2/ Station Square, Burnaby:
Cactus Club - has glass floor-ceiling walls that open. Except they were closed. Outside temp 20C. Non-chalant “no” when asked if they would open walls, even partially. CO2 levels 850-880 ppm.
Patio area was closed, too, so indoors was it.😬
Grade: C-
3/ Meanwhile…
Earl’s Restaurant, next door.
Heated, outdoor patio w/ roof overhead, open air. Plus the indoor part of the restaurant has windows that open; they were opened on this day.
CO2 levels on patio 450-480 ppm.
Grade: A
Conclusion: while ventilation in Cactus Club was so-so (not a total fail), they had the infrastructure to open walls up but didn’t. With a highly transmissible variant, no masks, people laughing & talking in each other’s faces, it’s a superspreader waiting to happen…
5/ Whereas Earl’s had open windows for indoor diners plus an expansive open air patio, set up for comfort yet safety.👏
If you are in the area, now you know which restaurant to make a reservation for.
If you are interested in my shopping thread from March 2022, with a Spring Break examination of air quality levels in various areas of Pacific Center Mall, downtown Vancouver, here it is:
How much does the government party-in-power affect unions? Turns out, a lot.
Case in point, Ontario Fed of Labour vs. BC Fed of Labour, on #COVID19. @OFLabour@bcfed
06/21“But it’s not about, ‘We told you so’. It’s about, we told you to protect workers from potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. Why haven’t you listened to so many voices, including the labour movement for over a yr?”
1/ Thoughts on the emergency #bced COVID-19 briefing, called by #DrBonnieHenry & @JM_Whiteside on Oct. 1, 2021, after 3 major districts mandated masks for K-Gr. 3…
Whereas BC has no ventilation document at all. Just a page in their “Communicable Disease Guidelines for K-12 Settings”, August 24, 2021.
Link: www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/edu…
Compare the language used, Ontario to BC. Whose is closer to #COVIDisAirborne science?🤯
1/ To @JM_Whiteside:
You are in a highly-charged position right now.
What to do about #bced schools?
- delta v 📈
- K-Gr.6 kids unvaxxed
- crowded classrms
On one hand, you have parents clamouring for more safety. On the other, “back-to-normal”.
Let’s talk about balance.
2/ “Balance” is the term that seems to persist in @bcndp’s pandemic response. It hasn’t gone well so far. Multiple waves, highly preventable, w/ premature openings & late masking being a common theme.
But do we “balance” our approach to other harmful health hazards?
3/ Take smoking, for example. We tried “non-smoking vs. smoking” sections in restaurants & airplanes. But now harms of second-hand smoke have led to laws *banning all indoor smoking & outdoors by public entrances.
Do we “balance” the “right to smoke” w/ “right to clean air?” No!
July 29, 2020. @bcndp@DrBonnieHenry reveal the 5-stage reopening plan for #bced. Surprise! Stage 2 has been revamped to include a FULL return to classes; no 50% capacity for G.8-12 as previously planned. Cohort model, no masks, limited online options. @bctf not consulted.
There are immediate concerns with the #bced plan for the 20/21 school year. Twitter explodes with teachers, staff & parents noting several issues with it. Many concerns are summarized in this article here: