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Dec 2nd 2022
Are you a #juniordoctor or #medstudent?

Here's 10 great FREE modules to help get you started on the wards!

#meded #medschool #tipsfornewdocs #juniordocs #FOAMed #medtwitter #medstudenttwitter #juniordoctors #medstudents
Occasionally you'll need to perform sterile procedures. Make sure you prepare the best you can
Providing basic life support is a core skill for all healthcare staff

#basiclifesupport #bls #FOAMresus #resuscitation
Read 13 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
Next : Mypinder SEKHON on cardiac arrest in COVID-19 era.

Works in Vancouver
COVID 19 era cardiac arrest ARE a lot less sexy with all the PPE. #als #covid19 #resuscitation #LIVES2022
@ESICM Let's look at epidemiology. Northern Italy, Manhattan - COVID hit hard and has impact on other diseases.

e.g., OHCA in Italy during COVID 19 massive spike.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
NEXT Speaker : VA ecmo for which patients?

Severe cardiogenic shock has different phenotypes
1. medical cardiogenic shock(AMI, end stage dilated CM, myocarditis, septic shock)
2. Post cardiotomy refractory CS (post CABG)
@ESICM #ecmo #resuscitation #ALS
@ESICM 2022 what do the guidelines say
- ESC recommends short term MCS should be considred in cardiogenic shock.
IABP may be considered but not routinely recommended in post MI
Read 18 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
Updates on Advanced life supprot by Theresa OLASVEENGEN

Vasopressors and Drugs : recent trial outcomes.
@ESICM #als #resuscitation
@ESICM 2020 ILCOR consensus : strong recommendation to use "ADRENALINE" in cardiac arrest, if you dont have it "LIDOCAINE".

Adrenaline to placebo comparison is mainly 1 older trial with latest PARAMEDIC 2
@ESICM PARAMEDIC 2 - big study
8007 pts, adrenaline 4000, placebo 3999
- a lot of discussion post trial
- need a nuanced interpretation.
- 19 "more good" survivors and 5 "more bad" survivors in adrenaline arm.…
Read 19 tweets
May 5th 2022
If you’re a leader and responsible for decision making in your organization, understanding the Cynefin framework is an absolute must.

Leadership requires modification based on the situation.

Here’s a brief 🧵 contextualized within #resuscitation & #healthcare
Created by @snowded this 4 domain framework (5 with disorder) provides decision makers & leaders with a high-level yet practical approach to decision making by appraising the current state & developing an appropriate strategy

Great overview here.
Importantly decision making/leadership approaches are dynamic and are adjusted for the current context

Leaders "will need to know when to share power and when to wield it alone, when to look to the wisdom of the group and when to take their own counsel." - Snowden & Boone

Read 16 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
Trying my best to understand the results of the very important @RePHILL_trial : Excellent work and fab collaboration studying very complex pts in difficult circumstances #WellDoneAll #Congrats…
1/9 on my take….
Result are contradictory to current evidense (RCT and non-RCT) and our understanding of the patophysiology of trauma haemorrhage 2/9 #Limitation #GoAgainstTheFlow #NotRight ?
Trial underpowered ? Power calc reduction 20 - 10 % in PE is a little bold maybe + too many factors affecting the PE. #StatisticalAnalysisPlan reconsidered ?
Read 11 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
This week we will discuss #Ventilation during #Resuscitation. As a starter, we’d like to hear from you.

In your practice, which of the following ventilation parameters do you routinely measure during resuscitation?

@ERC_resus #ResusciTuesdays #ResusTwitter #CPR #ALS
Thanks a lot for all your answers.

Let’s reveal the right answer (and more) through this thread with this interesting information brought by @johannes_wittig
An incomplete story of excessive ventilation during #CPR
In 2004, Aufderheide et al. investigated the harmful dimensions of ventilation during CPR. #OHCA CPR attempts of 13 adults were observed; .. (1)..
Read 17 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
As #MedTwitter regulars, you may have already heard that the #SurvivingSepsis Campaign has released the updated 2021 version of the International #Guidelines for Management of #Sepsis and #SepticShock!

But have you gone thru the updates yet?

A #Tweetorial (1/x):
There are 93 #recommendations made in the new publication. I don’t have time to write (or read) that kind of #Tweetorial and neither do you. That’s what the publication is for ->… !

But let’s hit the ✨highlights✨ starring Table 1: (2/x)
Why we care (and we care so much!): Sepsis and septic shock affect millions of people globally each year, and kills somewhere between 1/6 and 1/3 of those diagnosed with the #syndrome. 1/3!!! 😳😢 (3/x)
Read 25 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
🔛 Newborn resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth

Chest Compressions - @wyllie_jonathan

#RESUS21 #resuscitation #science #guidelines #education #NeoTwitter

@ERC_resus @ccroehr
3 :1 --> 30 cyc/min --> FiO2 1.0 --> Reases every 30 s


#RESUS21 #resuscitation #science #guidelines #education #NeoTwitter

@ERC_resus @ccroehr
Read 6 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
🔛 Newborn resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth

Airway & Breathing - Tomasz Szczapa

#RESUS21 #resuscitation #science #guidelines #education #NeoTwitter

@wyllie_jonathan @ERC_resus @ccroehr
Initial Airway Support

✔️ aerating & ventilating the lungs is usually all that is necessary

#RESUS21 #resuscitation #science #guidelines #education #NeoTwitter

@wyllie_jonathan @ERC_resus @ccroehr
Supine --> Neutral position --> Jaw Lift --> 2 person methods

#RESUS21 #resuscitation #science #guidelines #education #NeoTwitter

@wyllie_jonathan @ERC_resus @ccroehr
Read 10 tweets
Mar 25th 2021
Whilst the new #RESUS21 guidelines don’t introduce any significant changes, here are some take homes that I believe are worth highlighting. A thread....

#FOAMed #FOAMems #cardiacarrest #resuscitation
“Ambulance services should monitor staff exposure to resuscitation and low exposure should be addressed to increase experience”

It will be interesting to see if, and how, ambulance trusts follow this guidance.
“Adult patients with non-traumatic OHCA should be considered for transport to a cardiac arrest centre”

Pathways for OHCA in the U.K. have been variable. Will this stimulate more standardisation? Prehospital staff need to nail the post-ROSC care bundle. Transport times longer?
Read 8 tweets
Dec 2nd 2020
Catching up on #burns patients on the #PedsICU - first up Steven E. Wolf discussing specialised burns care by the surgical team

He starts by discussing the ultimate goals of paediatric burn care:
- no deaths
- no scars
- no pain

We are improving but not there yet

‘Burns are as bad as they are going to get at the start; they can only get better - burns are different to chronic diseases’ - Steven E. Wolf, burns surgeon/Intensivist

What are the strategies for management of the #burn wound?

The key is fix and heal the wound. Then de-intensify the patient as soon as possible.

Remember: #burns wounds will have organisms cultured - but are they causing infection?

Read 8 tweets
Oct 30th 2020
¿Habéis visto los aparatos para succionar cuerpos extraños de vía aérea?
Sí, ese que Vicente del Bosque anuncia.
Que no os pase como a Vicente: QUE NO OS ENGAÑEN.
Leed esta editorial en #Resuscitation
Solo deben usarse para INVESTIGACIÓN…
Este editorial se escribe con motivo de un metaanalisis realizado sobre el tema donde se objetiva QUE NO ES RECOMENDABLE SU USO.…
Y como dicen estos autores españoles es el momento de que demos un paso al frente sobre este tipo de ventas.
Así que si conocéis a Del Bosque avisadle.…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
General Principles of #ProtectHealthCareWorkers have always applied to first responders in prior #resuscitation guidelines. Remember, first things first:

👉Assess the safety of the scene, make sure that victim, yourself and bystanders are safe


Minimize the number of people in the room

👉 Whenever able, mechanical CPR devices can reduce the number of rescuers required & provide consistent high-quality compressions
Read 10 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
MYTH BUSTER: #anaesthesia & #anaesthetists are hard words to say (I’m one & have trouble!) & people are sometimes confused about what we do (even other doctors!) and that’s fair enough, but we are way more than just people who “put you to sleep” for your surgery #covid19aus 1/
It’s better to think of us as #anesthesiologists (with an american accent!) like they say in the US. We are medical specialists. We have a medical degrees & a specialist qualification, are highly trained having done continuous training until we are often at least 30 years old 2/
We assess all aspects of you before giving you an anaesthetic - Such as your health conditions, your medication, your worries/concerns about what about to happen to you, your pain requirements, & make decisions about the safest anaesthetic to give you for your surgery 3/
Read 12 tweets
Feb 17th 2020
The moment we have been waiting for!! @jerjohzimm #sepsis @PedCritCareMed @ESICM #ccc49 (thread)

#sepsis #PedsICU
.@PierreTissieres is up first introducing the process & rationale #CCC49 #PedsICU #Sepsis
@TexKissoon tells us “Why Now”? #ccc49 #PedsICU #sepsis

Burden is highest on #children, and deaths occur early in the course
Read 21 tweets
Sep 7th 2019
#TRAUMA: #medthread on the coagulopathic changes in severe trauma.

This is the WHY behind trauma resuscitation efforts.
#traumaanesthesia #damagecontrol #resuscitation
@UABSurgery @UAB_Anesthesia @uabmedicine 1/ Image
Post-trauma hemorrhage and hypotension leads to a unique physiologic derangement called Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy. Resuscitation requires management of both hemodynamics and coagulation status. 2/ Image
Why does this happen? If you were to simply cut your finger, your body would sense the injury and begin clot formation (platelet>factor signaling>fibrin net>more platelets). But to restore blood flow, it would need to break down that clot. 3/ Image
Read 19 tweets
Jul 7th 2019
I listen to ~90 #Podcasts on a (semi) regular basis. Let me give you a rundown of ALL of them and why you should listen to some amazing #FOAMed, especially for all the new #EmergencyMedicine interns. #FOAMed #MedEd #medtwitter
First of all, you need a good podcast app. I absolutely love Downcast. Great app, gives you more control over playback, downloading, and allows you to categorize your podcasts into playlists (picture 2). This is where you get to customize your #FOAMed experience! #medtwitter
In no particular order,

- Anesthesia and Critical Care Reviews and Commentary (ACCRAC). Great insight into Crit Care from an anesthesia perspective. Coming from EM, this is great to listen to- much different from my day-to-day! #FOAMed #FOAMcc #CriticalCare
Read 88 tweets

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