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Jun 7, 2022 70 tweets 23 min read Read on X
While #MichaelSussmann was acquitted of lying to the #FBI, a number of new details came to light during the #SussmannTrial.

Some have not been reported, or have not been widely reported. (Thread👇)…
1. FBI Lawyer Sussmann Met With Was Close to Getting Job at Perkins Coie

#MichaelSussmann passed along claims about Clinton rival Donald Trump to #FBI lawyer James Baker on Sept. 19, 2016, as well as data that supposedly supported the claims.

Baker gave the information to…
…others in the bureau, triggering an investigation. The @FBI and @CIA both determined the claims were unsupported.

Baker, testifying during the #SussmannTrial, described Sussmann as a friend whom he met when both worked for the #DOJ, the #FBI’s parent agency.
Baker, who left the bureau in May 2018, revealed that he was seeking to work for Perkins Coie, the firm that employed Sussmann, soon after.

“To the best of my recollection, I think it was Michael’s idea. I mean, Michael knew…I was looking around for a job,” Baker said.
In one of many text messages the men exchanged before and after the meeting, Sussmann told Baker on Sept. 29, 2018, that it was “great seeing you this week,” in reference to a meeting that involved discussing a job at Perkins Coie, according to Baker.…
Sussmann arranged interviews for Baker, but Perkins Coie never made a job offer.

Baker described “a miscommunication” that saw a headhunter he was working with tell him that the firm had essentially rejected him.
When Baker conveyed the message to Sussmann, Sussmann “went and got it sorted out,” Baker said, adding that the firm was considering offering him a job. Baker ended up taking jobs at R Street Institute and CNN. He later left those positions to work at Twitter.
2. Joffe Was an #FBI Source, and Was Fired

The information Sussmann took to the @FBI was obtained by #RodneyJoffe, among others. Joffe was a technology executive at Neustar who was one of Sussmann’s clients.
Joffe was a CHS for the bureau for years, it was revealed. He had regularly helped the bureau on #CyberSecurity matters, and was even recommended for an #FBI award in 2013.

But Joffe was terminated, apparently because of his actions in 2016.
Joffe was “closed for cause as a source,” prosecutor Deborah Brittain Shaw said.

“Our understanding is that Mr. Joffe was terminated as a source for cause in 2021 as an outgrowth of this investigation,” Michael Bosworth, a defense lawyer, added later.
The defense successfully got US District Judge Christopher Cooper to order prosecutors not to reference Joffe’s status again, after they claimed it was “prejudicial to explore or elicit further testimony about his termination…”
Joffe “exploited his access” to non-public data from Trump Tower, Trump’s apartment in Manhattan, and the White House to compile the data Sussmann eventually took to the FBI, according to prosecutors.
Joffe could still be charged with crimes, prosecutors have indicated. Joffe was not called as a witness because he was going to refuse to answer questions since he is still under investigation.…
3. ‘Tea Leaves’ Was April Lorenzen

The group that gathered the data that Sussmann presented to the #FBI also included April Lorenzen, a data analyst at ZETAlytics.

It was known that someone in the group posted some of the information under the moniker “Tea Leaves.”
The posts were made in October 2016, shortly after Sussmann met with Baker.

But the identity of the person wasn’t confirmed until the trial, during which Bosworth said it was Lorenzen.

Bosworth was questioning FBI agent Ryan Gaynor, who monitored the investigation into the…
…Trump-Russia claims from Washington on behalf of FBI leadership.

Gaynor acknowledged that, as far as he knew, nobody had tried to contact the person who posted the information online pseudonymously.
“And are you aware that, if they had done so, they would have discovered that the person posting was another cyber expert named April Lorenzen?” Bosworth asked. “I am not,” Gaynor said.

@Slate described “Tea Leaves” as a male, as did @theintercept.
“Tea Leaves” was mentioned in Sussmann’s indictment, which also described the person “Originator-1.” According to the indictment, “Tea Leaves” was a business associate of “Tech Executive-1,” who has long been known as Joffe.
Jared Novick, who conducted research for Joffe on Trump associates like Carter Page, said on the stand that Joffe “had involvement in” a number of companies, including ZETAlytics.…
Joffe previously refused to answer questions about the businesses he owned or was otherwise affiliated with during a deposition for a lawsuit filed by Alfa Bank.
4. Multi-Pronged Effort to Seed Allegations

Lorenzen posted the data on a blog. One or more members of the group also reportedly shared the data on Reddit. And Joffe directed Sussmann to go to the #FBI with the claims, Sussmann indicated in previous testimony.
Separately, Joffe approached an #FBI agent named Tom Grasso with several IP addresses that were purportedly linked to Alfa Bank, the Russian bank that Joffe’s group claimed had a secret backchannel with Trump’s business.
Grasso said on the stand that he’d been working with Joffe for years, even though he was not Joffe’s handler. He also said the situation was “unusual” because “it concerned a matter that I normally did not work on with Mr. Joffe.”
“Most of the stuff I worked on Mr. Joffe with was cyber crime matters, and this was in the area of Russia and foreign influence and counterintelligence and things like that, which is why I quickly passed it off,” Grasso testified.
Grasso did not reveal Joffe was a CHS in passing along the information to others in the bureau. Instead, he described Joffe as an “anonymous reporter.”…
During closing arguments, prosecutor Andrew DeFilippis said: “This is Mr. Joffe trying to put these politically charged allegations into another part of the FBI in order to create the appearance of two different streams of information. And that makes sense with the broader plan…
…that was at work here. They were trying to hide origins, hide the involvement of clients in order to get the FBI to investigate.”

Another aspect of the effort involved promoting the allegations to the media.
Sussmann, operatives with #FusionGPS, and at least one Clinton campaign staffer shared the data with reporters to try to get stories written. That plan was approved by Clinton herself, campaign manager Robby Mook said on the stand.…
Among the reporters: Mark Hosenball of Reuters, who emails show was in contact with Fusion operatives. Hosenball went to the FBI to ask about the “Tea Leaves” post.…
5. Clinton Lawyers Met Regularly With Fusion

Marc Elias, another lawyer with Perkins Coie, served as the Clinton campaign’s counsel after Clinton won the Democrat primary. He hired Fusion to perform opposition research and to help him with legal services.
Fusion is the firm that compiled the infamous anti-Trump dossier with the help of former British spy Christopher Steele.

Elias was known to have met multiple times with Fusion co-founders Peter Fritsch and Glenn Simpson ahead of the election.
But during the trial, documents entered by the prosecution show the trio convened regularly, and that Debbie Fine, a top lawyer with the campaign, was part of the meetings.
One document titled “Daily Check in” shows that meetings were scheduled every weekday for 30 minutes from June 6 until Oct. 31.…
Another shows a meeting involving the quartet met on Aug. 12 for its daily check in.…

A third shows a meeting on Aug. 17.
Fine said on the stand that she communicated with Fusion operatives on average several times a week.

Fine did not recall daily check-ins. She said that as far as she knew, only she and Elias were aware of Fusion doing research, but she did not know why others were not aware.
“I operated on the assumption that, like most of the work that I did for clients, it’s on a need-to-know basis, so I just—I didn’t share it, and I wasn’t told not to share it. And I don’t know whether or not Marc Elias shared it with anyone,” she said.
Fine also said she did not recall discussions of Alfa Bank. Presented with an email she asked Elias to print in October 2016, she said the email was about the Trump-Alfa Bank allegations, as laid out in the Slate article.…
Elias previously told a congressional panel that Fusion was “acting as my agents” and that he met with the operatives on a weekly basis.
Other docs showed Elias met with Joffe in his office and spoke with him over the phone, and that Elias sent an article related to Alfa Bank to top campaign officials, including campaign chair John Podesta, 4 days before Sussmann went to the #FBI.…
6. @FBI Leaders Excited About Probe

Then-FBI Director James @Comey was “fired up” about the Trump-Alfa Bank allegations, according to internal messages entered into evidence.

Comey was interested in the case, another agent wrote.…
The decision to open an investigation was made by senior officials.

Joseph Pientka, an @FBI official, wrote in a message that the Chicago team “must” open a case because Bill Priestap, another official, “says its [sic] not an option—we must do it.”

The case was opened that day.
FBI leadership kept tabs on the probe, mainly through Gaynor, who volunteered to monitor it from Washington.

Senior @FBI leaders imposed a “close hold” on the material, “which meant that the specific information about who had provided the allegation could not be provided to…
…the field,” Gaynor testified during the trial. Leaders were also said to be behind efforts to stonewall agents who asked to interview the source.

“When we said that we were interested in interviewing the—when I say ‘the source,’ I mean the author of the white paper or the…
…source of the data—I don’t know if that’s different people or not—but wherever it came from,” Sands said. But leadership communicated that “we should, at the division level, focus on the technical analysis,” she added.
Headquarters “was not giving us the ability to go interview these people,” Curtis Heide, another agent working the case, recounted. He said he was frustrated.
Agents said it is important to know about sources’ political biases, such as Sussmann representing the @DNC and the Clinton campaign.
Gaynor acknowledged he had been under investigation for violating the hold during an interview with @JusticeOIG employees during a 2020 meeting. He said he was “woefully ill prepared” for the meeting. He believes he’s no longer under investigation.
7. Multiple Offices Worked on Investigation

Baker was based in #WashingtonDC, at the @FBI’s headquarters. Gaynor monitored the investigation into the claims from Washington.
Cyber experts in Chantilly, Virginia initially analyzed the data, then passed the probe to a hybrid cyber-counterintelligence team in #Chicago.
At least one agent based in Miami worked on the case, interviewing Central Dynamics, the company to which the Trump email domain was registered, while another agent or agents in Philadelphia did interviews of Listrak, another company.

Grasso was based in Pittsburgh.
“It looks like the clearing house in London” received the same white paper as the one given to Baker, or a similar one, Sands wrote in a message on Oct. 4, 2016.…
8. FBI Took Months to Close Probe

A full investigation into the Trump-Russia claims was opened on Sept. 23, 2016. The probe wasn’t officially closed until Jan. 18, 2017.…
#FBI experts deemed the allegations likely false within a day. The team that did additional work in looking into the claims had come to a similar conclusion by Oct. 5, 2016.…
The delay in closing the probe stemmed from not being able to figure out who handed over the thumb drives that contained the data, according to Sands.
The drives were serialized as 1b, which is digital evidence. When the bureau closes cases, it has to return items taken in the course of an investigation to its rightful owner.
“Well, in this case, we didn’t know who the owner of the thumb drives was, because James Baker wasn’t the owner. He was like a middleman or something. He had given them to us, but we didn’t know who the thumb drives belonged to,” Sands said.
The team moved to initiate an “abandonment hearing,” which would enable them to destroy the drives. But because that involved layers of bureaucracy, Sands’ supervisor recommended reserializing the drives as 1a, which refers to anything an agent wants to have in a case file but…
…isn’t necessarily evidence. She cited notes taken in an interview as an example.

The reclassification allowed the FBI to close the investigation. That means it was closed when CNN reported, citing anonymous sources, in March 2017 that it was still being investigated.
9. Paperwork Had ‘Mistakes’

The document memorializing the opening of the investigation said the #DOJ referred the allegations to the #FBI. So did the closing document.
Heide referred to both as “mistakes,” or “typos.” He said the team had apparently conflated the #FBI’s office of general counsel with the #DOJ.

That was not the only problem with files related to the probe.
The closing document said that the investigation was “preliminary,” as opposed to a “full” one.

“That’s a typo as well,” Heide said.
Heide said he was alerted to the issues for the first time in 2018 by the @JusticeOIG.

“I believe they brought it to my attention and asked me if it was accurate, and my response was the same, that I don’t believe it was accurate,” he said.
10. Investigation Into Crossfire Hurricane Ongoing

Special counsel #JohnDurham’s team, which prosecuted #MichaelSussmann, is investigating the origins of the government’s counterintelligence probes into alleged Trump and Russia links.
Many of the probes utilized information paid for by the Clinton campaign.

The #FBI is also conducting its own inquiry into the probes, collectively known as #CrossfireHurricane, Heide said on the stand.
“And are you being investigated individually as part of that investigation?” a prosecutor asked.

“Yes. Myself and I believe others as well,” Heide said.

Heide is being investigated for “not identifying exculpatory information as it pertained to one of the Crossfire Hurricane…
…investigations,” he added later. “There were various consensual recordings that were obtained from one of the subjects, and there were statements, I believe, used in a FISA application that were—the exculpatory information was not divulged to the FISA court.”
A previous watchdog probe found the #FBI committed “significant” errors and omissions in all 4 of the applications made to the court to spy on @carterwpage.

The most significant may have been how an #FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, doctored an email……
…to state @carterwpage was not a @CIA asset when, in fact, he was. Clinesmith pleaded guilty to a charge stemming from #Durham’s probe and received probation.

Heide while testifying denied he withheld exculpatory information from the court.
Heide, who is still with the #FBI operating out of Des Moines, Iowa, worked on both #CrossfireHurricane and the Mid-Year Exam, or the bureau’s investigation into Clinton’s use while she was secretary of state of a private email server to send classified emails.
10 Underreported Revelations From the #SussmannTrial


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Mar 24
British chat forums are shutting themselves down rather than face regulatory burdens recently applied to internet policing laws.

On March 17, the United Kingdom’s Online Safety Act, a law that regulates internet spaces, officially kicked into force.

The law means that online platforms must immediately start putting in place measures to protect people in the UK from criminal activity with far-reaching implications for the internet.

However, for some forums—from cyclists, hobbyists, and hamster owners, to divorced father support and more—the regulatory pressure is proving too much, and its myriad of rules are causing chat forums that have been operating for decades, in some cases, to call it a day.

Conservative Peer Lord Daniel Moylan told The Epoch Times by email that “common sense suggests the sites least likely to survive will be hobby sites, community sites, and the like.”Image
‘Small But Risky Services’

The Act—which was celebrated as the world-first online safety law—was designed to ensure that tech companies take more responsibility for the safety of their users.

For example, social media platforms, including user-to-user service providers, have the duty to proactively police harmful illegal content such as revenge and extreme pornography, sex trafficking, harassment, coercive or controlling behavior, and cyberstalking.

But what the government calls “small but risky services” which are often forums, have to submit illegal harms risk assessments to the Online Safety Act’s regulator, Ofcom, by March 31.

Ofcom first published its illegal harm codes of practice and guidance in December 2024 and had given providers three months to carry out the assignment.Riverside House is seen along the waterfront on Bankside in London on July 27, 2010. It houses the United Kingdom’s Office of Communications. Jim Linwood/Flickr, CC BY 2.0
It was given powers under the law and warned that those who fail to do so may face enforcement action.

“We have strong enforcement powers at our disposal, including being able to issue fines of up to 10 percent of turnover or £18 million ($23 million)—whichever is greater—or to apply to a court to block a site in the UK in the most serious cases,” said Ofcom.

Some of the rules for owners of these sites—which are often operated by individuals —include keeping written records of their risk assessments, detailing levels of risk, and assessing the “nature and severity of potential harm to individuals.”

While terrorism and child sexual exploitation may be more straightforward to assess and mitigate, offenses such as coercive and controlling behavior and hate offenses are more challenging to manage with forums that have thousands of users.Image
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Mar 21
THREAD 🧵 Does gaming change the brain?

Gamers total 71 percent of the U.S. population and, on average, spend at least one month per year gaming. How does this affect emotions, cognition, and senses?

Research from over 90 medical reports highlights the impact on 15+ parts of the brain, as shown in this infographic:Image
From the Atari 2600 to the PS5, from Zelda to Fortnight, from mobile app games to gaming PCs, billions of players worldwide engage in gaming.

First, here's a quick breakdown of game design.

Game design incorporates three major strategies to keep players hooked: Image
1. Game Juice
The color, touch, and sound effects that are designed to sync with the brain’s inherent set of rules give players a rewarding sense of control over in-game changes, tricking the brain into perceiving the game world as both real and charming. Image
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Looking back: As the JFK files are being released, here’s a dive into some of our relevant stories on JFK, in a thread 🧵. Image
Interview With Key Witness Ruth Paine (Commentary) Paine in front of her apartment at the Friend’s House in Santa Rosa, Calif., on Nov. 22, 2022. Courtesy of Orlean Koehle
A personal journey of investigating what really happened in Dallas and the surprising road it went down.
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Oct 18, 2024
Here’s where Trump and Harris stand on key issues this election.

Our MEGA-🧵 covers:

- Economy
- Taxes
- Governance
- Health Care
- Education
- Border & Immigration
- Manufacturing & Workers
- Housing
- Energy & Environment
- Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice
- 2nd Amendment
- Military
- Foreign Affairs & Ukraine, Israel Wars
- ChinaImage
Economy TLDR:

Harris: Her “opportunity economy” prioritizes support for the middle-class and boosting small businesses while also increasing taxes on the wealthy.

Trump: Focuses on increasing energy production and cutting government spending to bring down inflation, while reducing taxes to stimulate economic growth.


- Calls for an “opportunity economy” focused on the middle class.
- Proposes a federal ban on corporate price gouging on food and groceries to tackle inflation.
- Pledges to lower prescription drug costs by “taking on pharmacy middlemen” who profit from higher consumer costs.
- Suggests strengthening Social Security and Medicare by increasing taxes on the rich.
- Calls for raising the minimum wage.
- Vows not to interfere with the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decisions.
- Calls for increasing tax deductions on small-business startups from $5,000 to $50,000 to boost new business applications and innovation.
- Promises to build on the Biden administration's efforts to revive American manufacturing and jobs.
- Proposes an “opportunity agenda for Black men” that includes forgivable business loans, better regulations for cryptocurrency, and legalizing recreational marijuana.

- Pledges to reduce inflation by increasing American energy production, cutting wasteful government spending, and preventing illegal immigration.
- Seeks to lower commodity prices by ending global wars.
- Promises no cuts to Social Security and Medicare, including no changes to the retirement age.
- “Strongly” feels presidents “should have at least a say” in the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decisions.
- Wants to maintain the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.
- Supports the use of cryptocurrencies and opposes the creation of a central bank digital currency.
- Promises to bring crucial supply chains back to the United States and sign fair and reciprocal trade deals.
- Pledges to reverse “the electric vehicle mandate” by canceling the Biden administration’s rule on automobile emissions.
- Proposes tariffs of at least 60 percent on Chinese imports and a 10 percent universal tariff on all imported goods.
- Proposes setting a "temporary cap on credit-card interest rates" at roughly 10 percent.
Taxes TLDR:

Harris: Supports tax cuts for the middle class, expanded child tax credits of up to $3,600, increased taxes on wealthy individuals, and the elimination of taxes on tips.

Trump: Seeks to reduce corporate taxes, maintain lower individual taxes, and permanently expand the child tax credit of $2,000, as well as eliminate the tax on tips and overtime pay for workers.


- Plans to cut taxes for middle-class Americans by restoring the earned income tax credit.
- Seeks to reinstate the COVID-19-era increase in the child tax credit to a maximum of $3,600 per child, which is currently at $2,000, and proposes a one-time tax cut of $6,000 for families with newborns.
- Pledges no tax hikes for people earning less than $400,000 a year.
- Proposes raising top individual income tax rate to 39.6 percent on income above $400,000 for single filers and $450,000 for joint filers.
- States she wants to roll back the Trump administration’s corporate tax cuts, increasing the top rate from 21 to 28 percent.
- Plans to tax long-term capital gains at 28 percent for those earning more than $1 million a year.
- Proposes a 25 percent unrealized capital gains tax for individuals with a net worth greater than $100 million.
- Pledges to eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.

- Promises to make permanent the provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).
- Seeks to make permanent the expanded child tax credit introduced in the TCJA, which raised the maximum benefit from $1,000 to $2,000 for each child under 17.
- Says he wants to cut the corporate tax rate from 21 to 15 percent.
- Pledges to eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.
- Vows to end taxes on overtime pay for workers.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 15, 2024
THREAD: A Breakdown of the Assassination Attempt Against Trump

A detailed look at how events unfolded when a shooter tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally.
Former President Donald Trump was hustled off the stage with a bloodied face after a bullet pierced his ear during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. Authorities are now investigating what they’ve called an assassination attempt.

The attack marked the first shooting of a U.S. president or presidential candidate since President Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1981.

Here’s a timeline of what happened at the shooting that led to the death of one rally-goer, with two more sustaining serious injuries.Image
6:02 p.m. —Trump Takes the Stage
Former President Trump takes to the stage to the tune of “God Bless the USA,” waving to the crowd under the scorching sun. Image
Read 23 tweets
Oct 1, 2023

Parents, Teachers Start Winning Court Battles Against Secret Gender Transition Policies

👇THREAD 🔖 Bookmark this post to come back to it later
Parents, Teachers Start Winning Court Battles Against Secret Gender Transition Policies  (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock)

A revolt against government policies that many say usurp parental authority is spreading across the nation—especially in blue states where lawmakers have promoted transgender ideology and "gender-affirming care"—according to parents, attorneys, and…
For more than a year, #California parents have shown up in droves at legislative hearings and phoned in by the hundreds to protest policies that encourage schools to keep social gender transitions of children secret.

Teachers also have begun to refuse to hide information about a child's gender identity from parents.

Meanwhile, Democratic members of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus have spearheaded legislation supporting so-called gender-affirming care, especially for children, touting it as a “first-in-the-nation” model.

Parental rights groups such as Our Duty have pushed back against the model, while groups such as Planned Parenthood, Equality California, and others support it.

California school districts claim that they’re required by law to keep gender transitions secret from parents unless a child wants to tell his or her parents.

But recent court rulings tell a different story.
Senator Scott Wiener's 1st-in-Nation Transgender-Inclusive Health Care Act Signed Into Law
Read 34 tweets

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