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May 12th 2023
DeSantis set to relaunch migrant flight program with 3 new vendors
The program, which could start as soon as contracts are finalized, will involve an undetermined number of migrants and could last until June 30, 2025. #immigration…
1) Picked were #ARS Global Emergency Management, #GardaWorld Federal Services & the co that carried out last year's migrant flights 2 Martha's Vineyard: #Vertol Systems Co. Inc. That's according to a "notice of intent to award" notice published on Monday.…
3) Notice of a intent to Award Dated May 8, 2023 2:31.40 PM #florida awards to fight vendors to conduct #human #trafficking of #migrants cc: @USCIS…
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May 2nd 2023
@Europarl_EN #Merkel and #Hollande admit the west didn't want to achieve #peace in the #Donbas through the #MinskAgreements (2014 and 2015).
- They wanted to give the coup regime in #Kiev TIME to #prepare for #war - to help #CRUSH #ETHNIC #Russians Dec 28, 2022
@Europarl_EN cc: @ TaranQ
German '#Merkel' (#Hitler's daughter) in an interview with the German newspaper #DieZeit:
- "The 2014 #MinskAgreement was an attempt to give Ukraine #time. They used that time to get stronger, which you can see today.
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May 1st 2023
“Some days it’s so hot that our skin burns, or we have flood.” Renuka Pawar watches over her infant in her kopi, a makeshift home where she lives 6 months a year near sugarcane fields. #Climate risks are rising for #migrant workers. @iyerkavi


“We’ve lived like this for generations.” Renuka Pawar does not think better #housing is possible for #Maharashtra’s #sugarcane #migrantworkers. A young mother to a months old infant, she has no access to toilets or running water, cooks on a wood hearth outdoors.

“We had loans, we needed the money.” Alka Wagh of Malegaon, 400 km from their work site in Jalna, on why she had her son marry a 17-year-old girl whose family they paid Rs 15,000. An additional couple is an additional income during the annual #sugarcane harvest.

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Jan 5th 2023
"Befürworter einer restriktiveren Asylpolitik sahen sich vielfach dem Vorwurf der Ausländerfeindlichkeit ausgesetzt." das war Ende der 80er. Was dazu führte das die #CDU/#CSU/#FDP ausländerfeindliche Positionen vertraten, das mündete in #Mölln. #NoAfD @ingo_hasselbach #AfD Ja, das abgebildete Plakat ...Die Anschläge wurden von de...Image
Und genauso haben wir es gerade mit einer aufgeheizten Stimmung zu tun, in dem #CDU/#CSU und #FDP / #AfD Politiker, wieder in dasselbe rassitische Horn blasen. #NoAfD Wohlwissend das 32 Jahre diese Parteien innenpolitisch am Ruder standen.
Mitte der 90er hat die Punkband Public Toys diese Situation optimal zusammengefasst.Erst gibt man Migranten an allem die Schuld,hetzt bei Wahlen gegen Migranten,und heuchelt dann, wie schlimm doch tote Migranten sind.Das was wir 2023 erleben ist eine 1:1 Kopie davon. #NoAfD #AfD Bild zeigt Sontext:   Geste...
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Dec 10th 2022
For #HumanRightsDay2022 let’s remember that #ModernSlavery is a #HumanRights issue first and foremost & so the surest path to ending this severe form of exploitation once and for all is to put #HumanRightsFirst.
Why do we fight to end #PrisonSlavery? Because every person has an inalienable right not to be held in #Slavery or #Servitude. Put #HumanRightsFirst and take action today:…
Qatar still has yet to effectively end its #Kafala system leaving its majority #Migrant worker population vulnerable to continued exploitation. Tell @FifaWorldCup to put #HumanRights before #Football today:…
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Nov 5th 2022
@nehagohil24 Our research is quite relevant - explains #scabies experience of #health staff dealing with #migrant and #refugee facilities
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Jun 28th 2022
Lay’s, Kurkure and Bingo are taking over Indian #snacks like Aloo Bhujia, Murukku…

By @Krittiiii Image
The changes in customer preference is pitting India’s traditional snacks like Aloo Bhujia, murukku, makhane and more against international brands like Lays, Bingo and Pringles. While this may come off as a comparison of apples and oranges, it does stand true.

#snacks Image
Strong distribution, wide flavour range at varied price points and aggressive promotion are some of the leading drivers for Pepsico and ITC strong portfolio and market dominance.

#snacks Image
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Nov 11th 2021
In my live @CTVNews #interview last evening, I said that the current migrant crisis on the #BelarusBorder with #Poland is important because it involves Poland, which is a EU members, and Belarus, which is allied with #Russia, and it is near #Ukraine, which has an armed conflict.
In my CTV News interview, I also said that UN Security Council meeting concerning migrant crisis on #BelarusBorder with #Poland is likely to produce divide between #Russia that supports #Belarusian government & Western countries, such as US, UK, and France.
I stated in my @CTVNews interview that EU #sanctions against #Belarus won’t resolve the #Migrant crisis on #Belarus #Poland border, because sanctions were proven to be ineffective after last #Belarusian presidential elections & after diversion of passenger plane by Belarus.
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Nov 10th 2021
#Russia’s solution to EU-#Belarus #migrant crisis and #NATO’s Black Sea buildup | Nov 11
- NATO is exploring the #BlackSea region as a potential theater of war, while #Kiev is getting ready to resolve the #Donbass issue by force, the Russian says…
Moving #NATO closer to Belarus-Russia Union State described as alliance's long-term strategy | Nov 10
- #Lavrov also said that on 10 November the sides agreed they are going to step up foreign policy coordination of the ministries of foreign affairs,…
#Poland Sees #Migrant Surge at Border, Accuses #Belarus of '#StateTerrorism' | Updt: 42 minutes ago
- Concern was growing for more than 2,000 migrants — mainly #Kurds from the #MiddleEast — who are trapped at the border,…
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Nov 10th 2021
#BREAKING Polish police detain 'over 50' illegal migrants near border: spokesman
#UPDATES Polish police say they have detained over 50 migrants who crossed into Poland from Belarus over the last 24 hours, and are still looking for others
#BREAKING Belarus says West 'provoking' migrant crisis to impose new sanctions
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Sep 14th 2021
I'm grateful to Samina Mishra (author) and Tarique Aziz (illustrator) for recording Jamlo's story. Because we do tend to forget easily, and if we hadn't lived through this point in time, all this might even have seem far-fetched. #jamlowalks
With the present government in power, I wouldn't be surprised if every story about migrants walking home disappeared from our archives. Which makes this picture book published by Penguin India, and Jamlo's story even more important.
As a writer, I marvel at the tone that's used through the book. Samina's writing feels like a quiet observation and never feels gimmicky. I liked that even as we get glimpses of diverse children's lives, it never judgmental. #childrensbooks
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Sep 9th 2021
#BREAKING French minister warns Britain against 'blackmail' over migrants
#UPDATE French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said Thursday that France would not accept Britain violating international maritime law or "financial blackmail" as London steps up efforts to prevent #migrants crossing the Channel
#UPDATE Britain and France locked horns on Thursday over reported plans by London to turn back boats carrying #migrants across the Channel, triggering alarm and anger in Paris
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Jun 7th 2021
A 🧵with a quick take as @VP @KamalaHarris heads to #Mexico this evening. From the outset of the Lopez Obrador Administration, the gravest danger lurking over the horizon was always going to be the president’s vision of an imperial presidency and the whittling away of the ...1/8
..checks and balances and autonomous institutions that a generation of Mexicans painstakingly spent more than three decades building to deepen and widen democracy. The president is now doubling down on that threat, revealing a deepening split in #Mexico over the very nature ..2/8
..of its democracy. Regulators (telecoms or energy) and semi and autonomous institutions (the Comptroller General’s Office or the Central bank, National Electoral Institute and National Institute for Access to Information) have all been targeted -tarred and feathered from ...3/8
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May 24th 2021
[Suo Motu Migrant Crisis]

Supreme Court to shortly resume hearing an urgent application moved in the #suomotu case concerning #migrants to ensure they are not deprived of ration & food, and don't face difficulty in travelling back home (if they do)

#SupremeCourt @pbhushan1
#SupremeCourt in its last order had directed Delhi, Haryana and UP govts to provide dry ration and adequate transport for the #migrant workers @ArvindKejriwal
Justice Ashok Bhushan: We received the affidavit just a while back

Justice MR Shah: the reply was supposed to be filed yesterday. how will we be in a position to read. our orders are required to be implemented
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Apr 23rd 2021
1/3 ⚫️ #Libya 22.04.21 - In a tragic turn of events more than 100 #migrants perished off the coast of #Libya as their rubber boat disintegrated in extreme weather conditions. Why? (Questions & Plausible Answers BELOW 👇) [cont] @Europol @EmmanuelleChaze #migrantcrisis #frontex
2/3 [cont] Q. Why did #OceanViking after leaving Italy sailed immediately for Qarabolli area and stayed there for 2 days despite volatile weather and warnings of upcoming storm? These questions must be answered by the Captain & Chief of Mission! (see #migrant answer below 👇 )
3/3 [cont] LCdr R. Ghommed CO of the Libyan Coast Guard ship "Fezzan": "These boats are like floating coffins and can disintegrate in minutes pulling all to certain death." #migrantcrisis #frontex #seenotrettung #COVID19
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Mar 4th 2021
We got our hands on the final report by #Frontex working group on #migrant pushbacks in the Aegean. Prompted by investigations by @Derspiegel, partners at @LHreports, @Belingcat & other media, it is rather embarrassing for the Agency. Main takeaways: 1/8…
2/8 It does not exonerate either Frontex or the Hellenic Coast Guard; It criticises the shortcomings of the EU’s strongest and exponentially growing Agency under the leadership of Fabrice Leggeri in terms of monitoring, reporting, recruitment and other crucial aspects.
3/8 It reports that after all these months, five pushback incidents are still not clarified completely, because of “deficits and the need for improvement of the reporting and monitoring system".
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Dec 18th 2020
Welcome to Aajeevika's #InternationalMigrantsDay campaign, “Badalta kaam, badalta daam,” where we centre the diverse coping mechanisms of #migrant workers as they face depressed wages, wage theft, and body burdens amidst a post-lockdown economic ‘recovery.’ (1/8)
Our narratives come from migrants who work in Mumbai’s informal manufacturing and construction sectors. Specifically, they live and work in Khairani Road & Netaji Nagar Nagar: industrial-residential neighborhoods in Sakinaka, in the city’s L-ward. (2/8) #InternationalMigrantsDay
These neighbourhoods areas are home to thousands of informal manufacturing & recycling units producing garments, metal moulds, pipes, stationery, furniture, e-waste, hospital waste & constitute local, regional or global value chains ending up as far as Sudan & Nigeria. (3/8)
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Dec 1st 2020
Happy to show my latest work with @_SudhaNarayanan & @shreesaha00 on #NREGA in @Ideas4India & @firstpost
hopefully of interest to @rozi_roti @aashishg_ @Ugentilini @AninditaAdhik13 @StrandedWorkers
Our findings related 2 #poverty and #migration are below…
In the wake of the #COVID19 lockdown and the large-scale return of #Migrant workers to rural areas, #NREGA played a crucial role. After lockdown restrictions in April 2020, #NREGA person-days expanded substantially before they reduced back to pre-lockdown levels
Are these additional person-days distributed across districts in ways that are commensurate with their population shares of #outmigration and #poverty ?
This is important in a context where historically poorer states have utilised less funds than richer states. 5 major findings:
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Oct 14th 2020
On now, Dave Perkins of @dialogues360 presenting results of study on 5 #ASMecosystems in #SouthAfrica. #Data variability is a persistent research challenge and also needs coordination across partners in the ecosytem. @DelveASM confirms this as a problem of global scale.
Cost of compliance, lack of access to capital, markets & weakened institutional support to #ASM sector in #SouthAfrica are validated as barriers in this sector. Impact of these factors pale in comparison to the policy/ reg vacuum w/in whichsector operates. Policy schizophrenia.
.@dialogues360 argues, and I concur, that time is of the essence in influencing the new policy process launched by the government of #SouthAfrica on formalizing the #ASM sector, ideally convened by a neutral, honest broker party.
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Sep 24th 2020
Delighted to announce the release of my new report for @CFR_org, “The Day After in Venezuela: Delivering Security and Dispensing Justice.” Should @NicolasMaduro relinquish power, the US and likeminded partners will need a plan to reinstate the rule of law.…
#2. International actors have not planned sufficiently for stabilizing the security environment or fostering #transitionaljustice, which could itself be an important lever to push regime operatives toward defection or at least meaningful negotiations.
#3. Aftermath of Maduro’s departure could see conflict among armed factions, unstable political coalitions, corruption, and a #refugee and #migrant outflow. US should anticipate such fallout and identify opps now to ensure that any transition begets the restoration of #democracy.
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Sep 22nd 2020
#LabourCodes provide exemplary flexibility to industries;Definition of "fixed term" employment has been changed,making it easier for firms to hire contractual workers

Fixed term/Contractuals&regular workers will enjoy equal benefits,in many spheres,to protect Contractual workers
Social SecurityCode by @narendramodi govt will universalize social security by bringing informal&platform workers, under its ambit

Firms with less than 20 workers can join #EPFO to get social security benefits

Big move by @narendramodi govt to give informal sector a safety net
Internal workers will be free to voluntarily join employee state insurance,#ESI,scheme for getting healthcare benefits

#SocialSecurityCode says,all employees will now have offer letter

States&Centre will create database on #migrant workers&offer them several benefits-Good move
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Sep 20th 2020
Thread: A list of things #ModiGovernment claims it has #NoData on.…

#NoData on #migrant worker deaths and loss of #jobs…

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Sep 10th 2020
On Monday 14th Sept we will be launching #theartistandtheprof, an artistic collaboration between myself and @LauraNyahuye @maokwo exploring themes of #migration #identity #belonging and what it means to be boxed in and categorised as #migrants #women #mothers #wives...(1/?) Image
Funded by @covcampus @warwickuni as part of @Coventry2021 this collaboration has been undertaken entirely online during the #COVID19 #lockdown It's been a powerful and challenging experience for many different reasons. We've laughed and cried, written and woven... (2/?) Image
For both of us this is the first time that we've had an opportunity to #stop #breathe #pause and reflect on the ways in which our own and societal expectations of gendered and racialized roles and responsibilities have shaped our lives #morethanalabel #beyondcategories (3/?) Image
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Sep 4th 2020
****Linguistic diversity in a time of crisis****

Special issue of Multilingua addresses #language challenges of #COVID19 pandemic

Out now. All papers free access, thanks to publisher @dg_mouton… Image
Global public health #communication is characterized by the large-scale exclusion of linguistic minorities from timely high-quality #information #COVID19

What are the #language regimes behind these exclusions and what can sociolinguists do?… Image
#Translation is an important means of enabling access to #information in disaster response

How did volunteer translators in #Wuhan go about procuring medical supplies in the initial stages of the #Covid_19 emergency?… Image
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