2/Some believe that the peaked, mountain like appearance of the frontal lobes is a critical sign of a life-threatening complication & should be called & reported. Others believe it is too non-specific, is commonly seen when there isn’t tension & should be retired. Who’s right?
3/First, let’s clarify about what the Mt Fuji sign actually is. Most are familiar with the fact that large collections of pneumocephalus can compress the frontal lobes—making them look like the slopes of a mountain. But this isn’t actually enough to call Mt Fuji.
4/You also need to see frontal lobe separation. This means the subdural air tension is greater than CSF surface tension between the frontal lobes--one of the highest liquid surface tensions—so you know pressure is high. This little V is why it looks like Mt Fuji, not any mountain
5/Why do we get tension pneumocephalus? 3 main ways. (1) Upside down coke bottle effect w/a CSF leak. As liquid drips out w/a CSF leak, nature abhors a vacuum, so air rushes in to replace it. If outside pressure is higher than CSF pressure, more air will come in & create tension
6/Here’s a skullbase CSF leak creating pneumocephalus. As CSF leaks out, air replaces it. If air pressure is higher than intracranial pressure, more air will come in. The worst tension pneumocephalus I ever saw was a pt w/an unknown sphenoid sinus skullbase leak they put on CPAP!
7/Next mechanism is the ball valve mechanism. Air gets in through a defect (from trauma, surgery, etc). Increased pressure eventually pushes down on the brain, causing the brain to close the defect so the air can’t escape. This is the same mechanism seen w/tension pneumothorax.
8/Final mechanism is use of nitrous oxide in neuroanesthesia. If the pt has a subdural collection (usually w/air in the operative setting), nitrous oxide enters the subdural 34 times faster than it diffuses out as nitrogen into the blood stream—creating increased pressure/tension
9/This is why nitrous oxide is no longer commonly used in neuroanesthesia. Decreased use of nitrous oxide is also why tension pneumocephalus is less common in the post-operative setting now than it was in the past.
10/So how helpful is the Mt Fuji sign for determining tension pneumocephalus post-operatively (a time when pneumocephalus is common)? Well it turns out, the sign can be seen in 1/3 pts without a neurosurgical emergency. So it is not very specific and can cause overcalling
11/More importantly is how the pt is doing clinically. Significant pneumocephalus can be seen post op—but if the pt is not declining, even large amounts of pneumocephalus can be managed by putting the pt on 100% O2--just like w/a pneumothorax--w/good results.
12/So remember it isn’t just one sign—it is the whole picture of how the pt is doing clinically. Don’t lose sight of the forest for the mountain!
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2/Here are 3 lesions, all round and bright and in the region of the foramen of Monro. Can you tell from the images which is a colloid cyst and which may be something else? Choose which one or ones you think are a colloid cyst
2/A “syndromic appearing” young adult pt who was a poor historian & could not specify any prior diagnosis, p/w left neck swelling. On CTA, calling the IJ supersized would have been an understatement
3/Posterior to the IJ was a tangle of vessels, but no identifiable soft tissue mass, concerning for a vascular malformation. Catheter angiography showed a Jackson Pollack painting appearance of tangled vessels consistent with an AVM
2/The hardest part of a pituitary MRI is deciding if there is cavernous sinus invasion. It makes sense that the more lateral a tumor goes on MRI, the more likely it has invaded the sinus—bc it is going the direction of the sinus. But how far is far enough?
3/This is important bc each time a radiologist makes a call on imaging, they make a bet & they are betting their credibility. And unlike other bets, there is only 1 wager—all in! So it is important to not call it when you might be wrong, bc overcalls destroy credibility.
1/”Now your mouth will drop when you see the cord compression we caused,” I said to my fellow looking at our targeted #bloodpatch CT, “But take a deep breath—that’s actually what we want.”
A #tweetorial about CSF leaks & blood patches! #medtwitter#CSFleak#neurotwitter#neurorad
2/Epidural blood patches (EBPs) have been around since the 60s. Blood was first injected in the epidural space to try to plug the leak in post-dural puncture HA. It has now been expanded to other CSF leaks. However, controlled studies are lacking & therefore methods vary greatly
3/No one is sure of how EBPs work. Some believe blood directly plugs the leak site. Other believe it’s a pressure effect--injected blood increases epidural pressure, squeezing the thecal sac like a stress ball, elevating subarachnoid CSF pressure to relieve low pressure HA.
2/Sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) is the largest collection of neurons outside the brain—like a mini brain just for your face. It contains sensory, sympathetic, & parasympathetic nerve fibers. Given this, it’s not surprising that it’s felt to contribute to facial pain syndromes
3/SPG is a meeting point for the sensory nerves from V2 (thus related to trigeminal neuralgia) & the sympathetics and parasympathetics from the greater superficial and deep petrosal nerves, which have been implicated in cluster headache, migraine, & other facial pain syndromes.
2/CT in acute stroke has 2 main purposes—(1) exclude intracranial hemorrhage (a contraindication to thrombolysis) & (2) exclude other pathologies mimicking acute stroke. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t see other findings that can help you diagnose a stroke.
3/Infarct appearance depends on timing. In first 12 hrs, the most common imaging finding is…a normal head CT. However, in some, you see a hyperdense artery or basal ganglia obscuration. Later in the acute period, you see the insular ribbon & sulcal effacement