@mentions@DrTedros "Today is #WorldBloodDonorDay. Blood donations are a lifeline in emergencies, disasters, humanitarian crises, & for people who need regular transfusions. And yet around the 🌍, many communities do not have access to safe blood. Women & children are the most at risk"-@DrTedros
"So please, #GiveBlood if you can, and give regularly.
And to the millions of blood donors around the world – thank you. You are literally lifesavers"-@DrTedros#WorldBloodDonorDay
@mentions@DrTedros "WHO published a new technical brief on Parkinson’s disease. Globally, disability and death due to Parkinson’s disease are increasing faster than for any other neurological disorder. The prevalence of Parkinson’s has doubled in the past 25 years"-@DrTedrosbit.ly/ParkinsonDisea…
@mentions@DrTedros "Our new brief outlines the global burden and treatment gaps, and provides considerations for policies, implementation and research, especially in low- and middle-income countries"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros "It outlines key actions for policymakers and health-care providers to prevent and treat Parkinson’s, raise awareness, and support people with the disease and their carers"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros "The global decline in reported #COVID19 cases and deaths is continuing. Reported cases and deaths have now both fallen more than 90% from their peaks earlier this year. This is a very welcome trend"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros "Still, more than 3 million #COVID19 cases were reported to WHO last week – and because many countries have reduced surveillance and testing, we know this number is under-reported.
And 8737 deaths were reported – 8737 deaths too many"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros "We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to these numbers. There is no acceptable level of deaths from #COVID19, when we have the tools to prevent, detect and treat this disease"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros "Many of us who live in high-income countries have easy access to these tools. We now take them for granted. But for many people around the world, these tools remain scarce commodities"-@DrTedros#COVID19#ACTogether
@mentions@DrTedros "It’s now more than two years since WHO and our partners launched the #COVID19 Technology Access Pool. C-TAP was proposed by former President Carlos Alvarado Quesada of Costa Rica, to promote voluntary mechanisms to share intellectual property, know-how, and data"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros "The licenses C-TAP has received, for tests, vaccines and therapeutics, are making a real difference, and show that this innovative mechanism can work"-@DrTedros#COVID19
@mentions@DrTedros "However, the licenses we have received are too few, and only from government research institutes. 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲"-@DrTedros#COVID19
@mentions@DrTedros "This highlights why the world needs a more effective mechanism for sharing licenses in an emergency, and why governments that fund so much research must retain licensing rights for products that are needed in emergency situations"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros "WHO is aware that countries are discussing a temporary waiver on intellectual property rights for #COVID19 tools at the @wto’s Ministerial Conference this week"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "As I have said many times, the TRIPS waiver was created for use in emergencies. So if not now, then when? I hope countries will come to an agreement on a waiver not just for vaccines, but for diagnostics and therapeutics as well"-@DrTedros#ACTogether
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "As you know, last week the Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens, or SAGO, published its first report. Understanding the origins of SARS-CoV-2 is very important for preventing future epidemics & pandemics"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "All hypotheses must remain on the table until we have evidence that enables us to rule certain hypotheses in or out. We continue to call on China to collaborate with this process and carry out the studies that SAGO has recommended"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "Now to the Horn of Africa, where the worst drought in 40 years has pushed over 30 million people in eight countries into acute food insecurity: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "Many families have left their homes in search of food, water and pasture. The implications for health are severe. Malnourishment can have a life-long impact on health, and makes people increasingly vulnerable to disease"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "WHO has now graded this crisis as a grade 3 emergency, the highest level in our internal system. A grade 3 emergency means that we are coordinating the response across all three levels of the organization – country offices, regional offices and headquarters"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "Our priorities are supporting countries to fight outbreaks, and to make sure people have access to the essential health services they need"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "So far this year, more than 1,600 confirmed cases and almost 1,500 suspected cases of #monkeypox have been reported to WHO from 39 countries – including seven countries where monkeypox has been detected for years, and 32 newly-affected countries"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "So far this year, 72 deaths have been reported from previously-affected countries. No deaths have been reported so far from the newly-affected countries, although WHO is seeking to verify news reports from Brazil of a monkeypox-related death there"-@DrTedros#monkeypox
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "WHO’s goal is to support countries to contain transmission and stop the outbreak with tried-and-tested public health tools including surveillance, contact-tracing and isolation of infected patients"-@DrTedros#monkeypox
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "It’s also essential to increase awareness of risks and actions to reduce onward [#monkeypox] transmission for the most at-risk groups, including men who have sex with men and their close contacts"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "While smallpox vaccines are expected to provide some protection against #monkeypox, there is limited clinical data, and limited supply"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "Any decision about whether to use vaccines should be made jointly by individuals who may be at risk and their health care provider, based on an assessment of risks and benefits, on a case-by-case basis"-@DrTedros#monkeypox
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "It’s also essential that vaccines are available equitably wherever needed. To that end, WHO is working closely with our Member States and partners to develop a mechanism for fair access to vaccines and treatments"-@DrTedros#monkeypox
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "WHO is also working with partners and experts from around the world on changing the name of #monkeypox virus, its clades and the disease it causes. We will make announcements about the new names as soon as possible"-@DrTedros
@mentions@DrTedros@wto "The 🌍 outbreak of #monkeypox is unusual & concerning. For that reason I have decided to convene the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations next week, to assess whether this outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern"-@DrTedros
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Abuse of older people (60 years and older) can take various forms: physical, sexual, psychological, or financial. Abandonment and neglect, indignity and disrespect are all forms of abuse.
Abuse of older people can happen anywhere. It occurs in homes, in long-term care facilities, even online. Many internet scams are targeted towards scamming older people. People who commit it are often in a position of trust.
Following the 2 previously published WHO interim guidance on #monkeypox for laboratory testing and for clinical management & infection prevention, the 🆕 guidance provides the first WHO recommendations on use of (smallpox) vaccines for monkeypox.
The goal of the global outbreak response for #monkeypox is to control the outbreak, and to effectively use public health measures to prevent onward spread of the disease. Judicious use of vaccines can support this response.
Based on currently assessed risks and benefits and regardless of vaccine supply, mass vaccination is not required nor recommended for #monkeypox at this time.
🩸 Today is #WorldBloodDonorDay 🅰️🅱️🅾️🆎
Safe blood help treat people suffering from a range of diseases, of from injury from accidents, natural disasters and armed conflict bit.ly/GiveBlood22
🩸 The need for blood is universal. However, access to it is limited – especially in low- & middle -income countries. Shortages in these countries impact women and children more as they tend to be the ones requiring blood the most. #GiveBlood
"Globally, the number of reported #COVID19 cases and deaths continues to decline. This is clearly a very encouraging trend – increasing vaccination rates are saving lives – but WHO continues to urge caution. There is not enough testing, and not enough vaccination"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "On average, about 3/4 of #healthworkers and people aged over 60 globally have been vaccinated. But these rates are much lower in low-income countries. Almost 18 months since the first vaccine was administered, 68 countries have still not achieved 40% coverage"-@DrTedros
• Keep it clean
• Separate the raw and the cooked
• Cook well
• Keep food at safe temperatures
• Use safe water and raw materials
Q: Can you tell if food is safe to eat by its look and smell?
A: No, most microorganism that can make you sick don't change the look or smell of the food.