You need to know about two very important amicus briefs filed in the #DobbsvJackson case before #SCOTUS. When contrasted they are worth their weight in gold for a Presidential vote at #SBC2022. Let's consider: (1) @ERLC's and (2) Abolitionists'.
2/20 Let us contrast each brief on three points: (1) Filers or amici curiae (friends of the court); (2) List of authorities; and, (3) aims. Ask yourself, "Which amicus speaks for me?" For clarity, let's call them the RC/ERLC and FAA briefs.
3/20 RC/ERLC FILERS: The @ERLC did not write their own amicus, but signed onto one written and submitted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Filers include three other Roman Catholic orgs, Lutherans, and Nat'l Assoc of Evang. Who's NAE?…
4/20 The National Association of Evangelicals is a progressive group pushing LGBTQ+ agendas. @DennyBurk rightly exposed their "Fairness for All" campaign: "This is a disaster. . . . I will do everything I can to oppose NAE and CCCU in this." Read his 🧵.
5/20 FAA FILERS: Abolitionists signed onto an amicus brief written by Baptist attorney, @bradleywpierce, for the Foundation to Abolish Abortion, @AbolitionistFAA. on behalf of many abolitionist orgs all affirming sola Scriptura.
6/20 RC/ERLC Authorities: Nowhere is God’s Word referenced. You'll find Pope Francis, Pope John Paul II, & Vatican II but Scripture is absent. @ERLC calls upon papists and progressives to represent Southern Baptists instead of God’s Word?? Thus, why we call it the RC/ERLC brief.
7/20 FAA Authorities: The first authority of the abolitionist argument against Roe v. Wade is the Holy Bible (2 Cor 10:4-5). God’s Word was brought before the Supreme Court as the Abolitionist Movement declared to the justices the higher court before Whom they must bow.
8/20 Should the SBC be led by the Roman Catholic Church in this battle, or should the @ERLC lead the SBC to respond biblically instead of depending on the Roman Catholic Church and progressive NAE for its talking points and strategy?
9/20 RC/ERLC AIMS: “The Mississippi legislation should be upheld.” What, you may ask, does the Mississippi legislation determine? Their answer: “Except in a medical emergency or in the case of a severe fetal abnormality, a person shall not intentionally or knowingly perform...
10/20 induce, or attempt to perform or induce an abortion of an unborn human being if the probable gestational age of the unborn human being has been determined to be greater than fifteen (15) weeks.” The RC/ERLC brief argues for regulating abortion as healthcare after 15 weeks..
11/20 meaning: (1) innocent children from the age of fertilization to 14 weeks 6 days are passed over with no protection under the law, and (2) homicide of all children is not included in the homicide codes for all born children. The RC/ERLC letter promotes partiality that...
12/20 God calls an “abomination” (Proverbs 17:15; 18:5). Over and against the RC/ERLC brief God demands, “You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality. . . . Justice, and only justice, you shall follow” (Deuteronomy 16:19-20).
13/20 The RC/ERLC brief also requests that the court not treat abortion as a Constitutional issue: “If it continues to treat abortion as a constitutional issue, this Court will face yet more questions downstream about what sorts of abortion regulations are permissible.” This...
14/20 argument is based on the assertion that the Constitution is silent on abortion, which assumes that preborn children are not “people.” If the preborn child is a person, then abortion would be outlawed by the fifth amendment, which states...
15/20 “No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” The RC/ERLC brief does not recognize or assert personhood from fertilization. BFM2K states, "Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord."
16/20 FAA AIMS: “Above all, the purpose of filing the brief was to glorify God. We aim in the brief to be respectful of the constitutional institution of the Court, yet strong and in earnest. God’s image is being slain with impunity and His law is being trampled underfoot....
17/20 "Children are dying and so is our country unless something seriously changes.” Also, “The brief was an leave a historical record of standing for life and justice against tyranny.”
Which amicus brief speaks for you? Does the RC/ERLC speak for you?
18/20 The @ERLC has lost its way. Sadly, instead of principally & powerfully representing Southern Baptists & our Lord according to His Word, they have veiled the Truth, veered from the BF&M2K, & swerved from the heart of and call from the messengers.…
20/20 @tomascol has steadfast endurance & hardy resilience due to his settled confidence: "We have a Book!" "Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men. The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage."
This is the kind of resolution that should be a no brainer for the @ERLC and SBC. "Resolution on Equal Protection of the Laws for Preborn" Read and sign! Children
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“Repealing the income tax is a giveaway to the rich.” A response to moderates and leftists.
The income or labor tax is a control system that punishes everyone, especially the working class.
1. Taxing labor is an assault on human dignity
Taxing a person’s wages is a direct tax on their very ability to live. It tells the worker, “Before you can feed your family, we take our cut.” It means the state gets the first claim on a person’s time, effort, and productivity before they can provide for themselves and their families.
That is nothing short of state-sanctioned servitude. If a person does not own the fruits of their labor first, what freedom do they truly have?
Even liberals who talk about “economic justice” ought to see the problem here.
If a person does not own his own labor first, then he does not own himself. That is the moral foundation of this argument. There is no justice in a system that claims ownership over a man’s wages before he even sees them.
The government has no right to claim the first fruits of a man’s labor. It is HIS property and the just government is to preserve and defend people’s God-given, unalienable rights to their property by which they sustain their lives. This is a fundamental truth.
2. The Income Tax Scam: How the rich get richer and the middle class gets crushed
Here’s the dirty little secret politicians do not want you to know: the wealthy suffer the least under income taxation. They have loopholes, exemptions, trusts, tax shelters, and the ability to move their wealth into non-taxable investments out of the IRS’s reach.
The ones who get hurt the most? The middle class—small business owners, skilled tradesmen, and young professionals trying to provide for their families, but bearing the weight of labor taxes. They do not have tax attorneys or offshore accounts.
They have paychecks—and the government siphons off a portion before workers ever touch them.
If you really want the rich to “pay their fair share,” stop penalizing the act of working. The current system punishes those who show up, clock in, and put in honest work.
3. Income taxation keeps people dependent on government
Think about why so many people live paycheck to paycheck. For most, it is not because they are lazy. It is not because they do not work hard. It is because the government extracts a portion of every paycheck, forcing families into a system of dependency.
When the government seizes a portion of every paycheck, it creates a cycle of dependency where people rely on government services because their take-home pay is artificially reduced.
Instead of allowing families to build wealth and make independent financial choices, income taxation ensures they will always need government assistance/handouts just to get by, many of which are designed to be just enough to keep them in place but never enough to escape reliance.
Abolish the income tax, and you put power back in the hands of workers.
Stop penalizing work, and people will build financial independence instead of relying on government scraps.
Even a leftist who claims to care about the poor should understand this: you do not empower people by making them dependents.
But, maybe that’s the point of the labor tax—government dependency.
A society that rewards work rather than taxes it would create true economic mobility and reduce the need for endless social welfare programs.
🧵 Sexual freedom isn’t free. God’s design for sex is the key to joy and thriving.
The world’s promise of pleasure apart from God’s design comes at a cost: broken families, ruined lives, victimized children, and a crumbling society.
Paganism offers this lie, but its “freedom” destroys everything good.
What is paganism?
Paganism denies God’s Creator/creation distinction and rejects His natural order.
It blurs all boundaries—Creator/creature, male/female—and exalts human autonomy.
Egalitarianism is an expression of this rebellion, flattening God-given roles and hierarchies. The result, among other sexual immoralities and their effects:
🧵 There are potentially ENORMOUS ramifications to this anti-ESG ruling.
Have you ever wondered why virtually every company, even those with conservative customer bases, participate in Pride Month? HINT: It's not because they think it will increase sales. (1/5)
It's because they want a good ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) score, which gives them access to lower interest rates and other corrupt benefits from the far-left activists who have captured influential financial insutitions. (2/5)
To get a high ESG score, companies must sufficiently demonstrate to left-wing activists their commitment to DEI, "green," and LGBTQ+ initiatives. (3/5)
Here’s how I explain my Bitcoin Freedom Act (SB325) to one of my sons today.
Here’s how the Bitcoin Freedom Act could matter to you, especially if you start working for someone else. 1/8
1. Your Money, Your Choice
When you get your paycheck, you usually get paid in dollars. But dollars can lose value over time because of inflation, which makes everything more expensive.
This bill lets you choose to save or get paid in Bitcoin, depending on if it is earning value better than the dollar.
Bitcoin isn’t controlled by a government. It’s is a kind of digital money that you control, without needing a bank or anyone else to manage it for you.
It’s like having cash in your pocket, but on your phone or computer.
2. Protects Against Inflation and Dollar Problems
Sometimes the government prints too much money, which can make the dollar worth less—kind of like watering down your soda.
If the dollar ever collapses, Bitcoin gives you an alternative.
This Act makes sure you can use Bitcoin as a backup plan, protecting your hard-earned money from being affected by bad economic decisions.
A government that seizes your earnings is a government that seizes your freedom.
Every dollar taken by the state is a dollar lost to your own vision for your family and future. @realDonaldTrump's reported goal to repeal federal income taxes is a historic step toward restoring Americans’ rights to life, liberty, and property, returning power to the people rather than bureaucrats. In Oklahoma, @GovStitt’s commitment to a path to zero state income taxes shows he understands that a true free state starts with free citizens.
2. Cut the Cord on Government Gluttony
Tax dollars should serve the people, not feed the beast.
Income taxes fund a bloated, corrupt system that grows endlessly and serves its own interests. By slashing income taxes, President Trump and Governor Stitt would force government to focus on essentials, cutting off waste and corruption. Every American—Democrat, Independent, and Republican—should see this as a moral imperative.
3. A Return to Proven American Prosperity
We thrived without income tax once; we can do it again.
America flourished for generations without a federal income tax, proving that prosperity doesn’t depend on government taking from its people. @realDonaldTrump's push to end income tax is a return to historic American values of autonomy and innovation. In Oklahoma, @GovStitt’s moves to cut state income tax are a signal that Oklahoma can be a leader in this vision, showing that real economic growth doesn’t need oppressive taxes.
Abortion activists claim that a woman died because of a Georgia pro-life law. This brief thread will prove how dishonest their claim is and how widespread this particular lie is becoming. (1/6)
According to the @propublica report, Amber Thurman took abortion pills to kill her twins, but some of the remains of her twins remained in her uterus rather than being naturally expelled. She then went to the hospital. (2/6)
Georgia law clearly, unambiguously, and in multiple places permits doctors to remove a deceased baby from a mother's womb. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or has not read the law. Read it for yourself.
A procedure is only an abortion if it "cause[s] the death of an unborn child." This would, of course, exclude the treatment of a miscarriage. And then, to make it even more clear, lawmakers write explicitly that it "shall not be considered an abortion" to "Remov[e] a dead unborn child." (3/6)