It seemed that we would not get out, and I recorded a farewell video - A hero from the Kalinovsky battalion about how he lost his leg in the battle near Bucha Details: Alexey, nicknamed "Psychologist" is the same volunteer from Kastus /1
Kalinovsky's battalion who fights on a prosthesis. He ended up in the battalion at the end of April after two months in hospitals, where he was discharged without a leg
No, I'm not completely disabled. I understand that now I am a rather dubious warrior, but later, when the
stump is formed, I will be fitted with a combat prosthesis. And if the war is not over by then, I will be able to participate in the battles. And while I'm helping the guys in organizational processes, I'm sharing my combat experience," says Alexey. /3
Morgonuppdatering. Efter vår attack mot Wagnerterroristernas högkvarter har frontavsnittet vid Pisky liksom kommit av sig från rysk sida. Attacker har förekommit men intensiteten har sjunkit betydligt. /1
Vissa källor uppger upp till 100 döda wagneriter.
Rätt siffra är nog ca ett par dussin, men psykologiskt har det stor betydelse. De reguljära ryska soldaterna har blivit medvetna om att inte ens deras elittruppförband går säkra långt bakom fronten. /2
Kring Bakhmut har inget avancemang av ryssarna heller skett.
I rysk media har ju det trummats ut att ryska trupper är i rörelse in mot Kharkiv, bullshit. Det enda man sysslar med där är total terrorbomning av civila mål. Gårdagens artilleriattack var skjuten helt på måfå /3
The SBU detained a Russian agent who was collecting data for shelling in the south of Odesa
The traitor turned out to be a local resident who is an employee of one of the state medical institutions
The attacker collected intelligence on the location and movement of /1
units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Teroborona, as well as the functioning of reserve airfields and military training grounds in the south of the region
In particular, the man provided the exact coordinates of defense objects on the map, informed /2
about the number of personnel and military equipment at the objects and about their movement
In addition, he indicated the number of equipped fortifications.
Details: the command of the Russian troops was in such a hurry to leave the occupied city that in their haste they forgot about one little thing - about their soldiers.
They were actually pointed to their place. Soldiers of the Russian army are just cannon fodder. Commanders will save their hides, and privates will be slaughtered.
But such a hasty "evacuation" demoralized not only the Russian occupiers who remained in Kherson/2
More and more Russians are asking the question, if their air defense system is supposedly capable of shooting down HIMARS, if the special operation goes according to plan, then why did the command leave Kherson after its "heroic liberation", about which the /3
Ryssarnas offensiv har stoppats upp vid byn Pisky, ryssarna kontrollerar hälften och den andŕa hälften strids det om. Som det ser ut just nu är mera ukrainska förstärkningar på väg, /1
man vill inte mista kontrollen av M-03s förgrening. Öster om #Bakhmut försökte ryssarna en frontattack så M-03 i detta område är nu vägen en skiljedelare. Fram till vår huvudförsvarslinje är det 4,5 km ännu. 2 km av dessa anses som ingenmansland. /2
Ryssarna har nu i 1 månad försökt ta Bakhmut utan större framgång. Längs den övriga fronten har inga förändringar skett.
Så lite om hur en avdelning av vår underrättelsetjänst arbetar. Man går igenom ryska sociala medier, finner ut var bilderna är tagna och /3
The Armed Forces summed up the results of the work for the week: minus 22 warehouses with ammunition and 3 enemy headquarters During the last week, from August 8 to 14, the Russian invaders lost
22 warehouses with ammunition, 10 bases, 3 headquarters and 1 barracks. Ukrainian defenders are destroying enemy objects on all areas of the front
The Russian military suffered the most serious losses in Crimea, where at least 8 military aircraft were destroyed as a result of explosions at the air base
If you have #Russian citizenship and you are silent, it means that you are not fighting, it means that you are supporting it.
And no matter where you are - both on the territory of Russia and abroad - your voice should sound in support of #Ukraine.
The stronger Ukraine will be, the weaker Russia will be, and therefore, the less time this war will last.
And everyone in Ukraine, everyone in the free world must do everything in their power and everything possible so that Russia and those who support the war pay/2
an ever greater price for Russian state terror.
I am thankful to all our defenders! I am thankful to all Ukrainians - all those who hold on, who help others, who believe in victory and bring it closer by their actions - as they can. /3