2/ We are still covering teaching in the inpatient setting. Interactive teaching can be done in most settings, but I’ll focus on opportunities before/after rounds. We covered interactive teaching during rounds & @ bedside earlier this series
3/ When people say, “This session is going to be interactive,” a talk where learners are asked a series of ?s akin to the socratic method often comes to mind.
For this thread, I'd like to frame “interactive teaching” as below:
4/ Don’t get me wrong - using questions effectively can be a very powerful way to teach, as covered by @GeoffStetsonMD in an earlier thread:
If you want additional methods for interactive teaching, see the rest of this 🧵!
5/ Active Reflection - This is a great strategy to assess learners prior experiences, as well as a way to consolidate knowledge at the end of a teaching session. @JenniferSpicer4 nicely covered this first strategy last week!
6/ Pair/Share - If you have a larger team, pairing them up for a joint reflection activity or to brainstorm answers together:
1️⃣provides time for peer teaching
2️⃣encourages everyone to actively engage
3️⃣give opportunity to assign level-specific ?s
7/ Incorporate a Mock Debate - Great for teaching management scripts, discussing controversies in medical management, & developing the art of applying guidelines/textbook teaching to a real pt.
Works better if you have a team that you can divide into pairs & assign “sides”
8/ Utilize a worksheet - Great for developing skills like EKG/lab interpretation (acid-base anyone?) or filling in an advanced organizer.
Giving learners ⏲️ to complete the worksheet before teaching forces them to wrestle w/ the content & can 🔼 buy-in. Example ⬇️
9/ Sticky Note Labeling - A quick and easy strategy to get your learners engaged & also moving, particularly when you want learners to compare/contrast. One example of how to do this below:
10/ Incorporate a Game - Medical Jeopardy, Taboo, Charades, Family Feud… the list goes on. Most games are testing learner’s recall of facts, differentials, etc. Gamifying teaching makes this “test-enhanced learning” more fun and less threatening. Anticoagulation Taboo example ⬇️
11/ Test Questions - Use themed board review questions as:
1️⃣ Pre teaching activity to prime learners
2️⃣ Cases as backbone to clinical pearls
3️⃣ Consolidate concepts @ the end of your teaching session
12/Peer Teaching - Last but not least, a tried and true. Have your learners prepare a BRIEF 2 minute bite-sized presentation to teach the rest of the group
13/ Have you tried an innovative way to incorporate interactive teaching for your inpatient teams? Please share with #MedTwitter!
14/ Join us again next Tuesday when I will discuss teaching with notes
This wk, we focus on teaching when delivering difficult news, which can also be done during rounds & routine patient care
3/ But 1st… what counts as “difficult news?” We often think of cancer or terminal illnesses.
But with the definition ⬇️ I think we can agree there are plenty of times when we may be delivering difficult news to patients without even identifying it as such.
1/ Your student is trying to characterize the pt’s aortic stenosis murmur. The pt looks concerned. The rest of your team looks bored, waiting to examine the pt.
How to make PE teaching fruitful & engaging for EVERYONE?