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Jun 7th 2022
While #MichaelSussmann was acquitted of lying to the #FBI, a number of new details came to light during the #SussmannTrial.

Some have not been reported, or have not been widely reported. (Thread👇)…
1. FBI Lawyer Sussmann Met With Was Close to Getting Job at Perkins Coie

#MichaelSussmann passed along claims about Clinton rival Donald Trump to #FBI lawyer James Baker on Sept. 19, 2016, as well as data that supposedly supported the claims.

Baker gave the information to…
…others in the bureau, triggering an investigation. The @FBI and @CIA both determined the claims were unsupported.

Baker, testifying during the #SussmannTrial, described Sussmann as a friend whom he met when both worked for the #DOJ, the #FBI’s parent agency.
Read 70 tweets
May 31st 2022
After a three-day weekend, a jury Tuesday is deliberating the fate of former Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann following Friday's conclusion of his 10-day trial for allegedly lying to the FBI about concocted Trump-Russia links in the weeks before the 2016 election. #SussmannTrial
So, what is the jury in that Jury Room within the US District Courthouse in Washington DC looking at while it ponders a verdict? Exhibits.
And you can see them too.
@EpochTimes has obtained the Sussmann trial exhibits.……
@EpochTimes While many of us were engaged in Memorial Day activities, @ZackStieber and @IvanPentchoukov of @EpochTimes were doggedly chiseling away and here is the fruits of their labor laid out for you:………
Read 25 tweets
May 27th 2022
#SussmannTrial Day 10: Barricades have been placed before the main entry of the E. Barnett Perryman Courthouse in Washington DC where former #Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann’s trial for allegedly lying to the FBI about concocted #Trump-Russia links presumably concludes Friday.
@EpochTimes has covered the trial blow-by-blow since the opening gavel and will be here until the end. To catch up, Zach Stieber — brilliant ace reporter that he is — has built this timeline.
US District Judge Christopher Cooper has scheduled closing arguments to begin at 9 am. He asked attorneys to limit final orations to one hour and 40 minutes each — no more than 100 minutes. #SussmannTrial
Read 52 tweets
May 27th 2022
As jury begins deliberations today in trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer, here in chronological order are dispatches from the trial. #SussmannTrial
Prosecutors said the scheme—taking sketchy data on Donald Trump to the FBI—was meant to influence the 2016 election…
FBI experts deemed the data false in less than a day, though the bureau's analysis wouldn't be revealed until years later…
Read 19 tweets
May 27th 2022

Hillary campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann's criminal trial is reaching its conclusion.

On Day 10, Friday, the Jury will be read closing statements by the prosecution and defence,

Next, it's time for deliberation. /1
In the last 8 days, we heard from 20 witnesses.
17 were for the prosecution.
Sussmann declined to testify in his own defence.
A witness for the defence, former NYT reporter, pulled out. /2
Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann," the defendant, is charged with one count of making false statements to the FBI; that is, for willfully and knowingly making a materially false statement to the General Counsel of the FBI." /3
Read 64 tweets
May 26th 2022
#SussmannTrial Day 9 begins in speculative uncertainty with the defense pulling former New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau from its witness list and hinting that Sussmann himself may take the stand as soon as today, Thursday.
Sussmann, an attorney who represented the #Clinton campaign, DNC, and other Democratic Party organizations, is accused of lying about his affiliations in Sept. 2016 when delivering data purporting a “secret” link between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank. #SussmannTrial
There have been 20 witnesses — 17 by prosecutors, including 8 FBI agents/attorneys — called to the stand during the eight-day trial before Judge Christopher Cooper in his E. Barnett Perrymann US District Courthouse in Washington, DC. #SussmannTrial
Read 34 tweets
May 25th 2022
Day 8 of the #SussmannTrial is set to begin at the E. Barnett Perryman US District Courthouse in Washington, DC. shortly with the prosecution set to sum up its case with its 17th witness, #Durham paralegal Kori Arsenault.
Former DNC/Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann is on trial for allegedly lying to the FBI when he delivered data, documents purporting a secret server channel between the Trump Organization and Kremlin-linked Alfa Bank. #SussmannTrial
The prosecution Tuesday night filed two motions seeking to thwart the defense's anticipated request to enter all of Sussmann's testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on Dec.18, 2017. #SussmannTrial
Read 51 tweets
May 24th 2022
Reporters are in the media room at the US District Courthouse in Washington, DC, 50 minutes after it's supposed to open, so off to slow start this drizzly Tuesday for Day 7 of #Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann’s trial for lying to FBI about Trump-Russia links. #SussmannTrial
DOJ deputy assistant attorney general Tricia Anderson takes the stand. Her notes taken after speaking with former general counsel James Baker after he received data, documents from Sussmann is evidence in the case. #SussmannTrial
Prosecutor Brittain Shaw ends her examination of Anderson in less than 10 minutes. Like FBI agent Bill Priestap Monday, she doesn't recall specifics and is testifying on notes taken during meetings she cannot recall. #SussmannTrial
Read 38 tweets
May 23rd 2022
#SussmannTrial Day 6: #Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann’s trial for allegedly lying to the FBI about concocted links between the Trump Organization and a Kremlin-linked bank prior to the 2016 election continues Monday in Washington, DC. A recap:…
Ten witnesses have testified: two FBI agents, a Neustar executive, DNC attorney Debbie Fine, FusionGPS’s Laura Seago, former Clinton general counsel Marc Elias, former FBI general counsel James Baker, former Clinton manager Robby Mook, two retired CIA agents. #SussmannTrial
Among disclosures in the #SussmannTrial is the Clinton campaign solicited media to publish the allegations. On Friday, Mook confirmed Hilary Clinton personally approved, spurring former President Donald Trump to ask, “Where do I get my reputation back?”…
Read 34 tweets
May 20th 2022
#SussmannTrial Day 5: The first week of the anticipated two-week trial of #Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann concludes Friday with former FBI general counsel James A. Baker on the stand. Here’s a recap:…
Baker is a key witness in the case against Sussmann, who is charged with lying to the FBI when he delivered thumb drives, documents to Baker alleging “a secret server connection” between the Trump Organization and Kremlin-liked Alfa Bank. #SussmannTrial
But Baker is not a “friendly” witness for Special Prosecutor John #Durham’s team. He'd worked with Sussmann at the DOJ and they maintain a friendship. On the stand, he’s repeatedly referenced his respect for him as a cyber/national security expert. #SussmannTrial
Read 38 tweets
May 19th 2022
#SussmannTrial Day 4: Proceedings in former #Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann’s trial are set to begin Thursday at 9 a.m. in the E. Barnett Prettyman US District Courthouse in Washington DC where they ended Wednesday with former FBI general counsel James Baker on the stand.
Baker is expected to testify likely through the morning regarding his Sept. 19, 2016 meeting with Sussmann when the defendant gave him two thumb drives and several “white papers” purporting a link between the #Trump Organization and Russia-based Alfa Bank. #SussmannTrial
Also on tap to testify Thursday are former FBI officials Bill Priestap and Trisha Anderson, who Baker conferred with after meeting with Sussmann. Priestap was Assistant Director for Counterintelligence and Anderson was deputy general counsel of national security. #SussmannTrial
Read 37 tweets
May 19th 2022
#SussmannTrial #SpecialCounselDurham
Upcoming today: former FBI General Counsel Jim Baker.
His testimony began late yesterday, describing his relationship with Sussmann
Sussmann used to work for the DOJ, and Baker considered him an expert in cyber security and someone he trusted
Baker said that he learned some time in 2016 that Sussmann was representing the DNC on cyber issues.
But Baker did not know Sussmann was representing DNC/Hillary on political issues.
Baker was shown the text message Sussmann sent him setting up the meeting.
This goes directly to the criminal charge of lying to the FBI.
Read 5 tweets
May 18th 2022
#SussmanTrial Day 3: On tap to testify Wednesday: Clinton campaign attorney Debbie Fine, FusionGPS technician Laura Seago, Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias, former DNC employee Tom McMahon and former FBI general counsel James A. Baker.
Prosecutor Jonathon Algor questioning Fine, an attorney who now works for the Open Society Institution. She was a deputy campaign counsel. Asked if she could explain the campaign's leadership structure, she said: "No." #SussmannTrial
Algor is asking Fine about what "opposition research" is. "I conducted research to support the campaign. I am not comfortable discussing what that was used for," Fine said. #SussmannTrial
Read 40 tweets
May 17th 2022
Seeing accounts of the #SussmannTrial saying that materiality means the gov't must prove the FBI investigation was actually affected. That's not correct.

Materiality means only that a statement had the potential to affect the investigation - actual impact is not required. 1/
"Materiality" is a very low bar, although it's still a challenge for the government here. But prosecutors don't have to prove the FBI was actually influenced.

The defense might also raise a reasonable doubt about what was actually said and whether it was false. 2/
Given the nature of human language and memory, proving beyond a reasonable doubt precisely what was said in a single sentence in an unrecorded conversation with one other person six years ago is very, very tough. Slight variations in wording can make all the difference. 3/
Read 4 tweets
May 17th 2022
Deliberations begin Tuesday morning at the E. Barnett Prettyman U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., in Michael #Sussmann's trial for allegedly lying to the FBI about the #Trump Organization's purported ties to a Russian Bank.
Opening statements will begin shortly after Judge Christopher Cooper convenes the trial about 9 a.m. Sussmann and his defense team arrived at 8 a.m. Special Prosecutor John #Durham and his cadre of federal lawyers arrived about 8:30 a.m., so all should be set for 9 a.m. start.
Special Prosecutor John #Durham and his van-load of federal lawyers arrived at U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., Tuesday morning. Former #Clinton attorney Michael #Sussman's false statement trial is expected to last two weeks.
Read 52 tweets

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