London's mayor & the deluded, eminent British journalist, #OrwellPrize winner & militant #AntiRacist, #DavidAaronovitch are both committed to the #GreatReplacement of Native Britons with migrants & asylum seekers of colour, of which there is an endless supply.
That #SadiqKhan wants the #GreatReplacement to proceed as quickly as possible, I can understand, but that @DAaronovitch - himself a Native Briton - should want this too is puzzling, until you realise that he is driven by an ideology, just as his communist parents were.
What is this ideology?
It is a misconceived, #NeverAgain, response of the evils of Nazism, which goes to oppose & equally insane extremes. It goes under the name(s) of post-racial multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & AntiRacism, & the purpose it serves is this:
At its core, this Orwellian & moral-supremacist ideology, which, Western establishments, along with state & academic authority, are committed to, denies the existence of a White/European Race, making it essentially #AntiWhite & thus self-destructive.
America was originally founded on #WhiteIdentity, which is why, in the 1790 Naturalisation Act, American citizenship was restricted to Whites, i.e. Europeans. The existence of Native & African Americans was effectively ignored, which was, of course, a huge mistake.
The Founders knew that growing a nation from different European peoples of the same race would be challenge enough. And sure enough, America never became a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: an Orwellian construct of lies & deceit.
America & with it the entire West face a simple choice: face up to reality, or - like ancient Greece & Rome before us - self-destruct!
#DavidAaronovitch doesn't want to face up to this reality &, as a consequence, denounces me, who does want to face up to it, as a RACIST.
@AuronMacintyre@vdare We need to recognise the #NationState for what it is, i.e. has become: an Orwellian construct of lies & deceit, a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
You would think that social science academics would be intensely interested in understanding why ALL the greatest civilisations ultimately committed suicide, since this must surely have profound implications for our own, the greatest of all civilisations - but no.
They are not interested, which is interesting in itself, since most of them have young children or grandchildren, who are going to be profoundly inconvenienced by our civilisation's fall, which there can be no doubt it is on course to do.
I'm blocked on Twitter by quite a few people, for the terrible sin of trying to engage with them.
I have never blocked anyone & have no intention of doing so, because I don't want to exclude anyone from access to my wisdom.
I expect to be blocked by the woke, with their patently insane understanding of racism, but, to my surprise & disappointment, I have also been blocked by the most prominent champions of anti-wokeism, #JamesLindsay, @ConceptualJames & @HelenPluckrose,
for attempting to engage with them on the meaning of racism.
British & American "representative democracy" is a farce, a stitch-up which ensures government of, by & for the elites, especially in academia, which perpetuates the lie of government of, by & for the people.
The state has always facilitated society's self-exploitation.
I'm not a history buff, but many historical truths are denied or twisted by western academics, as they are in authoritarian regimes. America didn't go to war against a tyrannical British king, but against the British parliament, which continues to abuse its power.
America's founding fathers knew that forming a single nation from different European peoples of the same race would be difficult enough, & thus, in the 1790 Naturalisation Act restricted citizenship to Whites.
And so it has proven. America never became a genuine nation -
#WhiteGenocide, or rather, #WhiteSelfGenocide, is NOT a far-right & White supremacist conspiracy theory, but really happening, in the context of #CivilisationalSuicide, which ALL earlier civilisations, incl. ancient Greece & Rome, ultimately committed.
The historical & present-day evidence for this is overwhelming, but most academics refuse to even consider it, thereby sealing our fate.
Why? Because none is as blind as he/or she who will not see.
Only, it's not too late - not yet - to turn things round, although time is running very short. Soon it will be too late, & the consequences do not bear thinking about, especially if you have young children or grandchildren.
According to Wikipedia, "Cultural Marxism is a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory".
Wikipedia, having itself been captured by cultural Marxist ideology, would, of course, say this.
It would be interesting to know HOW Wikipedia was captured, & by WHOM.
It would be interesting to know, but I don't want to get bogged down in concerning myself about it, because ultimately it doesn't really matter. What matters is that cultural Marxist ideology poses an existential threat, not just to the #WhiteWest, but to humanity at large.
The historian A J Toynbee observed that ALL successful civilisations ultimately commit suicide, which is what our own, now global, civilisation is also doing, with cultural Marxism playing a major role in it, which cultural Marxists themselves, of course, fail to recognise.