About "referendums" in #Ukraine. Many have asked, why #Russia even makes the effort to stage "#referendums", which look so fake to any Western country. But let's go back a bit and look at the #Baltic states under Soviet occupation.(1/x) 🧵
- In Baltic states we know this "referendum"-play very well: the USSR occupied Baltic states through performances that bears similarities to these "referendums". (2/x)
- As a result in my textbooks in #Finland there was no word about occupation, but I was told how Balts "joined" happily to the family of Soviet republics. This is what Finnish curriculum taught at school a decade after decade.(3/x)
>>It affected the way Finnish public debate formed over the years. #finlandisation
- For Russia it's crucial to have photos and videos about the "referendums". This visual material will be used in Russian media and education now and in the future. (4/x)
>>As long as the constitution of Russia is not changed (patriotism!) and there is no free speech, this fake narrative stays the dominant one.
- In Baltic states under the Soviet occupation the school curriculum followed the Soviet narrative. (5/x)
>>The Soviet media/education in occupied territories used the picture material from staged elections a decade after decade. #brainwashing#homosovieticus
- Now the same kind of material from Ukraine is used to create the new generation of #homoputinicus (6/x)
- Even though Russian propaganda is not successful in Western countries, for now, please remember that two thirds of the world is much more welcoming to the Russian disinformation. (7/x)
>>The "evidence" about "referendums" offers excellent material to spread the Kremlin narrative. In Russia-friendly countries the Kremlin narration will dominate, again a decade after decade. (8/x)
- The staged propaganda material from the USSR was successful in the West and it did affect, how former Soviet countries were seen in the West even after the collapse of the USSR. (9/x)
-The fake elections and referendums created the narrative supporting the idea of "happy joining" to the happy Soviet family which was much more appealing to Western leaders than the reality of the occupation and the crimes committed by the USSR. (10/x)
>>The "happy" narrative gave a perfect excuse to trade with the occupier, to shake hands with the occupier, to greet them with kisses. Good optics! (11/x)
- In the West, the "happy" narrative created by the USSR played a role in making the idea of "Russia's "natural spheres of influence" seem more natural, more justified. This is the message that will go through now in two thirds of the world. (12/x)
- When asked why are you fighting here, Russian soldiers have said to Ukrainians: "We want you to be with us." This sentence and idea reflects what they have been taught at school and by their media, a decade after decade, about "countries joining happily to the USSR". (13/x)
>>If you have not heard about the reality of the occupation, the fake story of "happy reunion" will go through, and this is why RU needs the fake material from the fake referendums. (14/x)
- The most obvious reason for "referendums" is to make the occupation legit according to the Russian legal system. When the territory is under Russian law, Ukrainians liberating their territory from the Russian occupation, are considered attacking Russian soil. (15/x)
But this thread was about the long-term consequences of narrative material the "referendums" are offering to RU. (16/x) End of 🧵
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Tapaus #MattiSaarelainen. Jos ihminen pelaa Venäjän pussiin systemaattisesti ja vuosien ajan, yleensä ajatellaan että taustalla on taloudellinen hyöty. Se toki on mahdollista, mutta syitä voi olla myös muita, alla niistä lisää. (1/x) 🧵 #Venäjä#turpo
Saarelaisen tapauksessa on syytä myös kysyä, onko Saarelaisella kiristämiseen kelpaavaa materiaalia suomalaisista virkamiehistä tai vaikka ulkomaisista merkkihenkilöistä.Saarelainen on saanut operoida niin pitkään ja hänen toimiaan on salailtu. (2/x)
Peittely voi johtua myös mainehaitan pelosta tai sitten Saarelaisella on ollut jotain annettavaa vastalahjaksi.
Venäjän kelkkaan joutuneiden henkilöiden motiiveja:
- kompromatti eli kiristysmateriaali. (3/x)
Why am I not surprised? Of course there's a connection to the #Russia'n propaganda professionals behind the Quran-burning project in Sweden. (1/x) 🧵#Nato#Ukraineis.fi/ulkomaat/art-2…
When #Finland decided to join NATO, we had numerous headlines worried about possible cyber attacks or hybrid operations against Finland. It was like citizens and tabloids were certain that something like that would happen. (2/x)
When nothing happened last year, it was considered as a sign of Russian weakness: the propaganda front had collapsed just like the Russian military front in Ukraine. (3/x)
Jännityksen ystäville:
- @antti_tuomainen : Majavateoria (hanki koko trilogia)
- Niklas Natt och Dag: hanki koko trilogia, päätösosa 1795 ilmestyi tänä vuonna #isänpäivä#lahjavinkki (3/x)
About terrorist #bombings by #Russia 1) RU's main tool of influence is spreading terror and fear. The goal is to influence policies in different countries. In #Ukraine they try to affect the conduct of the Ukrainian government. (1/x) 🧵
2) Ukraine is becoming the most experienced nation in dealing with this terror tool. Russian intimidation is not making them scared, but more resistant.
Note: They already had #Chernobyl. They've also experienced a politically motivated genocide, #Holodomor. (2/x)
>>Ukrainians have plenty to teach to their fellow Europeans about how to deal with Russian intimidation. Let's learn from them! (3/x)
Some of you have wondered, why an earth would Russia destroy its own infra #nordstream. The question itself is the answer: all eye balls on the #gaspipe and national security > the attention is drawn to something else than Ukraine. Besides: (1/x) 🧵
- If a country is willing to kill it's own citizens the way #Russia does, why infra would be some special exception? (2/x)
- If #Putin is ok with using terrorist attacks against Russia's own citizens, why infra would be such an impossible idea? Remember how he rose to power? By blowing up apartment buildings and claiming it was a terrorist attack.(3/x)
In March I understood that the invasion might lead to the end of #Russia'n Federation. Since that I haven't seen signs suggesting this scenario wouldn't be possible. But is the West prepared for the possible dissolution of the federation and its consequences? #Venäjä (1/x) 🧵
- If the Kremlin understands the collapse might be a possibility, they might find themselves in #China's pocket. That's not good for the West and this also might lead to lifting the sanctions > the rule of tyranny in Russia continues. (2/x)
- There's no empire that would've given up its expansive and colonial ideas willingly. In Europe the former empires chose the path of the EU. So, it's not given that former colonial powers choose the bad path for the future. (3/x)