in 2015 the so called, dark money funded, think tank, the Tax Payers Alliance published their far right wish list for reducing the state and minimising taxes for the wealthy, this is a thread of *just* the contents!!
take a look at Richard Tice's party's homepage, the similarities are striking:
Abolish transaction, wealth & inheritance taxes: ie: ensure that wealth becomes concentrated in very few hands as opposed to spent to improve the lives of the many
before I forget, here's JRM & Frosty frothing over shrinking the state & ensuring the wealthiest gain further:
no one should minimise Covid, as it shares *some* similarities with HIV:
@DaniBeckman actually has a Phd in neuroscience & I trust her explicitly. here she explains (in terms that everyone can understand) how Covid reaches the brain:
I just picked mum up from a short day procedure from the same team she first caught covid from a little over a year ago.
This morning she tested negative.
I unpacked a new FPP3, & mum promised to put it back on as soon as she came around.
The TWO nurses that were with her in the “pre-op” room threw her new FP3 in the “toxic waste” bin, and TOLD her hospital management has a *NO MASKS* policy.
My mum is 86 & has been registered disabled since she turned 60. This is in her notes.
Dad died after nosocomial covid at this hospital, 14 months ago.
One of mum & dad’s best friends also died post nosocomial covid at this hospital last year too.
"virtually all children infected with cvid showed signs of damage"
3 Drs & countless nurses on the ward my niece is in, have told me that cvid is harmless to children & their immune systems are *very resilient* & that "she'll be fine" (1 wk in so far)