors from our children, okay? Well, governments, religions, institutions...they're no different, okay? They do
144 Lue: "things & say things because it serves a purpose @ the time. I don't think, when you have a government that's faced with the reality that, okay, UAPs are real, which I think we're there now. The question's have to unwind 70 years worth of yarn, of tangled lies.
145 Lue: "We belittled people, we told people they were crazy, people lost their jobs, some people lost their marriages, some people lost their livelihoods. All for doing the right thing. Imagine now, having to go back to a pilot who's living on the streets, after 30 years, lost
146 Lue: "everything & say, 'You know what? You were right. You reported a #UFO, & you got punished for it, & at the end of the day, you were right, & you did the right thing. And you lost everything because of it.' That's an issue. Plus, you have the large, military industrial
147 Lue: "complex, which, in some cases, can you imagine having two companies: Company A & Company B. Company A happens to get an unfair advantage & gets some material to analyze, while Company B doesn't. Company A now wins a lot of contracts, Company B goes bankrupt. 200 people
148 Lue: "now no longer have jobs. There's a problem with that, because one company got an unfair advantage and became a multi-billion dollar aerospace company, for example, while the other didn't. The other one went bankrupt and shareholders lost money and people lost jobs. So,
149 Lue: "there's a real legal issue there. And then there is, of course, the issue of having to go back and, as a government, say, 'You know what? You're right, we haven't been totally truthful with you.' Our authority as a government is based on the people having faith and
150 Lue: "confidence in our government. And when you have to go back and unwind 70 years of tangled yarn, that doesn't help your credibility."

LMH: "Why can't the Secretary of Defense, with the Secretary of State, stand up in front of the world and say, 'We apologize, but there
151 LMH: "were good reasons in World War II."

Lue: "Yeah. I think we're getting there now, Linda. The problem is, is that look: Even the Secretary of Defense, they're a political appointee. Very few of them are actual warriors, or have spent their time in the national security
152 Lue: "apparatus. They're political appointees. They're somebody who's been in favor of the current administration, whoever's in charge, whether it's conservative or liberal or anything in between. And these are people who are probably good lawyers, they'd serve on a political
153 Lue: "campaign. But they haven't really spent a lot of time in a leadership role, or in intelligence or with a security clearance. Now some have, but they tend to be the exception and not the rule. So, it's the same thing with presidents, right? A president is a politician.
154 Lue: "Very few of them are former military leaders, and a lot of them haven't been told the truth. And this is one of the reasons why I don't expect the Secretary of Defense to come out & say, 'Yeah, Lue ran the program. Lue was this & Lue was that.' They're not gonna do it.
155 Lue: "These are political appointees & they've got a huge responsibility."

LMH: "I have seen Senator Harry Reid, God bless him, that he stood up, as she should have, for you. You were heading (Lue: "Amen") the Advanced Aerial (Aerospace) Threat Identification Program in the
156 LMH: "Pentagon. You were there for 5 years. And the very fact that u would end up being attacked by people in the Pentagon today, is...u told The Hill in an article earlier: 'For 70 years, since World War II, the U.S. government has been keeping #UFOs in the halls of secrecy,
157 LMH: "'and we haven't come any closer to figuring it out.' So are we going to repeat the same mistake all over again, meaning, you get attacked, the government pulls back, they come out with more policies of denial. What do you think is realistic in 2022, about our being told
158 LMH: "the whole truth: 'We're not alone in this Universe. It's preposterous that that was ever even accepted as a possibility.' And do you think that at least that much - we're not alone the Universe, maybe the Webb telescope is going to show us artificial structures, which
159 LMH: can, on a planet orbiting the Sun, 4.2 light years from Earth, like Proxima Centauri. Webb will be able to show us artificial structures on a planet there. Would that be an intelligent way to finally open up, at least, even if it's looking backwards (laughs), into light
160 LMH: "in a telescope...there are structures, therefore there is intelligence in this Universe. And, 'Ladies and gentlemen, we have a big story to tell you.'"?

Lue; "That's certainly one way. There are organizations right now, like @GalileoProject1, that are also doing the
161 Lue: "same thing. I think this next year is very promising.

"Back to your point: Here's an example of why, sometimes, the government (laughs) doesn't necessarily learn its lessons very well...."

To be continued...and finished...tomorrow.

162 Lue: "When I came out, the press secretary, Dana White, already announced and acknowledged, for the record, that yes, AATIP was real, it was looking at UFOs, and Lue was part of it and was running it. It wasn't until after I left, and then Secretary (of Defense) Mattis left,
163 Lue: "that then they decided, once you had a new secretary in, that they started to change their position. And when they were called to the table on that and [asked], 'How do you explain that? Because we have evidence it WAS about #UFOs, Lue WAS there, Lue WAS running it, and
164 Lue: "[these were] facts,' then they started to dig themselves even deeper. So, you started having FOIA requests about my background. Well, there is a court-ordered, preservation order in effect, on my actual emails. Well, what did they do? They deleted (laughs), deleted my
165 Lue: "emails, in violation of a court order. Now, since they broke the law, this topic is so sensitive for them, that they were willing to break the law, simply to cover their tracks! To say, 'Nothing to see here folks," right? That was a misstep by the Department of Defense,
166: Lue: "by the new leadership that came in, because what they didn't realize is Congress already knew the truth, and Congress wasn't going to let them get away with that. Because Congress already had received the briefings, they knew the people from the inside, they
167 Lue: "had the documentation and whatnot. They knew exactly what we were doing and what the results were. So, now, the DoD's in a position where you have certain elements in there that are continuing to dig themselves a deeper and deeper hole, while others are
167 Lue: "saying, 'All right guys, we gotta stop.'"

LMH: "And where does @SenGillibrand's amendment, in the Defense Authorization Act in December, as I understand it, there WILL be a permanent office, in the Pentagon, on UFOs. But Lue, is it going to be an honest office?"
168 Lue: "Well, we're trying to make sure that happens, you know? I still hold my security clearance, & I'm still doing my very best to make sure that this is done in the way that it should, w/lessons learned, w/lessons we learned in AATIP, in AAWSAP, and other previous programs.
169 Lue: "I think there is an honest attempt by Congress. In this case you said, @gillibrandny and @marcorubio. Imagine that, right? Opposite ends of the aisles, coming together on this topic. I think both should be commended tremendously. (LMH: "Yes") Those are EXACTLY the type
170: Lue: "of leaders we need in Congress. You also have it on the house with @RepRubenGallego and @timburchett. Again, opposite end of the aisles, coming together to push this forward. I think it's definitely moving in the right direction. I think their staffs are committed.
171 Lue: "I've never seen this level of interest by the Congressional staffs. And even within elements of the US government. And I EVEN see, to some degree, a softening on some the DoD's resistance, where now you have a DoD (IG) evaluation underway to try to evaluate: How did we
172 Lue: "mess this up so bad? You have a lot of these people being questioned now, by the Senate, for their confirmation. In order to get the job, they have to answer questions about UAPs.

173 Lue: "You have the establishment of this permanent office. Initially, I had some concerns, but there's been some indication recently that, I think the leadership from my old office realizes that there were some bad actors in the mix, and have now taken steps...or are taking
174 Lue: "steps to put the right people in those positions, to actually manage this, correctly. It still remains to be seen if that level of commitment is there, but I think it's moving in the right direction. And so, those voices of dissenting views and opposition that have,
175 Lue: "obviously, tried 2 make my life miserable & miserable for some other individuals, I think they're becoming a minority as every day goes on. And they're beginning 2 find themselves backed into a corner (see below), with less & less of the support that they once enjoyed."
176 LMH: "And Lue, look, you've got 95% left to tell the world, right? If only 5% of the UAP/UFO story has been put to the public, 95% yet to unfold. And one of the questions in that next step: What exactly is the @SkyfortStrat?"
177: "Oh, yeah! Well, Skyfort is an organization that was created, of like-minded individuals, again, very much like Congress, opposite ends of the social spectrum. Some are conservative, some are liberal, some are in the. middle, but all feel equally compelled to continue to
178 Lue: "have this conversation in an open forum, a transparent forum. So Skyfort was created in order to have that conversation, not only with the American people but the world. And whether that's the media, or it's social media, or it's mainstream media, or it's Congress,
179 Lue: "or whatever it may be, it's to try to have the conversation in an elevated way, and continue to move the needle forward, move the discussion forward. Now, truth be told, some of the mission that we had set up for Skyfort has already been achieved and accomplished.
180 Lue: "I don't think any of us expected, four years ago, that we would be here now with a law, and a permanent organization and funding and a whole of government approach. It's not longer just DoD, or the intel community. It's now FAA and it's now DHS, and it's also NOAA.
181 Lue: "And it's all these other organizations - Depertment of @ENERGY - that now are gonna be required to work on this topic, right? It's the scientific and academic communities. We have this incredible, international organization of people, this motley crew of folks that are
182 Lue: "working very hard behind the scenes to have this conversation in their own country. We have folks in the UK and in Canada and Australia, and they're just doing incredible work. It's absolutely amazing to see what they've been able to achieve. You now have people in the
183 Lue: "Canadian Parliament coming out & saying, 'Hey, we want answers! We wanna know what the heck's going on!' You have people now, ministers of Parliament in the UK saying, 'Hey, there may be something to see here, folks. We need to start asking the hard questions, right?'"
184 LMH: "In a way, it's like the Skyfort, u guys are saying, we just can't wait for the official Pentagon, Department of Defense standing up in front of satellites around the world, in every time zone, to say, 'We're not alone, ladies & gentlemen, & we do have a lot to share.'"
185 Lue: "Yeah, and encouraging people to come out and know it's okay to have a conversation about this. To come out and say, 'You know what? I had my own experience.' I think we achieved it, I think we've already had disclosure. If you look back,, look: You have
186 Lue: "two former directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (Brennan & Woolsey), from different administrations, different sides of the aisle. You have a former Director of National Intelligence (Ratcliffe), a sitting Director of National Intelligence (Haines). You have two
187 Lue: "former Presidents of the United States (Obama & Trump(?)) that are still alive...that have all come out & said, 'Yes, this is real.' I mean, had this had been on any other topic, we are well beyond disclosure, we've passed the rubicon. Now the question is: OK,
188 Lue: "what is it? How does it work? What are their intentions? Where are they from? What's going on? Of course, some may argue, now the real hard work begins. But I think we've already achieved disclosure, capital D, we're there. All the people that we needed to
189 Lue: "say, 'Yes, it's real,' have already said it's real. In fact, now we're spending actual taxpayer dollars on it. So, yes, in your lifetime, you have went from being an investigative journalist on a topic that was once considered fringe, to now being perhaps,
190 Lue: "fundamentally, one of the greatest topics this species has ever faced. And it's now legitimate, and it's now real. And other people in mainstream media are now jumping on board, realizing this is real. A tweet went out yesterday from a very senior CNN reporter
191 Lue: "saying, 'Hey, I think we need to spend more time talking about #UFOs.' So that's done! And so, I think you should probably give yourself a real pat on your back for that, because that occurred, to some degree, because...thanks because of the

192 Lue: "hard work you've done all the years."

LMH: "Thank you. Cattle mutilations & animal mutilations were a very difficult subject to touch in 1979. But it WAS the truth, that work IS the truth, and opens up a whole other question that I understand, governments & political
193 LMH: "people have a hard time saying the words (Wait until someone like Rubio has to say the word, "Hitchhiker." 😜). But it has to be a part of this evolving Skyfort, that we have to look at ALL of the facets, we have to learn, about ALL of the background with other
193 LMH: "intelligences, clearly from some place else, that are interacting. And Lue, I just wanted to ask one more question: You have been around the world, you have an incredible background in intel. Have you ever seen a #UFO?

Lue's answer...

194 Lue: "Until I had this conversation with you, I have always been very close hold on my own personal experiences. I will say, 'Simply put, yes.'"

(Is that what brought on the hitchhiker-like experiences that Lue hinted at in my interview? Or, did he visit #Skinwalker?)
195 LMH: "And hopefully, in an upcoming interview at some point, that you can tell me, in full detail, & we'll put it on the @Earthfiles YouTube channel (I'm hoping it will be in his book. ~Joe). Dear @LueElizondo, & your family, & your 4, beautiful German Shepards, my hug to you
196 LMH: "in the digital world. As a fellow human being, on a planet that is struggling so hard 2 move from being babies, 2 teenagers, 2 adults...without war, thank you for everything that you have done. Thank you for being here today. I look forward to talking with you, I hope
197 LMH: "more, in the future."

Lue: "Absolutely, Linda. Please, allow me just a moment here to thank you and your wonderful audience. Thank you for the nearly 50 years of commitment to this topic. Thank you for sticking with it. Thank you for dealing with the negativity. I now
198: Lue: "think I've tasted a small sample of what you've had to endure. And I just wanna say, from the bottom of MY heart, from my family...thank you for what you do, & thank you to your lovely audience for allowing me to be part of this conversation w/you today."

199 [End Transcript]

That might be the first time I've done a full transcript on Twitter. It's probably 99% accurate and I cleaned up grammar in a few places, for clarity.

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More from @TheUfoJoe

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1 #ufo Speaking about the 144 incidents in the ODNI report, Greenewald said, "they could not put 143 of them in any category that they came up with" and, "the other explanations, they said, were, potentially, classified systems from our own military, or,

2 JG: "a foreign advisory. But they were unable to identify any of the cases they investigated into those categories. What's interesting, with the resources of the U.S. military, they couldn't put them in those categories. So, it's a short list of what's left."
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1 #ufo #aawsap

"thanks to a recent FOIA response by the DIA, to a UAP researcher who wishes to remain anonymous for the moment, we now have copies of 37 out of the 38 DIRDs."

(Includes a paper on biological effects by KG & BioSensors (Implants) by Towe)…
2 Here's the direct link to all 37 papers.…
3 The authors are redacted but they're all listed here:…
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1 #ufotwitter - Jim Semivan: "When we got married, we moved into a house and we had poltergeists in that house for many, many years, and we lived with that. And we thought it was fine and it was not an issue with us. We didn't give it any energy, we knew they
2 Semivan: "were there...footsteps. I mean, I can tell you stories, and it was just incredible. But it was sort of, they almost became sort of the family, right? So we didn't think anything about that. So to us, it was just sort of like, 'Well, okay, it's just part of this
3 Semivan: "'unnatural thing or natural things that happen and what have you.' But I remember calling my contact in a government part of this program I'm with. Because I always say, 'Let us know if you have any more.' And I called the guy up. And you know the name and you've
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Mar 22
1 #ufo Semivan: "I mean, the issue isn't the craft. I mean, the craft are the craft. The craft, we think, they're physical, & they're non-physical @ the same time. In other words, they show up, they show up on our radar, & then they just disappear completely. And they just become
2 Semivan: "non-matter, right? That quickly, in the blink of an eye. So you look at that, and you go, 'Okay.' That's why Jacques always said, 'Are they flying or are they objects?' Well, we don't even know if they're flying, or they're objects. They could be objects, & something
3 Semivan: "totally subjective, or something immaterial, that, you know, is holographic in nature - don't know - that actually is able to show radar returns. But the big issue for me is always going to be: It's not a question of what are those things, you know, it's like, what's
Read 20 tweets
Mar 21
1 #ufo - Semivan to @stuartdavis: "If I knew...I mean, I try to explain this to people...I mean, I just...I couldn't abide, you know, living with the fact if I knew that there was some kind of nasty, conspiracy thing going on, and I knew about it...I mean, I'd be shouting to the
2 Semivan: "rafters about it. Because it's just so wrong. I mean, we've discussed MILABs earlier on, and, you know, you talk about something that is really, you know, problematic. I mean, boy, I'll tell you, you know, I feel sorry for that. I didn't mean to bring it up,
3 Semivan: "I didn't want to discuss it, but that's another thing that I don't know what to do with."

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Mar 21
1 Just finished reading @spacetechglobal report on UAP/#UFOs that @LueElizondo tweeted. Their team consists of @DmytroKharchen5 (based in Kyiv), @alex_cresniov (Dubai), @Simberg_Space (Wyoming) & Stefania Saveni (Citizen of Netherlands & Ukraine & went 2 college in Wisconsin).
2 If ur company wants guidance on how to get ahead of the curve on the coming race for #UAP knowledge & the related tech that may help us solve the mystery, and/or give you a heads up on what investments u might want 2 explore as attitudes shift on the subject, it's a great read.
3 As with most things, it wasn't written with the UFO community in mind. And when Lue tweeted about transparency in relation to this report, I think he meant the fact that a company (SpaceTech) that had nothing to do with UAP in the past, is now openly publishing this report
Read 5 tweets

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