Alert! Starting the #SuperHodl trial on @SovrynBTC for those with access to Zero!
Want to join the trial of #SuperHodl by manually doing all the work? You'll see it takes some clicks. Every day. But then, you may see how it works and appreciate it :)
A thread!
Follow all steps in the thread below to start-up your line of credit, swap to XUSD, buy some #bitcoin and deposit XUSD to a lending pool for interest.
1) Go to and login with your wallet (this example uses Metamask) 2) Click Open Line of Credit
1) Add the amount of collateral you want to start with. Example of 0.08 RBTC is given. 2) Adjust the Borrow amount until the collateral ratio is 250% 3) Check that the collateral ratio is 250% 4) Click Confirm
1) Sign the transaction in Metamask by clicking Confirm
1) Check that the LoC (=Line of Credit) is opened. Note you have 23.78USD extra debt, due to the liquidation reserve (20 USD) and borrowing fee (0.52% in this case) 2) Convert the available ZUSD to XUSD by clicking Convert on the ZUSD side
1) Sign the first transaction by clicking Confirm. Before it confirms, another one pops up. 2) Sign the second transaction by clicking Confirm.
1) Go to 2) or and click Trade->Swap. Select the XUSD -> RBTC pair 3) Add 6.4% of your XUSD to the Trade Amount.
-> Why this amount? Because #SuperHodl Says So. 4) Click Advanced Settings
1) Make sure slippage is low by selecting near the minimum. 2) Close the Advanced Settings box by clicking the X.
1) In the Review Swap box that pops up, click Confirm.
1) Sign the transaction in Metamask by clicking Confirm
1) You swapped XUSD to RBTC. Keep it in your wallet. Click Close
1) Click Earn -> Lend in the menu.
1) In the XUSD lending pool, click Deposit
1) Add the remainder of the XUSD to the Amount 2) Click Deposit
1) Sign the first transaction by clicking Confirm. Before it confirms, another one pops up. 2) Sign the second transaction by clicking Confirm.
1) Wait for the transaction to confirm. Once it is completed, click Close.
You have completed your deposit. Note the amount in Your Deposit. Your reserve will now start accruing interest.
That's all, folks! Now you are all set to start following my steps, day by day. Check back tomorrow!
Note this is all on your own responsibility - Beta software, not financial advice, and all that. I'm just a Twitter pleb..
If you want to share, feel free to RT!
Just #HODL!
Please give me your feedback if this was a clear thread or can be improved?
Also please let me know if you're joining in on the fun, I could possibly keep a list and tag people so you all get a notification once the daily update is live.
(Target time: 23:30PM CET daily)
Extra extra!
If you are new to this, find the tweet below as an intro / explainer to #superhodl.
Let me know if it would help to update this? Note the simulated data in there is outdated by now.
Short mini-tutorial for those starting out with @SovrynBTC e.g. #DeFi on #bitcoin. Use your coins without KYC, lending pools, liquidity pools, spot, margin and limit trading, ... and of course #GetOnZero!
A short thread on my @RSKsmart onboarding experience. It may help you!🧵
First things first. You need a wallet that supports RSK!
Beyond @MetaMask, ..., I prefer a hardware wallet and happened to have a @Ledger.
It supports RSK /w the RSK app, which is not supported in Ledger Live. So you can connect to Sovryn and RSK, but won't see TXs. What to do?
Pro tip: you can connect your Ledger on and use it to transact on the RSK main chain! You will need this later on. For now, it can already help you to identify which addresses you have on RSK. If you connect to Soryn with your HWW, the address is the same.
Short update on #SuperHodl, the automated savings algo based on Zero loans by @SovrynBTC. Still alive & still sim. only:
- data analysis: the algo vs price trajectories (#bitcoin & alts backtests, forecasting)
- algorithm improvements (liquidation likelihood vs mean gain)
#bitcoin is a good coin. Like, statistically and historically, it has performed very well on the algorithm.
We have now ran the algo on DOGE, BSV, MIOTA and XRP. The algorithm survives none of the pump 'n dump schemes that these coins represent.
No surprise here :-)
The algorithm shows, in price forecasting, that Zero-loan liquidation is possible if average daily price drops are large enough (for long enough periods of time). In backtesting, it's all good.
The algorithm cannot do magic. Several safety mechanisms have improved the resilience.
I present the #SuperHodl automated savings protocol using #bitcoin on @SovrynBTC 0% BTC-collateralized loans, lending pool and spot market products (not released yet).
Collateral ratio can be showed safe against backtesting.
Each data point here shows a different starting point in BTC's history, starting around 8 years ago and taking 50 steps in history incrementally, every time running a shorter and shorter period.
The blue line shows the BTC gains over that period.
The algorithm takes your stash, 0%-loans USD against it, and splits it up in margin BTC buys & lending pool deposit. Then, as price changes (daily in current algo), it decides on paying back the loan to keep CR within a safe zone (price drops), or buying more BTC (rising price).
#ROI over over time: I'm HODL'ing, while currently, the SODL approach would have been in my favor. Zoom out 😉 #BTC ROI is most relevant, i.e. "how much BTC could I have purchased in May '21, instead of the miner, and how far along am I in mining that amount of BTC" -> 78%!