1/ 🧵Well, it took me awhile to organize all this research info. So many rabbit holes. I finally decided the best way forward was to divide into parts. So the following is Part 1 summary of BC's vast research funding sources/initiatives. Hold on to your hats, it's a ride! #bcpoli
2/ 1st up, @HlthResearchBC. Did you know that the MSHR launched a Covid-19 Research Response Fund at outset of pandemic w/call out to BC researchers to have results available in time to inform public health responses thru fall/winter 2021? #bcpolimsfhr.org/1/news_article…
3/ Also, did you know that there's a Covid-19 Strategic Research Advisory Committee (SRAC) that supports BC's coordinated research pandemic response? It's bridge btwn PHO, gov't & research community w/primary role to advise on priorities/funding/findings.msfhr.org/strategic-prov…
4/ According to the info, the SRAC members were appointed by the Chief of Health Emerg Coordination Centre & Ministry of Health (w/MSHR input) & thru their Co-chairs, they report to the Health Ministry Associate Deputy Minister & the PHO. #bcpolimsfhr.org/strategic-prov…
5/ Here's a rabbit hole. According to this, the SRAC established a BC Covid-19 Strategic Research Framework w/key goal to prioritize quality research that will "help control, mitigate & eliminate" harmful effects/impacts of Covid-19. It's evolving guide: msfhr.org/1/news_article…
6/ The SRAC released 1st Framework in Apr/20. In it they call for researchers "to provide, synthesize & mobilize evidence for actions leading to control of Covid-19 & mgmt of those infected.." And BC researchers had already attracted over 9 mil in funding. msfhr.org/wp-content/upl…
7/ Fast forward to Dec/20 & 2nd (& final) Framework issue. The SRAC is now moving into "a new phase of work" informed by feedback & emerging evidence. With new tools now, the goal is to provide answers needed to put an end to worst. A focus on vaccines. msfhr.org/wp-content/upl…
8/ Dec/20 issue App 6 (pg25): There's 500+ Covid19 research projects/118 surveys underway involving BC researchers; they are funded at total value of over $200 mil; @HlthResearchBC Response Fund is at 2 mil; @GenomeBC's Rapid Response Fund is now at 3.5mil msfhr.org/wp-content/upl…
9/ BC Researchers also rec'd funds from BC Health Sciences Network (merged w/MSHR), Cdn Institute for Health Research, Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation etc. & BC universities & other non-profit/non-gov't orgs msfhr.org/wp-content/upl…
11/ Speaking of BCCDC Foundation (I have unfinished business), one of their crowning research projects is BC's wastewater surveillance. "With Omicron variant, wastewater testing has become more critical & necessary component of Covid-19 monitoring" #bcpoli:bccdcfoundation.org/covid-19-respo…
12/ Yes, w/no testing/case #s & back to normal PH messaging, wastewater metrics is only barometer to "assess personal risks." If @BCCDCFoundation stays true to its message while continuing to ask for donor support then they'll ramp up surveillance/data reporting, right? #bcpoli
13/ But hold on. BCCDC Foundation, primary BCCDC partner is funded by indiv/orgs - incl. business sector. As per their Apr/20 blog post, they announced $320,000 had already been raised in few weeks, "thanks to diverse partners, incl. businesses, unions...bccdcfoundation.org/rapid-response…
14/...the BCCDC Foundation list includes: "independent apparel companies", "tech companies like Teradici Corp" & "media giants like Postmedia" & their blog post states that "the support from our private sector partners has been absolutely overwhelming." bccdcfoundation.org/rapid-response…
15/ Okay read those quotes again after noting that BCCDC Foundation is primary partner of BCCDC & now read this from same blog post: "If you would like to discuss how your company can get involved & help lead BC Covid-19 response, pls contact [us]."#bcpolibccdcfoundation.org/rapid-response…
16/ Wait, what? Who's actually leading BC's Covid-19 response then? With that question on top of mind, let's take a peek at that top donor list again, er, I mean, the BCCDC Foundation's aptly named Public Health Heros: #bcpolibccdcfoundation.org/our-donors/
17/ Also, w/ $320,000 raised in a matter of weeks & w/ @BCCDCFoundation still actively receiving donations to their Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund as of today, over 2 years later, just how much have they raised? Who is in charge? What are they funding? interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLin…
18/ While I can't find current fundraising total, the other questions are answered "Gifts to Emerg Response Fund are supporting 3 phases of PH research at BCCDC." Led by Dr.Gustafson & Dr.Sandhu, this work will "prevent spread, help save lives & protect BC"bccdcfoundation.org/support-the-re…
19/ Okay, Phase 1 incl infamous BC Covid-19 SPEAK survey & if you click on this link you will find there's SPEAK 3 Survey focussed on pandemic recovery to be released soon. "Thx to fundraising support from BCCDC Foundation" btw-fundraising still underway. bccdc.ca/health-info/di…
20/ Phase 2-serological blood sampling to "determine susceptibility & immunity...& how close we are to herd immunity" Prior to vaccines & message was "herd immunity is our population's protection" Btw- has debunked notion been formally echoed by BCCDC? bccdcfoundation.org/combating-covi…
21/ Phase 3 - sentinel surveillance which is described as critical "to alerting PH professionals to respond in rapid response wrap-around PH services to keep you, your family & community safe." Well, that's a pipe dream now, isn't it? bccdcfoundation.org/combating-covi…
22/Okay 1 more tidbit about BCCDC Foundation. You know all the discussion lately about real-time experimental studies re: BC's delayed dosing intervals? Well, in this newsletter, Dr.Skowronski, owns it proudly & thanks BCCDC Foundation for supporting it. bccdcfoundation.org/newsletter-35-…
23/ Okay, circling back to the SRAC now, did you know that #DrHenry's mentor/past BC PHO was a committee member? Also, Dr Bev Holmes, MSHR president/CEO & Dr David Patrick, BCCDC Director of Research are SRAC Co-chairs: msfhr.org/committee-memb…
24/& just recently, Dr.Holmes & Dr.Patrick spoke at Nanaimo Med Staff Engagement Society event incl. q like "As we come out of pandemic, what are lessons learned?" Sole purpose was to assess things "as BC research system builds back better after Covid-19."nmses.ca/events/event/b…
25/ Yes, that's right folks! According to the SRAC - the committee tasked w/prioritizing "high quality research that will help to control, mitigate & eliminate harmful effects of Covid-19 related disease & their impact" - the pandemic in BC is essentially over!
26/ So, what's been learned? Well, I'll tell you what I've learned. That for BC's researchers in Covid-19 field during pandemic, there's been windfall of avail funding, ample opportunities to gain credibility, become published & garner more respect from global research community.
27/ I've learned that while most findings gleaned may earn BC researchers back patting/accolades in silo of research community, they've not informed PH policies in own backyard. Then there's research that's influenced PH policies that don't reflect public safety prioritization.
28/ In sharp contrast, I've learned that for BC's HC workers & #bced teachers/staff, the moral injury, increased health risks & scarcity of even a trickle of funding to improve working conditions during the pandemic h/b an appalling travesty. #bcpoli
29/ To reiterate, after the SRAC's estimated over 200 million available to BC's research community at the end of 2020 - that has likely at least doubled by now - where has it gotten us? #bcpoli
30/Omicron raging, daily deaths high, HC system crashing, mass disabling #LongCovid imminent, the vulnerable more at-risk, & while many in BC med community model "back to normal" at super-spreader gatherings, the 1 PH message is "assess own risk." How. Is. This. Possible. #bcpoli
31/ More to come w/Part 2 - A dive into some eye-opening BC research that has & has not informed our PH Covid-19 policies. In meantime, for an expanded version of this thread w/complete sentences & full paragraphs, pls visit: docs.google.com/document/d/1ik…
32/ Just adding this to my kitchen sink Part 1 BC Research Overview Funding Sources/Initiatives thread:“As per June/22 the “CIHR has invested $394.3M in COVID-19 research, to which partner orgs have added $20.5M, for a total investment of $414.8M.” #bcpolicihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52447.html
In Aug 2022, BC’s Provincial Infection Control Network updated its document titled: “C19: Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Aerosol Transmission in Health-Care Settings.”
Then a year later, in Sept 2023, it was archived for “historical reference only.”
Let’s take a look, shall we?
First, these were the three specific topics that were last updated:
“Transmission risk from direct & indirect contact”
“Risk factors associated with increased risk of aerosol transmission w/possible longer distance spread”
“Aligned info on additional considerations for respirators with the updated *Point of Care Risk Assessment* tool.”
Yes, apparently there were more instances other than just *Aerosol Generating Medical Procedures* where HCWs were *allowed* to wear a respirator.
Back in April 2022- right after masks were lifted in schools!- the Fed health minister announced that the CIHR was investing 6.7 mil into a Cda-wide research platform to better understand C19’s impact on children & young people.
Hmm, I wonder what they’ve learned, don’t you?
Btw, the platform is called POPCORN, which stands for “Paediatric Outcomes Improvement through Coordination of Research Networks.” And studies are taking place across 16 Cdn research sites.
Okay, now let’s take a peek at some of this behind the scenes research that was -and still is - taking place during our non-existent PH safety measures & while our children continue to be at risk of life altering & debilitating effects from compounding C19 infections.
In my quest to continue to dig into what was known, I’ve learned that at least as far back as March 2021, Canada’s health leaders & FL providers, knew all about C19’s serious cardiac implications in kids, whether there were underlying conditions or not. #LongCovidKids
As per this from a TREKK (Translating Emergency Knowledge in Kids) fact sheet to emergency dept HC providers: “Cardiac presentations are not frequent but have included heart failure, pericarditis, arrhythmias, hypotension/shock, chest pain, palpitations, syncope and fatigue."
“Infants & children w/pre-existing heart disease may have lower reserve & be more susceptible to cardiac injury, however, healthy children may also develop cardiac complications. These may occur on their own, as part of MIS-C, or in a severe respiratory presentation.”
A summary of early McKinsey article on C19 in kids/schools & their influence since pandemic outset.
Remember: gov’ts & public health in Cda & beyond were all too willing to oblige as evidenced by what was done (keep kids in unsafe schools) & wasn’t done (protect them!)
A 🧵…
April 2020 article titled “How to safely reopen schools after C19 closures,” McKinsey lights match for gaslighting to come, by stating: “schools provide not just learning & social support for students but also, crucially, childcare, w/o which many parents cannot return to work.”
Then they create these seemingly equally imp goals: “As school-system leaders weigh possible timelines, they can consider 4 interlocking components of reopening: risks to PH, schools’ imp to economic activity, impacts on students’ learning & thriving & safeguarding readiness.”
The long-term consequences of this never-ending pandemic are forever altering lives.
Case in point: A typical bad day for me now is exponentially worse than any pre-pandemic bad day. Here’s my new “bad day” normal…
🧵 1/
Two weeks ago, I was 2 days into an out of town visit helping care for my Mom. Since her cognitive issues are consistent w/frontal temporal dementia, she has lost all decision making capability, is prone to frequent inappropriate behaviour & inconsolable outbursts. 2/
On this day, like every other day, my #1 mission was to try to get her more comfortable since her clothes were soiled - as they often are - because she cannot understand when to use the bathroom by herself anymore. But she gets very agitated & upset when you try to help. 3/
🧵1/ I’m reading up on this court case btwn Henry & unvaxxed HCWs & think it’s interesting that there was no scrutiny into what constitutes “fully vaxxed.” Since as per Henry’s HCW vax order, an over two year outdated 2-dose primary series still qualifies. tnc.news/2024/05/16/b-c…
2/ Specifically, in her HCW vax order & when she was questioned about it during a PH briefing, Henry explains benefits of hybrid immunity-that HCWs even w/outdated vaccines that were also infected w/C19 recovered faster, posed lower risk to patients & reduced absenteeism rates:
3/ As well, as per above article, re: Henry’s never-ending C19 PH emergency, the judge said that “transmission of the virus posed a significant health risk & justified ongoing use of emergency powers & that an unvaxxed HCW constituted a ‘health hazard,’ as defined by PH Act.