1/ Thread to talk about #Popasna area.
End of the day Gen staff confirmed ; "In the #Bakmut direction, with the support of artillery, Russian tried to improve the tactical position of their units. fought in the settlements of #Toshkivka, #Komyshuvakha, #Trypillya & #Vasylivka.
2/ reminder of the settlements (small cities) .
so I'm doing this thread to put in perspectives all the talks we can here about this area right now and what Russians are "trying" to achieve there...
3/ As we all well know by know is that they are basically trying to progress in the direction of #Bilohorivka as main goal & #Bakmut / #Soledar.
The idea seems simple and quite "feasable" classic pincer movement..
well as i said weeks ago. i don't think so.
let me "explain"...
4/ first of all, let's go back to the "initial state".
you can clearly see in the map below the Minsk "frontier" from 2017 (red stripes) from which the Russian started the invasion... 12 weeks ago. 12. Now.. they are in the area (i was generous) within the dark red line.. lol
5/ now you have to understand that they are throwing as much as they can here, and this is the result. almost nothing and maybe 3 small villages in the coming days.
but do you you think Ukrainians were waiting for russians to "come in" just like that? let me show you another map
6/ This was the map from the "situation" in September 2014 (Russian source). if you zoom in, you zoomed in you'll see the green line (dots) which goes near Popasna etc.
For 7 years, Ukrainians knew Pro russians orcs or Russians might want to go further there.
so they prepared /
7/ another line of defense... this line was not made 2 km away from Popasna, they have prepared strong defenses near Bakmut, kramatorsk, Sloviansk etc and behind the Kazenny torets (river).
now, maybe you think well the area is easy to "take" ?
8/ From this 800km2 Russians would have to protect from both flanks and to stretch their skinny line of offense for more than 20km.
and once reach. they would have to take all the cities in this "chaudron" (pocket) which would be 3 to 5 times the size of Marioupol area !!
9/ now..
let me remind you of this :
(the great power of Russia 1 month ago, after "storming" the area of #Izyum )
18 April 2022! one month later, they are NOWHERE! few more kilometers down the road. that's it.
10/ now is the time of my "childish" drawings (i know by experience that you can show really good things with simple drawings, & i'm also not a graphist, just an old guy ;-)
it's almost quite self explanatory.
this is an "imaginary" yet almost real situation (hehe) to understand
11/ from the moment Russians decided to go to Izyum they had 22 BTGs or equivalent... then they spread, and you need artillery bataillon and support bataillon and reserve bataillon etc etc. then you spread your area under constraints and increase the difficulties w terrain pbs.
12/ At the end of the day, Russians like the little rabbit i put there are "stuck" there. they are going nowhere, they have lost at least the equivalent of 4 bataillon (killed or injured etc)
Well I guess you see where i'm going with this comparison.
so how much bataillon would
13/ Russians need to take the entire area from bakmut to Siversk and everything inside that pocket!?
maybe 12 to 15 more super motivated, professional, and well trained soldiers, only to do the job and then half would die all in the process the rest would be crippled for good.
so. at the end of the day.. when we all see this kind of map..
let's not be fooled by the size of it and lets remember, #UAarmy have the will and new units r trained and will come to kick the ass of the Russians there. even if it takes time & it's dirty.
1/ IMPORTANT! je vais juste faire un rapide point mais tres tres important sur les pertes Ukrainiennes aujourd'hui (Mini thread on #Ukraine -losses on the field - quite a major revealing here)
Je suis en effet "tombé" sur un article ce matin daté d'hier : pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/…
2/ some people might say "yes we knew" (of course we knew.. but had no real "clue" about real numbers) when we count the tally of Russian losses & in relation wih the Russian equipment that is destroyed/abandoned & reports from UA officials we have "doubts" and surely we can
3/ certainly substract 15% to the claimed amount of total Ru loss inflicted by Ukrainians.
but we knew little about UA losses until now.
Last time we had official accounts about it.. #Zlelensky said that were more than 3k KIA and about 10k injured troops. 2 months ago.
1/ Map Update #UkraineMap#Russian, launched an offensive to storm different small cities in the " #Severodonetsk direction, russian enemy fired on the positions of the Defense Forces along the entire line of contact with mortars and artillery, concentrating efforts in the... /
2/ direction of the settlements of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. #Russian enemy conducted offensive and assault operations in the areas of Oskolonivka, Purdivka, Shchedryshcheve and Smolyaninove. The offensive was repulsed, russian enemy suffered losses and was forced to .../
3/ retreat to the old positions." Gen Staff Morning report 22 Mai 2022
Note. #Russians seems to have focused their main battle as for now on the #Popasna area but r "stuck" here simply because of the #Borova small river on one side and the #Yerik river and swamps/forest .../
1/ Update News from Gen Staff - end of the day
"The Russians planned to overthrow the personnel warehouse and heavy armored equipment with a pontoon ferry across the river Siversky Donets near #Serebryanka. But forcing the Russians of the river..." #UkraineMap so clear Ru plan..
2/ has emmerged from the last 48 hours. They will push hard to succeed.
2nd part : Today the Russian fascist invaders conducted offensive operations against #Lypove & #Vasylivka in Luhansk region but were unsuccessful.
distances are short but many cities to conquer #UkraineMap
3/ Russians are "forced" by their gvt to take that axis (well not ready to have any success over the Siversky Donets) to at least claim a victory (you can see the limit of the Oblast.
also they would then put in a "chaudron" the remaining UA forces.
but the more they push on this
2/ Nobody can really tell the exact limit of RU or UA army, but we do know where Ru tried and failed and where UA are still fighting.. so.. I produced the map above with all the "limits" of my knowledge but without crazy claims!
also here a specific hig res topo of #Studenok iw
3/ by now..now the very famous and "infamous" use of the FIRMS imagery (I lol almost evry time i see phony armchair basement twitos using it)... and I let you think it through... ;-)
(couple of day grouping infos ... quite easy to get that one)
1/ Some mortar shell close enough to scare the hell of the crew of some BTRs
They run to hide and abandon their vehicules there.
You are not suppose to do that.
This war really shows few "interesting" things to think about for the coming months & years...
2/ because of more precise artillery systems and laser guided amo or ATGMs -like against IFVs or APCs some countries are already thinking about redesigning this particular "branch" of armored vehicules. maybe more and much more agile (hybrid systems)
Also more equiped with
3/ Short-Range Air Defense (SHORAD) and better integrated reactive armored systems.
excited tacticians are already talking about a “forward line of robots” preceding human troops into danger zones. And while the current generation of remote-controlled RCVs isn’t ready to replace
1/ update of the current situation near #Popasna
quite hard to assess the real situation overthere. Strong points & Gen staff reports.. :
"In the #Bakhmut#Бахмут direction, with the support of artillery and mortars, russian occupiers carried out offensive operations in the area
3/ Russians seems to "push" in every direction but are clearly not having any real success right now. don't panick. all small villages conquered were not stronholds. Ru still try to gain full control on the high grounds & fails.
They r also stretching their forces now. but weak.