After the west-staged coup in early 2014 (The Maidan), protests began in EAST #Ukraine, covering more than half of the country. #Kiev response was CRUEL repression, including massacres in Odessa and Mariupol.
Lugansk people said ENOUGH, so in May 2014 a referendum was held, turnaround was MASSIVE, 96.2% REJECTED #Kiev post-coup rule.
They wanted autonomy (not separation from #Ukraine).
What was Kiev response?
Even more fierce repression, using military and paramilitary units, including the formation of Neo nazi REPRISAL battalions like #Aidar and #Azov.
Their focus was the civil population.
But the Ukrainian Army in the the East refused to follow Kiev Nazi-orders, they DEFECTED and went over to the REBEL side. #Kiev "Empire" suffered crushing defeats thanks to heroes like Motorola and Givi, Kiev had to commit to Minsk Agreements 1-2
But #Kiev never planned on following the the Minsk Agreements, they only used them to gain time, to rebuild their army with NATO help, to create more violent militias of Nazi ideology.
Major clashes stopped but rape, torture and massacres remained.
Until March 2021, when Volodymyr Zelensky -under pressure from the USA- issued a decree for the recapture of Crimea and EAST #Ukraine, and began to deploy his OTAN-trained forces to the south.
Less than one year later, the CIVIL WAR re-started
On 16 February 2022 the #Ukrainian Army increased dramatically the artillery shelling of the population of Donbass.
Russia raised their voice, but USA, EU and NATO kept silent about the massacre.
That’s why, on Feb 21, Russia recognized the independence the two Donbass Republics and signed treaties with them.
But the Ukrainian attack continued
So on 23 Feb, the two Republics asked for assistance from Russia to help repel Kiev's aggression.
USA, EU and OTAN did nothing to stop the Donbass massacre.
Russia answered.
On 24 February, Vladimir Putin invoked Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which provides for mutual military assistance in the framework of a defensive alliance.
4 months later, the #Ukraine#Nazi#NATO forces have been expelled from the historical Lugansk borders.
(For the second time, the first time was in 1943)
But there still are Kiev-occupied territories in Donbas. The liberation fight is not over.
#Ukraine referendums were a MASSIVE rejection of the US-sponsored Maidan coup
Is THIS a surprise?
EVERY US-Sponsored coup ends in DISASTER: Chile,México,Iran,Indonesia, Nicaragua,Vietnam,Zaire,Syria,Iraq, Argentina,Yugoslavia and 100 more 🤡
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Europe has a LONG tradition of attacking – and being defeated by – Russia.
This has happened on at least 10 major occasions.
1. XII century; Russia suffered the Mongol invasions, so "Europe’s hyena", Poland🇵🇱, used the occasion to seize Russian territory. (Later lost it).
2. In 1240–1242, the "Teutonic Knights" invaded Russia, under the pretext of “evangelizing the pagans,” only to be defeated by the great Alexander Nevsky.
🧵 3. 1609–1618 – Taking advantage of Russia’s political instability following the death of Feodor I, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth attacked Russia, conquering several territories. (Poland would eventually lose them.)
The defence of the Troitse-Sergiyeva by Orthodox monks.👇
1/ On January 21, 2025, a rare planetary alignment will occur, that will include:
- Venus
- Jupiter
- Mars
- Uranus
- Neptune and
Yes, Saturn, the Jewish planet, as the ominous cover of The Economist showed us…
2/ It is well known that The Economist is the pamphlet of the Rothschild family.
It is well known that its covers are often predictive, not because there is anything magical behind it, but because the Elites love to use symbols to boast about the plans they have been brewing…
3/ Saturn is the planet associated with the Jews 🇮🇱.
It is the planet that represents Saturday (the Sabbath)
Saturn also has a really strange hexagonal formation at its zenith (a 666, a Hexagram star)
1/ Terrorist in Syria thread.
w/data by @Trenchmates
First, there are 2 main groups:
1. Non-Takfiri
Paid by Turkey🇹🇷.
Formed by traitors + fighters from Asia and Caucasus.
2. Takfiri
Paid by CIA/Mossad🇺🇸🇮🇱.
Mostly Foreign fighters, including ISIS and Al-Qaeda veterans.
@Trenchmates 2/
A Takfiri is a Muslim who accuses another Muslim (or a Christian) of apostasy, and under that pretext, they consider it legitimate and even OBLIGATORY to exterminate or ENSLAVE the "false believers"
Just like Jewish Zionism!
(Yes, they were created by the CIA/Mossad)
3/ The Non-Takfiri Terrorist Groups are also known as the Syrian National Army (SNA).
- They are made up of various sub-groups, such as the Al-Hamza Division, Murad Division, Hamza Division and Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya.
- They operate in northern Syria and are openly pro-Turkey. 🇹🇷🦃
1/ Jewish lovers love to talk about their "Nobel Prizes," but we must not forget what many of these awards really represent.
Example, the damn Jewish economists -like Milton Friedman-, the very ones who have created this nonsense of a world in perpetual DEBT, of cyclical crisis.
2/ Or the six Jews who have won the Nobel Peace Prize, including "The Beltway Butcher"; Henry A. Kissinger, or Elie Wiesel, "Chairman of "The President's Commission on the Holocaust."
Yes, I'm not kidding, they are some of the winners, while true symbols, like Gandhi, never won.
3/ Or the Jewish winners of the Nobel in Literature, like S.Y. Agnon, who won it above all for his chronicle of the "Jewish immigration to Palestine".
Or Bob Dylan, many times accused of plagiarism, even in his acceptance speech!
1/ Thread.
Where does the number "6 million" come from?
This is the Hebrew letter VAV
In Gematria the value of this letter is 6.
One letter VAV is missing in the original Hebrew text of Leviticus 25:13
2/ Leviticus 25
“In this Jubilee year, each man shall return to his land.”
The Hebrew word for return is "Ta’Shu’vu"
Normally, this word would be spelled with an additional ‘vav’ (the vowel for the “U”).
But in that scroll, the word only has one ‘vav’ instead of two.
3/ ZOHAR scholars interpreted that absence to mean that “6 million will be missing,” in other words, 6 million Jews will have to be sacrificed in order for them to have “the right” to return to Jerusalem.
CHABAD's dark horse.
According to the Talmud, the Laws of Noah were given by God as a covenant with NOAH and his children (the humanity).
The symbol of the agreement was a rainbow (Genesis 9:13).
These laws do NOT appear in the Bible, they were “derived via exegesis”
2/ The most important Jewish exegete, Maimonides states that anyone who does not accept the seven laws of Noah is to be executed.
And although few know it, these laws were OFFICIALLY recognized by the US Congress during the GW Bush administration, in Public Law 102-14. 👇
3/ The laws had been discussed for centuries in the Talmud, but it was the CHABAD sect who began to promote them in a new religion format: NOHADISM
According to Menachem Mendel Schneerson, it is the duty of the Jewish people to bring the rest of the world to fulfill them.