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Jun 7th 2022
While #MichaelSussmann was acquitted of lying to the #FBI, a number of new details came to light during the #SussmannTrial.

Some have not been reported, or have not been widely reported. (ThreadšŸ‘‡)ā€¦
1. FBI Lawyer Sussmann Met With Was Close to Getting Job at Perkins Coie

#MichaelSussmann passed along claims about Clinton rival Donald Trump to #FBI lawyer James Baker on Sept. 19, 2016, as well as data that supposedly supported the claims.

Baker gave the information toā€¦
ā€¦others in the bureau, triggering an investigation. The @FBI and @CIA both determined the claims were unsupported.

Baker, testifying during the #SussmannTrial, described Sussmann as a friend whom he met when both worked for the #DOJ, the #FBIā€™s parent agency.
Read 70 tweets
May 17th 2022
Deliberations begin Tuesday morning at the E. Barnett Prettyman U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., in Michael #Sussmann's trial for allegedly lying to the FBI about the #Trump Organization's purported ties to a Russian Bank.
Opening statements will begin shortly after Judge Christopher Cooper convenes the trial about 9 a.m. Sussmann and his defense team arrived at 8 a.m. Special Prosecutor John #Durham and his cadre of federal lawyers arrived about 8:30 a.m., so all should be set for 9 a.m. start.
Special Prosecutor John #Durham and his van-load of federal lawyers arrived at U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., Tuesday morning. Former #Clinton attorney Michael #Sussman's false statement trial is expected to last two weeks.
Read 52 tweets
Feb 25th 2022
'Gov.Romney, Iā€™m glad you recognize that alQaeda is a threat because a few months ago when you were asked whatā€™s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia.' ~ BHO

'The 80s want their foreign policy back. Cold Warā€™s been over 20yrs'šŸ˜ā€¦
Full text:

"Sometimes we need time to pass and distance to extend to gain fuller perspective on what we did not see contemporaneously from too close.
Indeed, G-d tells Moses that no person can see His face (which I teach as meaning an up-close encounter) and live, but people can see the back of G-dā€™s head (which I teach as meaning a more distant previous encounter, growing ever more distant). See Exodus 33:18-23.
Read 55 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
@DevinCow @mohndo00 @PhilArballo2020 @verified @LizMair @NunesAlt @RyanLizza @Hearst @CNN Here's the full list

1. Cowlifornia suit against several of his own cownstituents for calling him a #FakeFarmer. He called himself a farmer on the ballot description+ they pointed out he didn't have a farm.

Suit withdrawn by Devin, probably due to strong CA anti-SLAPP laws

@DevinCow @mohndo00 @PhilArballo2020 @verified @LizMair @NunesAlt @RyanLizza @Hearst @CNN 2. Suit against @Twitter, @DevinCow, @NunesAlt + @LizMair, filed in VA.

Twitter removed from suit, Devin attempted to re-add them, judge told him to cut it out. Now says he'll appeal Twitter's removal. Suit still exists against other 3 but he can't identify Cow + Mom.

@DevinCow @mohndo00 @PhilArballo2020 @verified @LizMair @NunesAlt @RyanLizza @Hearst @CNN @Twitter 3. Suit against @mcclatchy @FresnoBee + @LizMair (again), filed in VA (different county). The #YachtCocaineProstitutes case. Devin sued CA corp owning CA newspaper for story about CA winery hiring CA yacht w/CA hos, CA employee of winery sued in CA over treatment on yacht.

Read 12 tweets
May 11th 2020
INFOGRAPHICšŸ”ŽTimeline of @FBIā€™s #FISAAbuse in Trump Campaign Investigation

#EpochTimes provides a comprehensive timeline of details from the #IGReport, describing how the #FBI rushed to #Spy on the Trump campaign and the flaws in its case.

See more:ā€¦
In its pursuit of establishing #Surveillance on the Trump campaign, the #FBI turned its attention to @CarterWPage in the spring of 2016, culminating in the issuance of a #FISA warrantā€”which allows for some of the most intrusive #Spying methods on an US citizen.
As part of this process, the #FBI relied extensively on the flawed #SteeleDossier, leading an @FBI legal counsel to note that this was ā€œessentially a single source FISA.ā€
Read 207 tweets
May 9th 2020
1/ @AmbassadorRice "ascertained", from the Jan 05 2017 WH meeting that included @SallyQYates & @Comey, that @BarackObama was using @HillaryClinton's @DNC fake Russian Dossier & @Crowdstrike server coverup against @realDonaldTrump campaign, transition, & presidency.
2/ Senate Judiciary delayed @jeffsessions confirmation to give Team Yates & Comey time to attack @GenFlynn bc Flynn knew the faces & the names of the majority of #DeepState swamp creatures who were part of the transition and would have surely had them removed immediately.
3/ Yates was fired on Jan 30 2017 for refusing Trump's #TravelBan order. Immediately, @lawfareblog & @BrookingsInst legal #Resist players like @DanielJJonesUS @MarkSZaid @DebraKatzKMB @benjaminwittes @gtconway3d @BillKristol @robreiner @DebraMessing among others kicked into gear.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
OpinionšŸ’­by @SharylAttkisson

A new order by the #FISA Court sets forth and reviews specific changes in the wake of gov't #Wiretapping abuses. (ThreadšŸ‘‡)ā€¦
The most noteworthy item bars the @FBI and @TheJusticeDept officials who were involved in the controversial #Wiretaps from ā€œdrafting, verifying, reviewing, or submittingā€ new #FISA applications while their actions are under review.
The @JusticeOIG flagged #FISAabuse in the wiretapping of @CarterWPage. The #FISA Court and #DOJ have determined that at least 2 of the 4 wiretaps against Page were improper and are invalid.
Read 29 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
#Qanon #Hussein #Obama

In honor of Q drop 3836, 02/06/2020

A THREAD ā€˜honoringā€™ the man and legacy of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA
Read 76 tweets
Jan 10th 2020
1. todayā€™s thread is on #fusiongps . they are the law firm that was paid by the clinton campaign & the dnc to help produce the steele dossier . during his testimony before congress , mueller claimed he was ā€œnot familiar ā€œ with fusion gps and acted confused like it was new to him
2. today the fbi released 7 pages of documents related to fusion gps. link here
3. per the he documents in that release we now know that mueller subpoenaā€™d fusion gps and actually signed the warrant for it. shown here
Read 6 tweets
Dec 29th 2019
#DOJ internal investigation reveals that an #FBI special agentā€”who interviewed @GenFlynn and was supervisor of #CrossfireHurricaneā€”played key role in problematic #FISA application.

Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork (ThreadšŸ‘‡)ā€¦
One of the special @FBI agents who interviewed Lt. @GenFlynn at the @WhiteHouse in Jan 2017 played a much bigger role in the #FBIā€™s #CrossfireHurricane counterintelligence investigation than previously assumed, the #HorowitzReport reveals.ā€¦
@FBI @GenFlynn @WhiteHouse The agent was first introduced into the public in a May 11, 2018 letter from Sen. @ChuckGrassley, who was inquiring about the @FBIā€™s interview with @GenFlynn.

ā€œMake Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff,ā€ Grassley said.
Read 49 tweets
Dec 25th 2019
Year in ReviewšŸ“…20 Notable Spygate Developments of 2019

by @IvanPentchoukov (ThreadšŸ‘‡)ā€¦
In the saga of ā€œ#Spygate,ā€ 2019 has shaped up to be the year the tables turned.

In the first days of January 2019, a federal judge extended the term of the #GrandJury in the #SpecialCounsel investigation by #RobertMueller.
Later that month, the @FBI raided the home of veteran Republican strategist #RogerStone in front of @CNN cameras.

The raid and indictment of Stone were symbolic of the spectacle that was the #RussiaInvestigation.
Read 44 tweets
Dec 25th 2019
This month Obamas officially purchased the Edgartown Estate, an $11.75 million waterfront mansion in Marthaā€™s Vineyard.

In 2017 the Obamas purchased an $8.1 million home in DCā€™s Kalorama neighborhood & own a 6,243 sf home in Chicagoā€™s South Side Kenwood neighborhood.
The listing details the propertyā€™s ā€œlong and winding driveway, sprawling lawn and incredible water viewsā€ and notes that the main residence is ā€œfinished with the finest details,ā€ including...
...ā€œmultiple seating and entertaining spaces, a modern Chefā€™s kitchen, and a formal circular dining room surrounded by a wall of windows overlooking the grounds.ā€ It is also equipped with a jacuzzi located off the second-floor balcony...
Read 142 tweets
Dec 7th 2019
The @FBIā€™s #FISA warrant to #Spy on Trump campaign adviser @CarterWPageā€”a key part of the agencyā€™s investigation of the Trump campaignā€”has been fraught with irregularities.

By Jeff Carlson @themarketswork (Thread šŸ‘‡)ā€¦
Ahead of the release of the #DOJ Inspector General's #FISAReport, we provide an overview of what exactly the known irregularities are.

The initiation of the investigation by @JusticeOIG was originally announced on March 28, 2018.
However, the #IGReport has been repeatedly pushed back and delayed.

IG #Horowitz declared his area of original focus within his initiation announcement:
Read 37 tweets
Nov 27th 2019
Re-reading the Christopher Steele dossier & if you exclude the discussions of sexual perversion ... the rest of it is mostly dead on, completely believable, and/or plausible given all we know. This part about #Ukraine is especially interesting & relevant right now. #SteeleDossier
And this part discussing the whole idea of plausible deniability & to later sow seeds of doubt into whether Russia was even involved now trying 2 pin the blame on #Ukraine. This kills two birds with one stone for Putin. #SteeleDossier Anyway re-read the dossier, if u can
Another interesting passage given the current controversies around #Ukraine military funding & the attempt by Russia and other elements here to sow doubt around whether Manafort was really corrupt .... but instead was framed. And I have an Ostrich coat to sell u #SteeleDossier
Read 6 tweets
Sep 27th 2019
Devin Nunes - Origins of the Russian Hoax are in Ukraine
"Of course the President is talking to the President of Ukraine..the President is the one who had to through three years of nonsense that has it's origination's in Ukraine." @DevinNunes #UkraineHoax
Nunes : "Why was Nellie Ohr getting information from Ukrainians and feeding it to Fusian GPS?" #FusionGPS
Nellie Ohr's Ukrainian Connection

Ohr's Testimony to House Judiciary Committee on October 19th, 2018 identifies Serhiy Leshchenko as a Ukrainian source working with Fusion GPS. (pgs 114-115, 135) #UkraineCollusion #FusionGPS

Read 3 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
Newly released FBI interview notes w/ former Deputy Associate AG #BruceOhr show info gathered against @realDonaldTrump by former #British #Spy Christopher Steele for @HillaryClinton was distributed to @BarackObamaā€™s @FBI and @StateDept in 2016.

(Thread šŸ‘‡)ā€¦
@realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @BarackObama @FBI @StateDept #BruceOhr told @FBI agents during a Nov. 2016, interview that ā€œreporting on Trumpā€™s ties to Russia were going to the [@HillaryClinton] campaign, Jon Winer at the U.S. State Department and the FBI,ā€ according to notes made public by @JudicialWatch.
@realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @BarackObama @FBI @StateDept @JudicialWatch .@JudicialWatch has repeatedly used the #FOIA to break major stories in the #RussiaInvestigation saga, and released 34 pages of @FBI 302s, the form agents use to document their interviews.ā€¦
Read 18 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
#NellieOhr, wife of @TheJusticeDept's Associate Deputy AG #BruceOhr, handed her husband the ā€œManafort Chronology,ā€ a dossier of research on former Trump-campaign chairman #PaulManafort in Dec 2016, according to @FBI docs released Aug. 8.

(Thread šŸ‘‡)ā€¦
@TheJusticeDept @FBI Nellie Ohr compiled the Manafort report as part of her work for #FusionGPS. The @HillaryClinton campaign and the @DNC paid Fusion GPS $1 million to conduct opposition research on then-candidate @realDonaldTrump.
@TheJusticeDept @FBI @HillaryClinton @DNC @realDonaldTrump The revelation about the Manafort report is part of a batch of @FBI docs memorializing the bureauā€™s interviews with #BruceOhr.

@JudicialWatch obtained the docs as part of a #FOIA lawsuit against the bureau.ā€¦
Read 11 tweets
Jul 29th 2019
Ok Iā€™m buggin out over the last couple Q drops and @ReIncarnatedET insight āž”ļø a,b,C,D,(e) comms.


Now just before, #Q dropped ā¬‡ļø

Exculpatory: A description of evidence in a criminal trial that serves to justify, excuse, or introduce a reasonable doubt about the defendant's alleged actions or intentions
And after @ReIncarnatedET shoutout, last drop 3544 is about (E)pstein

Consider the highlighted portions of what his attorney says specifically

ā€œIf he goes on trial, everyone heā€™s been in contact with will ultimately be fair gameā€

#qanon #GreatAwakening
Read 11 tweets
Jul 7th 2019
The Feds supposedly arrested Jeffrey Epstein last night & it's being reported that he'll appear in federal court in NY on Monday & his indictment will be unsealed. Guess we'll find out for sure on Monday.

Also interesting - it's being handled by SDNYs "Public Corruption Unit" šŸ§
Here's what their "Public Corruption Unit" focuses on.

They work closely with Federal, State & City investigative agencies and the FBI to oversee government corruption crimes, including bribery, embezzlement, and fraud.ā€¦
Back in February, it was reported that the DOJ was looking into possible misconduct by dept attorneys that were involved in the original Epstein case.

Article brings up Acosta, however, he supposedly told officials that he welcomed the review.ā€¦
Read 18 tweets
Jul 5th 2019
#RobertMueller will be testifying before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees on July 17.

Here are some crucial questions that should be asked when he testifies (Thread šŸ‘‡). | Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketsworkā€¦
1) Did #AttorneyGeneral Barr in any way misrepresent your 448-page report?

#Mueller failed to identify the grand jury info in the #MuellerReport. Barr noted that ā€œit immediately meant that you know it was going to be a period of weeks before we could get the report out.ā€
2) Who actually wrote Volume I and Volume II of the #MuellerReport?

At this point, it isnā€™t known with certainty if #Mueller had any hand in writing the report directly, or if he simply served in an oversight capacity.
Read 56 tweets
Jun 25th 2019
The narrative of #ObstructionOfJustice originated prior to the conclusion of the #MuellerReport. (Thread šŸ‘‡)

Less than 6 months after #Muellerā€™s appointment, @BrookingsInst published ā€œPresidential Obstruction of Justice: The Case of Donald J. Trump.ā€ā€¦
The report outlined a scenario whereby #Mueller would refer his #Obstruction findings to #Congress, which would then take up the matter and continue investigating.

The report also discussed ways Congress could #ImpeachTrump, mentioning the word ā€œ#Impeachmentā€ 90 times.
2 of the report's authors, Barry Berke & @NormEisen, were later retained by #HouseJudiciaryCommittee Chairman @RepJerryNadler on a consulting basis as special oversight counsels to the Democrat majority staff.ā€¦
Read 20 tweets
Jun 11th 2019
Grassley on covert and subversive foreign influence in government/lobbying along with his new legislation FARA redefined and DOJ teeth to prosecute legislation.

This piece ran in the WSJ also.

@almostjingo @TheChill @GOPPollAnalystā€¦
Read 7 tweets
May 16th 2019
#AttorneyGeneral Barr is working to review the techniques used to investigate Trumpā€™s 2016 campaign.

Here are 10 key questions that remain to be answered in the scandal that has become known as #Spygate (Thread šŸ‘‡):

Commentary by @JasperFakkertā€¦
1. What was the role that @CIA and John Brennanā€™s ā€˜Interagency Task Forceā€™ played?

Former CIA Director Brennan admitted that he passed intelligence received from the #UK on the Trump campaign to the @FBI with the intention of having them investigate it:
ā€œIt served as the basisā€¦
ā€¦ for the FBI investigation to determine whether such collusion [or] cooperation occurred.ā€

Notably, Brennan met with then-head of the #UK #Spy agency @GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, in #Washington in 2016. The meeting was unusual, since Hanniganā€™s US equivalentā€¦
Read 33 tweets
May 14th 2019
News Analysis šŸ”Ž | The author of the #SteeleDossier told a @StateDept official that his client wanted allegations against Trump out before elections, and claimed #Russia had an agent planted in @DNC.

(Thread šŸ‘‡)ā€¦
A recently released @StateDept memo revealed that #SteeleDossier author #ChristopherSteele met with Kathleen Kavalec, then-deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs, on Oct. 11, 2016ā€”10 days prior to the @FBI obtaining a #FISA warrant on Carter Page.
Noted in a May 10 letter by Sen. @LindseyGrahamSC to @SecPompeo & IG #Horowitz: ā€œMs. Kavalecā€™s contacts with Steele may have been the most significant and memorialized communications with him by a U.S. government official prior to the issuance of the Carter Page FISA warrant.ā€
Read 38 tweets

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