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Jun 20th 2023
(1. Touched down in #Dublin🇮🇪earlier today. Good to be in #Ireland for a few days. Been following some commentary on the Consultative Forum closely,disappointed at some of the false binaries we are imposing on ourselves: pro-#NATO/anti-NATO or pro-#neutrality/anti-neutrality.
(2.What we need is better knowledge&depth as well as workable #security options that public want to unify behind & sooner rather than later. Inducing more polarization only weakens #Ireland's national #security further--diametric opposite to what we are looking for.
(3. If politicians, academics&policy experts fail to help in developing options along these lines&if some chose to side-track themselves with bitter disputes or false binaries then I think this will be a big opportunity missed to improve matters & history will be a harsh judge.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 20th 2023

"La civiltà ha reso l'uomo, se non più sanguinario, in ogni caso più ignobilmente sanguinario di quanto fosse un tempo".

|F. M. Dostoevskij|

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L'operazione segreta #GLADIO venne scoperta nel 1990: #CIA, #MI6 e #NATO avevano addestrato e diretto un esercito clandestino di unità paramilitari fasciste in tutta Europa, dispiegando le proprie risorse per indebolire gli oppositori politici.…
Oggi nuovi #file britannici recentemente declassificati, gettano una luce inquietante sulle origini e sul funzionamento interno dell'operazione #Gladio, che anche attraverso la NATO, dispiegava milizie terroristiche fasciste in tutta Italia.

Read 45 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
#Vučić ha definito l'attuale situazione in #Kosovo la più difficile degli ultimi 24 anni.. Durante un discorso alla nazione, il presidente della Serbia ha osservato che il popolo è sotto "un feroce attacco da parte di assassini, bugiardi e truffatori".. "So bene quanto
siamo piccoli rispetto ai paesi della #NATO , ma comprendiamo quanto sia minacciata la sopravvivenza del nostro popolo", ha detto Vučić a #RT_Balkan_Ru.. Il presidente ritiene che non abbia senso negoziare con il primo ministro dell'autoproclamato Kosovo, #AlbinKurti, fino a
quando i serbi arrestati non saranno rilasciati e il divieto di merci serbe nella regione non sarà revocato.. In precedenza, Vučić ha affermato di aver ricevuto garanzie dall'#UE e dalla NATO che gli arresti dei serbi sarebbero cessati e ha sottolineato che i serbi in Kosovo e
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Jun 18th 2023
Judging from various reports, the #ukrainecounteroffensive seems to be a complete disaster, even though this is officially denied by the Western side.

But this analysis by Col. Richard Kemp of the #British military shows no expectations of success.

Col. Kemp uses cautious language, but it is easy to read between the lines. Being a retired Western Colonel, you don't expect him to come out and say openly that #Ukraine️ is going to lose. But that is exactly what he is saying.

Let me explain why the conclusion is clear.

His main points:

1. Surprise is essential for success.

But of course, there is no surprise here. The whole world has been expecting this operation for months. There are no unexpected lines of attack like #Incheon in the #KoreanWar in 1950.

Read 11 tweets
Jun 18th 2023
I’m hearing the argument from the US and Germany that #Ukraine’s #NATO membership might weaken NATO’s deterrence for the current eastern flank countries – so, I’m told, think twice if you want Ukraine in NATO.
Some thoughts on this👇
Unlike some of our western allies, eastern flank countries are convinced that Ukraine’s membership will strengthen NATO, especially NATO's ability to deter the Russian threat.
The risk that NATO will end up fighting a war against Russia will be higher if Ukraine is denied NATO membership.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 17th 2023
#Putin showed a draft peace treaty with #Ukraine, approved by representatives of #Kyiv: #Russia has never refused to negotiate. A whole series of talks between Russia and Ukraine took place in #Turkey to develop confidence-building measures and prepare the text of the treaty 🔽
This draft treaty was initialed by the head of the negotiating group from #Kyiv. Here it is. It is called the "Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees of #Ukraine." 18 articles. Moreover, there is also an application for it. 🔽
It concerns the armed forces and other things. Everything is spelled out down to units of military equipment and up to the personnel of the armed forces. Here is the document. And it was initialed by the #Kyiv delegation. 🔽|
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Jun 17th 2023

"Lei si preoccupa di quello che pensa la gente? Io sono un'autorità su come far pensare la gente. Ci sono i giornali per esempio, io sono proprietario di molti giornali"...

|C. F. Kane, Quarto Potere|

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Per sette anni, le istituzioni occidentali hanno messo in guardia contro il Movimento #Azov ucraino, nato come gruppo paramilitare neonazista nel 2014 e diventato famoso per il suo reclutamento mondiale di estremisti.

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Poi a febbraio 2022 è arrivata l'invasione russa, e improvvisamente abbiamo assistito ad una normalizzazione della supremazia bianca da parte delle istituzioni occidentali e dei media, che hanno smesso di considerare come neonazisti i battaglioni #neonazisti ucraini.

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Jun 15th 2023
#Zeitenwende in the making. #Niemcy wydały swoją pierwszą strategię bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Dokument liczy 74 strony, jest bardzo dobre tłumaczenie na angielski. Krytycy już ocenili ją jako słabą, ale nie zgadzam się z tą opinią. Już we wstępie potwierdzono, że
zbyt długo myślano, że pokój w Europie jest czymś trwałym. Wśród najważniejszych zagrożeń wymieniono rosyjską agresję na Ukrainę, ale już na drugim miejscu: zmiany klimatyczne (wskazując kobiety i dzieci jako grupy najbardziej narażone) . Potem: pandemie, zagrożenia
w cyberprzestrzeni, dezinformację oraz kwestie energetyczne i bezpieczeństwo dostaw (w tym medycznych). Strategia wspomina również o terroryzmie, przestępczości zorganizowanej, nielegalnych przepływach finansowych, erozji reżimu kontroli zbrojeń i rozbrojenia.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 15th 2023
La #Lettonia ha lanciato una manutenzione urgente di autostrade e linee ferroviarie.

I lavori sono in corso anche su autostrade recentemente costruite, come l'autostrada Riga-Pskov.

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Particolare attenzione viene data al progetto #RailBaltica, una ferrovia a scartamento standard europeo con sistema di controllo europeo dei treni, che dovrebbe collegare i Paesi baltici al resto d'#Europa.

Le strutture in cemento armato sono state costruite con uno spessore notevole, da 1,5 a 2 metri di cemento armato solido.

Come sottolineato da più parti, la ricostruzione sta avvenendo in un contesto di massima inflazione nella zona euro e di mancanza di denaro nel Paese.

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Jun 15th 2023

@liliaragnar @mariogiordano5
@RadioRadioWeb @ladyonorato @a_meluzzi
@LaVeritaWeb @gparagone
@franborgonovo @Echecaxx Image

La #NATO ha avviato in Germania il più grande dispiegamento della storia dell'aeronautica dell'Alleanza, con 25 nazioni, 10.000 truppe e 250 aerei. Image
Il portavoce della #NATO ha affermato che l'esercitazione
"Air Defender invia un chiaro messaggio che la #NATO è pronta a difendere ogni centimetro del territorio alleato". Image
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Jun 14th 2023
Belarus president says that Putin gave him document initialed by Ukrainian & Russian delegations at 2022 peace talks & it included Crimea lease. Putin said peace deal was initialed. Ukraine & US officials & Israeli ex-PM said there was peace deal outline.…
Ukrainian officials close to Zelenskyy reported that "Russian side was almost ready for the Zelensky-Putin meeting" for peace deal to end #ukrainewar. But it was abandoned after British PM visited #Ukraine & told #Zelenskyy not to negotiate with #Putin.…
Ex US National Security Council official wrote citing "multiple former senior U.S. officials" that Russia & Ukraine agreed in April on peace deal framework of #Russia withdrawing to pre-war positions & #Ukraine promising not to seek #NATO membership.
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Jun 14th 2023
#Germany’s Top Tank Destroyed on Ukrainian Frontlines: #Leopard2 (2A6) and Dozens of American #Bradleys Taken Out…
The Leopard 2A6 has long been marketed as a much more capable vehicle. Costing close to $8 million per vehicle, advantages of the new variant
2/4-include use of 3rd generation composite armour, integration of a a longer barrelled and more powerful main gun, installation of additional armour modules on the turret, and use of much improved fire controls. The loss of these tanks, which have widely been considered the most
3/4-capable in production across the Western world has significant implications well beyond Ukraine itself.
It remains likely that Leopard 2A6 units have taken further losses,as only a small fraction of destroyed vehicles in the conflict can have closeup videos taken from the air
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Jun 13th 2023
Russia keeps going on about how it beat the Nazis during WW2.

The truth is russia was getting crushed and would have gotten crushed completely without the help of the west.

In this thread I will tell you just some of the things we sent them.

#Ukraine #Russia #War #NAFO #NATO Image
22,000 Tanks.

Like the M3 Lee/Grant, M4 Sherman and British Valentine and Matilda tanks. Image
18,700 Aircraft.

Including bombers, fighters and transport planes.

These included the Bell P-39 Aircobra, Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, and different models of the Hawker Hurricane. Image
Read 13 tweets
Jun 13th 2023

"Il più grande inganno che il diavolo abbia mai fatto, è stato quello di convincere il mondo che non esiste"

|Charles Baudelaire|

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Myrotvorec' o #Myrotvorets (Il Pacificatore), è un sito web ucraino gestito dal "Centro Myrotvorec'" e creato dall'attivista Heorhij Tuka, in cui l'ex consigliere del capo del ministero dell'Interno, Anton Gerashchenko, fungeva da addetto stampa.

"Il progetto online Myrotvorets è diventato una risorsa elettronica dei mass media", ha affermato il 3 agosto 2014 il deputato della fazione del Fronte popolare, consigliere del ministro dell'Interno Anton #Gerashchenko.

Read 23 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
Since the beginning, Sweden's @NATO accession process has been under the close scrutiny of Russia. Sweden's entry into the Alliance conflicts with Moscow's interests.

For the #Kremlin, it is a threat to its interests and ability to influence in Central Europe. Image
Russia is taking steps to delay or even permanently destabilize Sweden's accession to the Alliance.

In such actions, the Kremlin uses propaganda, disinformation and political pressure.
These actions will continue. Attempts to use the environmental community to make further accusations and expectations against Sweden are also possible.

All this to make the process encounter further difficulties.
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Jun 13th 2023
Od początku proces akcesji Szwecji do #NATO znajduje się pod uważną obserwacją Rosji. Wejście Szwecji do Sojuszu stoi w sprzeczności z interesami Moskwy.

W optyce Kremla to zagrożenie dla jego interesów oraz możliwości oddziaływania w Europie Środkowej. Image
Rosja podejmuje działania, które mają na celu opóźnienie albo wręcz trwałą destabilizację procesu akcesji Szwecji do Sojuszu.

W działaniach tego typu Kreml wykorzystuje propagandę, dezinformację oraz naciski polityczne.
Te działania będą kontynuowane. Możliwe są także próby wykorzystania środowisk ekologicznych do wysuwania wobec Szwecji kolejnych oskarżeń i oczekiwań.

Wszystko po to, by proces napotykał na kolejne trudności.
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Jun 13th 2023
List of attendees at the Munich Security Conference 2023…

Just going through the UK names

Nazanin Boniadi , Ambassador, Amnesty International UK

James Cleverly , Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs ImageImage
Tobias Ellwood
Chairman of the Select Committee on Defence, House of Commons

"We need to move to a war footing"

Read 14 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
👉 Die #NATO-Übung Saber Guardian 23 hat Russland gezeigt, dass die NATO in der Lage ist, in Westeuropa gelagertes Material rasch an die #Südostflanke zu verlegen. Die @405thAFSB transportierte dazu die Bauteile einer Pontonbrücke von Belgien nach Rumänien. 🧵 1/5 Image
2/5 Das Material für eine bis zu 200 Meter lange Pontonbrücke wurde am Luftwaffenstützpunkt Constanza am Schwarzen Meer zusammengeführt. Image
3/5 Die Brücke kann beispielsweise im nahe gelegenen Donau-Delta mit seinen weit verzweigten Flussarmen aufgebaut werden. Das Delta liegt direkt an der ukrainischen Grenze und gegenüber der von #Russland völkerrechtswidrig besetzten Halbinsel Krim. Image
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Jun 12th 2023
Su FB @DiDonadice scrive che con esercitazioni militari della #NATO che coinvolgono 10mila militari e 25 nazioni siamo accerchiati dalla guerra. Ora vi mostro di che cosa eravamo accerchiati sia Europa che tutto lo spazio post-Sovietico gli ultimi anni. Comincio da quello più/1 Image
clamoroso e (poi l’elenco cronologico da 2008): L’esercitazione militari russe “Vostok 2018”.Shoigu riferì che quasi 300.000 soldati avrebbero preso parte alle esercitazioni insieme a 36.000 veicoli e 1.000 aerei. Nell'esercitazione sono state coinvolte anche 80 navi da guerra./2
“Caucaso 2008”. Le unità coinvolte provenivano dal distretto militare del Caucaso settentrionale, includendo armata dell'aeronautica, le truppe del ministero dell'Interno e le guardie di frontiera. Sono stati coinvolti 8.000 militari russi, 700 veicoli da combattimento,30 aerei/3
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Jun 12th 2023
Und eine Mehrheit unseres willen- und kopflosen Parlaments macht hier auch noch mit.
Das darf doch nicht wahr sein!…
Ukraine, Cabaret der Weltpolitik…
Roter Teppich für Terroristen im Schweizer Parlament @ParlCH

Im vergangenen Oktober hatte der russische Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen, Wassili Nebensia, ausdrücklich davor gewarnt, dass die Streitkräfte des Kiewer Regimes versuchten, das Wasserkraftwerk Kachowka in die……
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Jun 11th 2023
@iltalehti_fi "-länsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivät aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en käsissä”:
#Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna…
@iltalehti_fi #Kusetus
cc: @ odefinn
Johan oli.. meidän onnemme että #Venäjä näkee läpi tuon Suomen valtiovallan kansan kusettamisen, ilman sitä olisimme todella #kusessa.
@iltalehti_fi @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna
- "länsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivät aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en käsissä”: ImageImageImageImage
Read 33 tweets
Jun 10th 2023
Liebe #Vatniks,

Ich verrate Euch jetzt ein Geheimnis:
Ihr bejubelt einerseits die Zerstörung von 🇩🇪#Leopard2 & 🇺🇸#Bradley, anderseits beklagt Ihr die „Verschwendung“ von „Eurem“ Steuergeld.

Der „Point of no return“ ist längst überschritten.

Reputation #Biden at stake,

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wie auch seine Wiederwahl Chancen in den USA🇺🇸, hängen längst vom Erfolg der 🇺🇦 Gegenoffensive ab. D.h., der geschlossene Westen wird so oder so, verlorenes westliches Militär Material ersetzen. #Scholz wird alles tun, daß Biden eben nicht scheitert — von Eurem Steuergeld.

Die U.S. Medien sprechen das längst offen aus. Ein nicht ausreichender militärischer Erfolg der AFU 🇺🇦 wird zunächst zu einer massiven qualitativen & quantitativen Erhöhung der Militär Hilfe für die Ukraine 🇺🇦 führen. „Die Ukraine 🇺🇦 muss diesen Krieg gewinnen“, ist längst

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Jun 10th 2023
Russian MFA Spox Maria #Zakharova:

On October 21, 2022, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, sent a letter to the UN Secretary General regarding Kiev regime's plans to destroy the #Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam.…
On December 2022 The Washington Post reported the plans of the Ukrainian high command to blow up the #Kahkovskaya dam with the intention of cutting all Russian supply lines.… and quoted article:… Washington Post screenshot....Screenshot text states: ◾On...
Above were posted on June 6.
June 7:
"A failed attempt by the New York Times to whitewash the Nazi problem in Ukraine."*
David Vance:
"Then Nordstream. Kakhovka Dam now. The NATO/Ukrainian violence continues.”…
*Link to NYT articke… Screenshot text: ❗️🇺🇸🇺🇦America...
Read 8 tweets

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