On May 21, 2022 Australians will vote in a federal election. Voting is compulsory for all citizens over 18.
If you're not enrolled, you still have time:
Close of Rolls is Monday 18 April, 2022
🐝 #auspol
Australians will vote for candidates in the House of Representatives (Lower House) and a half Senate election (Upper House)
This is NOT a 'double dissolution' election, so that means we are only voting for half the Senate (38 Senate seats will be contested)
🐝 #auspol#ausvotes
First of all, starting with the House of Reps
All 151 seats will be contested.
The Green Ballot Paper is for the House of Reps
You DO NOT have to vote according to 'How To Votes', these are a guide only.
You can choose which order you put your numbers in
🐝 #auspol#ausvotes
1. If allegations levelled at Towke in 2007 to remove him after winning pre-selection 82-8 (i.e. branch-stacking & misleading the Lib Executive) were true & deserving of losing his pre-selection, why was he allowed to remain a member of the Liberal Party?
🐝 #auspol
2. Why was Towke employed by a Liberal Senator after losing Cook pre-selection for supposedly lying & branch-stacking?
If Libs thought Towke was dirty, then why did CFW employ him? Why did the Liberal Party allow that?
🐝 #auspol
3. Article by Phil Coorey June 13, 2009:
Phil discussed on-going tensions in Cook & said sources suggested the candidate should be "somebody who was not hard left and was PALATABLE to the local branch members"
Is "palatable" a euphemism for non-Lebanese? non-Muslim?
🐝 #auspol