NEW KID ON THE BLOCK—#BA2’s new spin off #BA2121 sub-subvariant is now surging exponentially—so infectious that it is outpacing even #Ba2 and completely displacing #Omicron, which is now near extinct. Together #BA2 and #BA2121 are now 94% of all strains in US.
2) Hospitalizations are surging. We can debate new variants if more dangerous or not— but more infection, even if mild, means more problems. And don’t forget #LongCovid that doesn’t show up in hospitalizations.
2) I’m very worried about the sudden rise of the new #BA2121 sub subvariant. These are log linear which means they are exponential increase. Figure by @trvrb
*earlier above I meant old classic #Omicron is extinct.
3) Let’s check in meantime how UK hospitals are doing with their #BA2… oh… pandemic record levels of hospital beds occupied? 12 hour waits for care more than ever??? Sounds like a warning about a dystopian future that we are heading towards.
5) to be clear, US hospitalizations are increasing nationwide with the new #BA2, not just in Florida or New York. It’s been rising for 13 straight days now. And for 2 weeks increasing among kids.
2 million Americans fly everyday
76 million use public transport daily
“This (ruling against masks) will singlehandedly accelerate cases, hospitalizations & deaths.” says @draditinerurkar
7) How much more transmissible is the new #BA2121 sub-subvariant? It’s about 68% growth advantage per week over its ancestor #BA2! This makes it poised to take over as the new reigning variant by mid May if not earlier!
8) Some were unsure if #BA2 vanilla could take over America and cause a bad wave. But seeing now how #BA2121 is MUCH faster than #Ba2, I think there is no longer any doubt the #BA2121 subtype could be the “it” variant for our next wave, unless something even worse comes along.
11) Variants variants and more variants… it’s exponentially getting out of hand lately. This is the product of mass infection / government dereliction to just let the virus spread unchecked.
Imagine an arrogant asshole @Delta pilot making this tone deaf remark to a Black passenger… without ever knowing the passenger was the former Surgeon General. That’s the horrible airline culture you have created @henrytingmd with your recent “ordinary seasonal virus” disinfo.
2) Look at this coward @henrytingmd - blocks when he’s caught with disinformation and building disgusting corporate culture at @Delta. I’ll be sure to let everyone know your thin skin after your heinous “ordinary seasonal virus” disinformation, and gutless lack of any apology.
3) We still have not heard one apology from @henrytingmd yet — which almost every Atlanta insider who knows who thinks what at @Delta was likely the handiwork of CMO Dr Ting’s COVID denialism and minimization. Delta retracted the “ordinary seasonal virus” disinfo but no apology.
CDC better come through—Biden WH says that it intends to appeal a Florida judge’s ruling that struck down a federal mask mandate on public transportation—**if the @CDCgov decide that extending it is necessary**. @CDCDirector better deliver. #CovidIsNotOver…
2) what a mess—“Federal District Court judge in Tampa who struck down the mandate put forward a sharply constrained interpretation of CDC’s legal authority under the Public Health Service Act of 1944. If it prevailed, the CDC’s hands would be tied in future public health crises.”
3) “But a ruling by a district court judge is not a binding precedent. Appealing the matter would carry the risk that the court that oversees her — the Court of Appeals for 11th Circuit — could issue a ruling that constrains the agency’s future conduct at least in its region”
MISINFO BY DELTA AIRLINES—This statement by @Delta that #COVID19 is now an “ordinary seasonal virus” is wrong. My source says that Delta did not consult with its senior medical advisor before releasing this misinformation. Hope Delta will correct ASAP!
2) Four studies published this year show as many as a third of coronavirus cases result in long-haul covid. Some of those cases followed mild infections, according to the University of California at Davis.
3) Research in England released in June found as many as 2 million people living there were experiencing long-haul symptoms, The Washington Post reported.…
PREVIEW OF NEXT MONTH AT US AIRPORTS—“Chaos” at @HeathrowAirport as hundred of flights✈️ got cancelled or delayed as airlines were hit by staff shortages due to #COVID19. 3 hour waits—some flights delayed 24 hours. How is ‘let it rip’ good for the economy?
2) “the cancellations are due to high levels of staff absence as a result of #Covid infections”. Naturally.
3) Let’s check in meantime how UK hospitals are doing… oh… pandemic record levels of hospital beds occupied? 12 hour waits for care and surging??? Sounds like a warning about a dystopian future that we are heading towards.
2) Smoking and nonsmoking parts of the plane? Peeing and nonpeeing parts of the swimming pool? That’s like the coronavirus on an airplane. Meanwhile in reality of actual hospitalizations…
3) Don’t let what happened in the UK happen in the US — it was utter chaos at British airports the other week with pilots, flight crew, and airport workers sick and unable to serve flights. Don’t say @AlaskaAir wasn’t warned!