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#Copywriting for #Video: Tips for #Writing Engaging Video Scripts Image
1. When writing a video script, it's important to understand that you're not just writing words on a page. You're crafting a story that will captivate & engage your audience. #copywriting #videoscripting
2. Start your video script with a strong hook that grabs your viewer's attention from the very beginning. A good hook can make the difference between someone clicking away or sticking around to watch the whole thing. #hook #videoscripting
Read 21 tweets
2/4 "... with a potential to improve U.S. #perinatal #outcomes with organizational models that more closely resemble those of #England and the #Netherlands."
3/4 "In the U.S., however, a decidedly different pattern emerged. #Vaginal #births without #induction or #augmentation in U.S. hospitals were far more likely to occur during #standard #working #hours."

#infant #neonates #prenatal #perinatal #health #outcomes #maternal
Read 4 tweets
OK - emergency motion against NYC Mayor Adams' plan for mentally ill homeless is now being heard @SDNYLIVE… Inner City Press will live tweet, thread below
Judge: The City says what was done by the Mayor is an application of existing law --
Petitioners' lawyer: Not so. Now a police officer, who is not a mental health professional, can involuntarily detain.
City's lawyer: Petitioners are out of line. This was supposed to be discovery conference. Now it seems they are requesting, today, a TRO [Temporary Restraining Order]. But I'm happy to speak to the mertis.
Judge: I wish you would.
Read 28 tweets
Ein Artikel der das Problem #Zytokinsturm❗️bei einer #Covid Infektion gut zusammen fasst! Oftmals liegt hier die Hauptursache für #longcovid #mecfs oder das #postvacsyndrom.

Lesempfehlung 👏🏻

Kleine Zusammenfassung gibt es im Thread 🧵 1/7…
Bei #covid beginnt der Zytokinsturm lokal und breitet sich dann über den Blutkreislauf aus. Es kommt zu Fieber, Schwellung, Rötung, Müdigkeit Übelkeit, starken Entzündungsreaktionen im gesamten Körper, auch an den Gefäßinnenseiten der Patienten. > #Endothelentzündung

#Wissenschaftler vermuten, dass der Zytokinsturm das Ergebnis einer „zweiten Welle“ des immunologischen Geschehens sein könnte, da Patienten in späteren Krankheitsstadien plötzlich eine akute Verschlechterung erleiden [England 2020, Felsenstein 2020, Jamilloux 2020]. #PASC

Read 7 tweets
"Johnson says he will not run in Tory leadership race"… Johnson says he will not ru...
#Statement (part 1)

"You can’t govern effectively unless you have a united party in Parliament" 🤔 Here is the text of Boris J...
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A pesar de que se cumpliera el objetivo mínimo de caída para el #SP500 que considero para una corrección como la que esperaba que se diera, siempre defendí que el rebote que vaticiné en junio sería sólo eso, un rebote.

¿Por qué sigo bajista?

Va 🧵
La dificultad para llevar un buen #timing de la situación actual es que nada se está comportando conforme a patrones históricos. Hay que "normalizarla".

Para explicarlo voy a desarrollar dos tuits que expuse tiempo atrás.

El primero es éste 👇


Read 16 tweets
Thread: 18 July 2022: Day 145 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
Latest @DefenceHQ update: #Russia has been using troops flagged as "Wagner" in the recent fighting in Popasna and Lysyschansk to hold down the official casualty figures. To make up manpower, recruitment standards have been lowered, including recruiting criminals from prisons.
#Saudi purchases of #Russia's energy products has increased
Read 54 tweets
Trying my best to understand the results of the very important @RePHILL_trial : Excellent work and fab collaboration studying very complex pts in difficult circumstances #WellDoneAll #Congrats…
1/9 on my take….
Result are contradictory to current evidense (RCT and non-RCT) and our understanding of the patophysiology of trauma haemorrhage 2/9 #Limitation #GoAgainstTheFlow #NotRight ?
Trial underpowered ? Power calc reduction 20 - 10 % in PE is a little bold maybe + too many factors affecting the PE. #StatisticalAnalysisPlan reconsidered ?
Read 11 tweets
#Génie (si j'ose me permettre) #Timing : la revue du Centre de doctrine et d'enseignement du commandement & de la Chaire de tactique générale et d’histoire militaire (re-sic) de l'@armeedeterre est consacrée à...:
"La logistique"
cc @Michel_Goya 1/16…
"En effet, la logistique a toujours été un point clé du succès des opérations et l’actualité du moment, en Ukraine, démontre, une fois de plus, que la logistique au sens large doivent faire l’objet d’une étude approfondie."
Extraits/verbatim sur la bataille de Grozny : /1bis
Lors de la bataille de Grozny, les camions de ravitaillement étaient trop vulnérables pour arriver jusqu’aux lignes de combat en zone urbaine, devaient décharger leur cargaison en périphérie de la ville. Cette rupture de charge, a vu une consommation de 60 % de ces blindés. /2
Read 17 tweets
[Thread important] Modification importante concernant la prise en charge des urgences dans les hôpitaux
Pourquoi vous risquez d’avoir + de prises de sang aux urgences ? Comment on incite les hôpitaux à vous renvoyez chez vous ?
C’est parti !⤵️ ⤵️ ⤵️
1️⃣Vous avez p-ê vu passer l’info, mais à partir du 1/01 chaque passage aux urgences (sans hospitalisation) vous sera facturé environ 20€ - non pris en charge par l’assurance maladie, à vous de faire jouer votre mutuelle ensuite.……
(je vous laisse lire l’article précédent pour ceux qui n’ont pas peur du cynisme absolu du « on ne communique pas, on va laisser chacun dans son coin expliquer au patient à 3h du matin » - le courage politique, toussa….)

Mais c’est pas fini !
Read 15 tweets
1200 registrants for #NationalPreventiveHealthStrategy launch - broadcasting from electorate office of ⁦@GregHuntMP#auspol@_PHAA_
The @_PHAA_ is hoping there will be bipartisan support for the #NationalPreventiveHealthStrategy says @terryslevin #auspol
Here is the link to #telehealth announcement just mentioned by @GregHuntMP at #NationalPreventiveHealthStrategy launch:… #AusPol
Read 13 tweets
1/n Dear @JimCarrey, as life gave you a voice that matters we beg you to use it for good once again.

Please #StepUpForFreedom

'We' are being discriminated, due to our choice of not getting vaccinated (yet) against Covid &/or our choice of saying no to injecting our children.👇
2/n Hear us out:

#EmotionalSituation: we suffer. Division is upon us. Many lost their jobs. Families and friends are being torn apart. Many Europeans, Canadians, Americans, Australians and other citizens of the world share this pain. #Wearemillions. 👇
3/n #FreedomOfSpeech: our voice is being shut and undermined in mass media. Pretexting public health good intentions, political leaders of our nations end up dismissing, if not censoring (on social media), solid arguments for our choice, even if bcked up by eminent scientists.👇
Read 18 tweets
|#Hilo| Cómo saber cuando tomar ganancias en $BTC ??
Ya vimos con el indicador #hashribbons cuándo es buen momento de comenzar la acumulación. Pero tomar ganancias es la tarea más complicada de cualquier trader e incluso de aquellos que hacen #HODL, ya que en algún momento ++ Image
⏭️ del largo plazo querrán tomar utilidades.
🚨 Indicador MVRV Z-Score, en @glassnode (39 usd/mes) Este indicador se utiliza para evaluar cuándo Bitcoin está sobrevalorado o infravalorado en relación con su "valor razonable". Cuando el valor de mercado es significativamente ++
⏭️ más alto que el valor realizado, históricamente ha indicado un techo de mercado (zona roja) mientras que lo contrario ha indicado mínimos de mercado (zona verde). Técnicamente, MVRV Z-Score se define como la relación entre la diferencia de capitalización de mercado ++
Read 6 tweets

#Pregnancy and #puerperium confer an ⬆️ risk for ischemic as well as hemorrhagic stroke, with incidence rates being 3-fold higher as compared with nonpregnant women


a short 🧵 Image

@DrRickSwartz @patrice_lindsay et al metaanalysis
👉11 studies
👉>85 million #pregnancy and #postpartum admissions in various countries
👉overall incidence of #stroke was 30 per 100,000 hospitalizations👈
@IntJStroke… ImageImage
☑️Age, >40yo OR3.1
☑️Migraine, thrombophilia, SLE, 🫀disease, HTN, thrombocytopenia, diabetes
☑️Pregnancy complications
✅For hemorrhagic stroke: aneurysms, AVM, Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy… ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/22/2021…
Opinion | Set Up Branches of Elite Colleges to Expand Access…

#HigherEducation #accessibility #OpEd #BranchCampuses
Vartan Gregorian, Savior of the New York Public Library, Dies at 87…

#obituary #PublicLibrary #scholarship #leadership #service
Read 10 tweets
@VectorVest @MaryTourAmerica @TourAmericaTV @CruiseHolidayie @IIBN @GoingForGrowth @EOYIreland @McKinsey Wonderful! @MaryTourAmerica was fantastic. She shared a range of insider insights about #travel #airlines and #cruise companies. Lots of comments and questions from people throughout. I showed the audience how to navigate the sector's key stock metrics.
@VectorVest @MaryTourAmerica @TourAmericaTV @CruiseHolidayie @IIBN @GoingForGrowth @EOYIreland @McKinsey #Summary

🟣 @MaryTourAmerica feels that corporate travel could be hit the hardest, short haul could come back the quickest and long haul will soon follow thereafter.

🟣airlines have to cut capacity, agencies will have to become more boutique and customer service will win out
@VectorVest @MaryTourAmerica @TourAmericaTV @CruiseHolidayie @IIBN @GoingForGrowth @EOYIreland @McKinsey 🟣 while businesses have found out that they don't need to send people on business trips like they did before, people will always want a holiday

🟣 I spoke about how one can use #options to get paid for the volatility in the travel market through selling puts and calls.
Read 6 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/19/2020…
How to Ship a Vaccine at –80°C, and Other Obstacles in the Covid Fight…

#COVID19 #obstacle #vaccines
Let the Institutional Innovation Begin! (Part I)…

#innovation #institutions
Read 8 tweets
1. NY just passed #AVR Automatic Voter Registration. @StandUpAmerica estimates this will add over 1Mill voters to the #NY rolls. Wouldn't it be great to know that those votes were going to be counted correctly? But w/new #VotingMachines being certified we will not know.
2. #Security experts like @rad_atl & @kskoglund & auditing expert @philipbstark say that the hybrid #VotingMachines are not secure and "No form of audit can confirm they functioned correctly." (Quote from Dr. Stark). Read a paper he co-authored.…
3. One #Hybrid #VotingMachine is already certified in #NY. It's the Dominion ICE & is in at least 15 counties including #Westchester County where they're trying to buy 100s more. In the Westchester #primary the ICE hybrid voting machines created 4 hour lines. via @IndivisWstchr
Read 29 tweets
Contexto: hoy Trump ordenó anular la "inmunidad" de las plataformas digitales consagrada por la Sección 230 de la Communications Decency Act.
En el acompañamiento pedagógico de "Procesamiento de Datos", @bernacali explica la Neutralidad de la Red #timing…
acá la noticia de la orden de Trump publicada en El País…
*es más complejo: la sección 230 de la Communications Decency Act no dispone la inmunidad plena de las plataformas, pero las exime de responsabilidad x los contenidos. Entonces (1996) eran intermediarias; hoy son grandes editoras y organizadoras algorítmicas de la información.
Read 20 tweets
Today's Applied Complexity Symposium begins with a panel on Computation and Complex Economies, feat. Rob Axtell, Joshua Epstein, @C4COMPUTATION, Blake LeBaron, John Miller, & @MelMitchell1

(Follow this thread for live coverage all day...)

#complexsystems #economics
4 Principles of Collective #Computation:

1 Ground truth (objective reality)
2 Effective ground truth (what we agree on, whether or not it is accurate)
3 #Information can be collectively encoded in #networks
4 Outputs are a product of collective dynamics

@C4COMPUTATION right now
"I think #economics really needs to adopt a generative framework with agent-based models of cognitively plausible software people...[and] we don't choose to fear."

- SFI'S Joshua Epstein (@GeorgeMasonU) on modeling emotions at today's ACtioN symposium:
Read 44 tweets
I mentioned yesterday that I had a chat with a green police officer yesterday, while trying to make my way home. Kept expecting him to shoo me away but we ended up talking for nearly 30 mins.
There were 8 of them in Supreme Court Gardens just standing around, no masks or helmets, smiling, relaxed. I approached and asked about the MTR situation then disarmed them by saying ‘hey, you seem like nice guys. They immediately said ‘We are!’
Then told me ‘don’t believe everything you read. The media are so biased!’ Not a great start but one of them, guy about 30, got into a deep conversation with me. I told him I was at 612, w peaceful protesters, and was tear gassed. I told him it hurt a lot and I had nightmares
Read 17 tweets
Right. I'm home. Will grab booze and then let's get this evening's Parliament season finale going.
Back in time for DIVIIIIIISON. #timing
Have eaten some lemon drizzle cake.

Read 59 tweets


RU docs reveal desire to sow racial discord & violence in the US
US intel agencies warned of likely RU meddling in the 2020elex.

Enter JDs vs Trump teeing off an excg of weaponized talking points deliberately designed to distract & divide.

Here we are!

Disclosed: US nuclear weapons are being stored in Belgium, Germany, Italy😱, the NL & Turkey😱

Given the immense unexplained wealth accumulated by Epstein, authorities order forensic acct’g exploring the money trails via a criminal tax fraud and/or 💰💦 inv’n

Epstein’s former bookkeeper, in a deposition, said she arranged for underage girls to be sent to his parties, and others were sent to modeling assignments with wealthy clients where they would only be paid if they agreed to have sex.

Trump/Epstein vid revealed.
Read 86 tweets

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