The Viper & Rattlesnake are the ones the people choose & in the very same breathe talk shit about not know who they’re really fighting for—I truly don’t care, they’ll be the ones replacing the evil bloodlines that have been ruling/enslaving the world & do
Good for the world ..
I was born In the gutter & put into A “cage” that
Never felt like A home since day 1 .✍️ Enslaved to the same corrupt system everyone else was enslaved too.
Because I come from where I do & what I have that’s needed within me, is the reason why everything
Was done “All For A Buck” as it has been …
All done to make sure the ones who has all the Keys within him was guided to exactly where everyone needed him to be.
This is why drugs/pain pills flood the streets & why evil did everything else that evil has in time, all the poisons
Trying to throw 1 individual so far off course that nothing THE 9 did
Could bring 1 individual back to the path 1 individual had to be on with his own FREE WILL that helped set him & his people free ..
[They] hoped I would be fooled & get the jab, I have asthma, it definitely
would have killed me.
I had 2 shoulder Surgeries while playing baseball the 25 years I was playing ball & numerous amounts of injuries/broken bones skating the 27 years I’ve been riding … BOTH good & evil have known about every detail of my life LONG BEFORE I WAS BORN,
KNOWING I was going to be born & go down the paths I would so everything had to be “planned accordingly” to those choices …
Evil just couldn’t take 1 Individual out because I assume [Their] ritual wouldn’t have worked …
Good couldn’t just swoop 1 individual up explaining
the real world to him & all that he needed to do in his life in order For all of this to work A certain way—It All had to be as “Organic” as possible ..
WH-Y do you think evil created big pharma, all the farm land growing shit foods, force feeding shit fast foods down peoples throats, the DNA harvesting tests & so much more?
MORE SO Specifically certain individuals that come from certain Bloodlines.
This is why evil needed to control MSM to control narratives for political agendas, coordinating false flag events
For the Last 5-15-45 years to push these narratives for political agendas & or even coordinating with other countries planning major 🌍 false flag events attempting to start wars. The corrupt leaders at the time “going to war” I guarantee were never enemies, evil just needed the
Public to think what evil Needed everyone to think.
So mulch of it was rituals, sacrificing lives by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS & no one ON THE OUTSIDE knew what was really happening.
From poisoned foods, trafficking of humans/children, organ harvesting & starting wars
everything has either been done to alter timelines/throw A certain Someone off course from the path he was always meant to be on #OR GOOD was countering all those moves evil was making in some way by leaving truth hidden in plain sight for everyone to know the truth About…
I have lived for others my entire life, from 17 on raising other peoples kids,skating, baseball & the last 4 years now raising these 3 girls by myself with little to no help from their parents because everything else is more important than their children …
Having to Be Stuck in this shit “cage” barely able to keep heads above water having no choice being pretty much A single “Father”/G-Father”, all while waking others up in the world who refused to see the bigger picture clearly the way it was all meant to be seen. I have
Refused to live for me because I feel it’s wrong for me to have when others are still suffering—I have NEVER complained about ANY OF IT & never will. .
To this very day I see so many
“Stars/people day in & day out complaining about how bad they’ve got it or seeing how many
Treat their fellow man Like shit all for what? Politics? Ones who say “Accept us for who we are” but they refused to accept who they are from birth?
Fake politician hacks trying to cover up/hide truths of what they were doing in the dark?
Political hacks who
Are in bed with crime family gangs who Purposely are coordinating FF’s all over the Country to stop these truths from coming out or instill FEAR into as many lives as possible to stop ones from talking about/spreading the truth?
When is enough enough?
How many more lives
Have to suffer because humanity [NEEDS] something bad to happen to even have the smallest discussions about #UNITY ?
Robb Elementary happened & THEM people wanted to start trying to come together, it lasted for about 5 whole minutes before ones were arguing about guns or
Whatever else …
It wasn’t even 24 hours after Robb Elementary & some stupid politician was saying “When I become President I’m taking away all privately owned guns away from citizens” … #WTF !?!?
Less than 1 Week before Robb Elementary, I warned of what was coming & none
Of it mattered like it should. Spreading around shit like someone saying “Stone Cold followed me, it’s gonna be A good week” is way more important, along with the many other stupid ass shit people spread around day in & day out.
Imagine if everyone spoke the word of God or
Spread around Gods messages left in time, I bet there would be a lot less bullshit happening in the world or there would be a lot more people that wouldn’t care what others will think of them talking about the TRUTHS evil hid from everyone ..
Truths like, where is the real
This whole time all these individuals have been interacting with “Nobody”, showing A lot of very important details to the bigger picture, none of it mattered/matters like it should ..
“Stone cold followed me” & OMG PEOPLE ALL OF A SUDDEN CARE
ABOUT STONE COLD Steve Austin outside of the wrestling Universe ..
It’s almost like these things are being done purposely to show how messed up so many are in this world & many keep falling for it all …
Maybe I should start pointing out every little detail to hype myself
Up for followers or to be”glorified”, it seems to be the ONLY TIME ones show it matters, the way it all should have mattered right from the start. NOT, it only matters when ones have lost all other “cool”, “popular”, “trendy” things to talk about/bring up to keep ones relevant.
Have fun going round & round I guess, I have way to much to live for than being on A carousel I don’t want to be on To begin with. The ONLY reason It seemed like I was on the stupid shit was to give A little push into the right direction.
FREE WILL, the choice is yours.
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100-500-1,200-1,800-3,000 years of lies, No matter how many opinions someone has doesn’t make those lies true & never will ..
No matter how much “Knowledge” ones think they have based on THOUSANDS of years of lies, does not make those lies true …
It seems like Until the
People get what they want, all those lies throughout time that have been force fed into the masses for many generations will continue causing people to treat their fellow man like trash
THE WORLD/COUNTRY can FINALLY #BeStill PROVING you’re not going to do exactly as [THEY]/evil (the common enemy God & Lucifer have that enslaved humanity/hurt children) [NEED] everyone