The changes in customer preference is pitting India’s traditional snacks like Aloo Bhujia, murukku, makhane and more against international brands like Lays, Bingo and Pringles. While this may come off as a comparison of apples and oranges, it does stand true.
Strong distribution, wide flavour range at varied price points and aggressive promotion are some of the leading drivers for Pepsico and ITC strong portfolio and market dominance.
The stronghold of the top players is gradually declining with #consumer preferences shifting to mid-size players like DFM Foods, Balaji Wafers, Pratap Snacks, and others. The Indian ethnic snack market is led by Haldiram, with IPO-bound Bikaji one of the top contenders.
The data shared in the earlier tweet does not include the unbranded Indian snacks or the desi namkeens that are usually sold in small kirana stores, chai tapris and other such stores.
A report by ICICI Securities mentions that the desi namkeen segment has been losing out on their #market too due to four factors — flavours, pricing, consistent availability and convenience of buying of Western brands.
There is no doubt that the demand for regional #snacks is increasing pan-India, especially due to urbanization and #migrant spreads. But the demand for Western products is increasing much faster.
Forget making back money, it looks like Brahmastra is taking down PVR & Inox investors with itself. With early reviews pouring cold water on #Brahmastra’s prospects, India’s largest theater chains PVR & Inox have cumulatively lost over ₹800 crore in market capitalization today.
In Indian mythology, #Brahmastra is known as a weapon of unstoppable destruction, which can only be stopped by its counterattack astra (weapon). Ironically, the movie could end up being a victim of the weapon it is named after.
The late #QueenElizabethII has visited India three times – in 1961, 1983 and 1997, each time accompanied by her husband and Duke of Edinburgh, the late Prince Philip. Her first visit came nearly 15 years after India's independence.
#KingCharlesIII takes over as the British monarch after the death of #QueenElizabethII, and that will lead to a demonetisation in the UK. New coins and currency notes will be minted and printed after the designs are approved.
The death of #QueenElizabethII has given the British monarchy its first King after over 70 years. The old coins and notes will be slowly phased out of circulation.
The old coins and notes featuring #QueenElizabeth II will continue to be legal tender for the time being.
The #iPhone14 is the base variant and comes with a few upgrades over its predecessor, including the A15 Bionic chipset, upgraded cameras and longer battery life.
Apple has announced the much-awaited #IPhone14 series, the company’s latest flagship offering. In addition to the iPhones, the company also announced Apple Watch SE, #AppleWatchSeries8, Apple Watch Ultra and the AirPods Pro gen 2.
Coming to the iPhone 14 series, the Cupertino giant has introduced four models – the base #iPhone14, iPhone 14 Plus, #iPhone14Pro and the top-end iPhone 14 Pro Max.
Apple has made significant changes to the iPhone 14 series.
Astronomers focused the #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope on Tarantula Nebula, one of the brightest and most active star-forming regions in our galactic backyard, and found thousands of young stars they hadn't seen before, images released by NASA on Tuesday show.
The Tarantula Nebula, is an immense cloud of gas and dust about 160,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the #MilkyWay. The nebula has birthed some massive stars, a few that are more than 150 times the mass of our sun.