Result are contradictory to current evidense (RCT and non-RCT) and our understanding of the patophysiology of trauma haemorrhage 2/9 #Limitation#GoAgainstTheFlow#NotRight ?
Trial underpowered ? Power calc reduction 20 - 10 % in PE is a little bold maybe + too many factors affecting the PE. #StatisticalAnalysisPlan reconsidered ?
#LactateClearence as a endpoint in bleeding is challenging ? We are clinically concerned when pts dont clear lactate, but not the other way around in bleeding. Finding and #StopTheBleeding is still the key priority
#Timing of intervention at median 1 h after injury (30 min on scene before intervention) and then arriving 20 min later at hospital #TooLate ?
First 430 mL NaCl in, then 443 mL PRBC / 266 mL LyoPlas #CrytalloidsFirst and then #TooLittle#TooLate ? #TooLongSceneTime ?
#MoreBleeding in the RBC/Lyo group do not make any sence to me. Significant more RBC and FFP transfusion at 24 h in the RBC/Lyo arm ? Sign less crystalloid 24 h in the NaCl group. #Why ? #Skewed ? #Confiunding ? #Bias ?
#ToSickTooBenifit ? ISS 36 IQR 25-50 if there is a therapeutic window ? High mortality 16 vs 22% at 3 h (RBC/Lyo vs NaCl), 42 vs 45 at 30-d #HigherThanExpected ?
Det Danske #COVID19 vaccinationsprogram udfrodres af Vaccine-induceret Immun
Trombose og Trombocytopeni (VITT). Først AZ- og nu J&J vaccine sparket til hjørne. Grundig gennemgang fra @SSTSundhed@SSTbrostrom for interesserede:…
Men hvad er VITT ? 👇👇👇 1/9
#VITT er sjældent forekommende bivirkning til #COVID19 vaccine (AZ/J&J) m forekomst 1/40.000 vacciner (US data for J&J ventes at lande på ca samme forekomst når data videre opgøres!). Vores udfordring : Vi kan ikke finde patienterne på forhånd, enhver kan være i risiko 2/9
Alle aldersgrupper rammes af #VITT, estimeret lidt hyppigere hos unge voksne (< 50 år), begge køn rammes ligeligt (50:50%) og der er ikke kendte risikofaktorer. Forudgående sygdom m risiko for blodprop, livsstilssygdomme eller blødninger øger ikke risiko. 3/9