🇪🇺 #energycrisis response measures: here's them all together, plus assessment, brought to you by the @RegAssistProj team.
💡SAVE gas, tax corporate windfall profits, provide direct financial support. Don't cap.
Yesterday saw the dramatic #Nordstream sabotage. Despite this, #fossilgas prices remain relatively stable.
They dropped significantly over the past weeks, but remain very high. #TTF
We pulled them all together, and they make for an impressive list. Important: only short-term measures.
Assessing against (1) feasibility, (2) consumer impacts, (3) European cohesion and (4) #climate coherence, brings out clearly the diverging value of proposals
Interventions to reduce cost of procuring gas (group purchase, smart entry tariff or price cap on pipeline gas) have merit. But it is a challenge to implement them. 6/n
Demand-side reduction and flexibility is essential.
- Provide targeted financial support, not general subsidies
- Bolster social security systems, complement by financial support for vulnerable consumers
- Inclining block tariffs/general rebates = interesting, but untargeted 7/n
Windfall taxes hold most promise as source of revenue for welfare redistribution.
The #DGENER infra-marginal rent capture proposal may offer another avenue. But we're not sure it will work.
Reductie gasvraag op korte termijn tov rechtstreekse RU import naar BE:
- Trend isolatie, warmtepompen en zon/wind
- Gedrag (thermostaat)
- Versnelling EE, WP, PV/wind
- Verlenging bio centrale Max Green >2023
Evtl 2GW verlenging nucleair komt nadien. Idem uitbouw 2de zone offshore wind met 3,5GW.
Oorlogsinspanning gasexit is dus combinatie van inspanningen, en moet juiste prioriteiten leggen. Met elk beleidsniveau dat eigen competenties max. inzet.
(Ik spring even over uitspraken over paars/groene regeringen - ben geen politicoloog) 2/n
CO2. Fossiel gas stoot per MWh idd veel meer CO2 uit dan nucleair (of zon/wind). Het klopt dat ETS extra uitstoot niet volledig neutraliseert. Grotendeels wel, maar door complexe werking MSR resteert moeilijk exact te schatten netto extra uitstoot. vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2021… 3/n