.@RonWyden was aware of the concern too. His #SAFEAct would have banned barcode voting in the 2020 election, but the GOP, led by @MarshaBlackburn, blocked it. Oops. 4/
5/ In 2019, I even made a video to warn of the dangers of barcode voting. I’m glad CISA is finally catching up thanks to the hard work of @MarilynRMarks1 & her litigation in Georgia.
6/ I warned about BMDs & barcodes probably hundreds of times. Many election officials bought this type of system anyway, against expert advice.
10/ I discussed the dangers of barcode voting in this video at about 2:35 as well.
11/ This is the barcode section of today’s AP piece. The piece notes that the same type of systems produced by other vendors (cough, ES&S) wld likely be exploitable in the same way, if tested. They tested only Dominion’s barcode BMDs bc that is the system used in GA…
… where @MarilynRMarks1’s lawsuit has been pending since long before the 2020 election. She has tried for years to move the state to #HandMarkedPaperBallots (pen & paper) for most voters, w/ an exception for voters with disabilities. 12/
15/ From 2019
16/ Also from 2019.
18/ Congratulations & thank u to @MarilynRMarks1 and her nonprofit @FriendsOfCGG (CGC). It is bc of CGC’s lawsuit that these BMD concerns were exposed in such an irrefutable way that CISA finally issued this advisory. We must try to ensure that the advisory extends to ES&S too.
19/ ES&S’s barcode voting systems are called the ExpressVote & ExpressVote XL. I believe there are many more of these systems in the US than there are Dominion barcode (QR code) systems, which may be why Team Trump never raised the barcode concern.
20/ ES&S has serious issues with its hash validation system as well, which I wrote about here into an apparent void. Will it take @CISAgov four more years to address this vulnerability? whowhatwhy.org/politics/elect…
21/ What about the wireless modems that ES&S installed in many of its precinct ballot scanners (used for in person voting). We have known for years that they are an area of concern. #RemoveTheModems (article by Kim Zetter) nbcnews.com/politics/elect…
26/ QR codes are a type of barcode.
28/ Note: these barcode BMD (ballot marking device) systems are used only for in person voting, not vote by mail.
29/ WARNING: Some people call these barcode printouts “voter marked paper ballots” or “paper ballots” or “voter verifiable paper ballots” or “paper trails.” You must use the “hand marked” prefix (or specify “pen & paper”) if u want to avoid them. #handmarkedpaperballots
31/ PS. I do NOT mean to imply that Dominion is “dirty.” These are vulnerabilities. Not matters of corrupt intent. We sounded the alarm re: barcode BMDs back when we thought GA wld choose ES&S. GA surprised everyone by going w/ Dominion but the vulnerabilities are mostly the same
32/ Personally, I am much more concerned with ES&S than with Dominion as a vendor. But vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities no matter which vendor is involved. In GA, it happens to be Dominion.
33/ And I have gone out of my way to expose the Big Lie for the scam that it was and is. Team Trump took a few grains of truth & combined them w/ a firehose of lies & propaganda.
36/ This is one of several articles I wrote back when I & most others expected GA to buy from ES&S. Although they went with Dominion instead, the concerns about BMDs & barcodes on ballots are generally the same. @whowhatwhywhowhatwhy.org/politics/elect…
38/ I don’t know why @whowhatwhy’s headline images aren’t showing. Hope they can fix it.
39/ One last thing. Dominion provided the type of in person voting system that the state of Georgia requested. If Georgia had requested a #HandMarkedPaperBallot system instead, I’m sure Dominion wld have provided it.
40/ Likewise, if GA had asked Dominion to remove the barcodes, I’m sure the company wld have obliged, as they already did this in Colorado. govtech.com/civic/Colorado…
41/ I lied. 2 more things. @GaSecofState also opposes backup paper poll books 4 GA’s glitchy Knowink electronic poll books, even on Election Day, which is insanity & inexcusable bc e-poll books fail all the time.
42/ In addition, last I heard, GA plans to manually audit only ONE race every TWO years chosen by the Sec of State (not at random), which is also insane & inexcusable.
2/ “Jestine Iannotti, one of three ‘ghost’ candidates who ran as independents for Florida Senate seats in 2020, has been arrested on several criminal charges, alongside a political consultant involved in launching her campaign and Seminole County’s Republican Party chairman.”
3/ “The office of Seminole-Brevard State Attorney Phil Archer announced the charges against Iannotti, James ‘Eric’ Foglesong and Benjamin Paris on Tuesday, which the agency said stemmed from an investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.”
Roger Stone didn’t just “know” the Proud Boys. He took their oath, was “like family” to one of their indicted leaders (Biggs), employed another as a “volunteer” (Tarrio), rallied w/ them, shared a FB network w/ them, & dispatched his assistant to handle their press relations. 1/