Firstly,it‘s hard to come by useful and accurate information on the matter. The German government is frustratingly tight-lipped about it. Additionally the information is classified to some extent and only accessible for members of parliament.
To add insult to injury: While the German media criticizes the government for doing too little, they are doing an abysmal job at retrieving information about actual weapon deliveries. Whatever you can find, in most cases it‘s dated, ambiguous and not particularly extensive.
Most figures from the graph above are from „Der Spiegel“, issue 15/22. This is the most recent and comprehensive list I have seen, but in some cases (“hundreds“ off road tank mines) no numbers are presented. Additional sources were used to complement this list.
Due to that a word of caution: Please take the presented information with a grain of salt. It is 100% not up to date (German government accounced additional deliveries a few weeks ago)....
...and although it was gathered to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is most likely not 100% accurate. If you have more accurate information, please let me know.
For instance, due to the ambiguity of the information presented in „Der Spiegel“ and other sources, there is a posssibility that the 58 IFVs are a just subset of the 80 armored vehicles. Source 1:
A word about the Strela anti-aircraft missiles. When this was announced, news made the round that the missiles were moldy and only few were actualy delivered. In the meantime this has changed and apparently all or almost all were delivered…
Wie viele Waffen hat Deutschland an die #Ukraine geliefert? Viel Aufregung, wenig Konkretes. Hier letzte Zahlen im Überblick. Update ggü gestern. Quellen / Changelog weiter unten
Der @focusonline behauptet die 🇺🇸hätten der Ukraine bereits "Puma-Schützenpanzer" geliefert. Eh? Schlecht recherchiert: Es wurden Puma UAS geliefert, eine Aufklärungsdrohne.
Interessant: auch 🇫🇷 und 🇮🇹 versuchen ihre Lieferungen geheim zu halten