Your eminent economists, your politicians, your wealthy elite, your power brokers, your corporations all lied about the inflation, the pandemic, your health and god knows what.
Now that lies are coming out, they try to stop truth by controlling it, a 🧵
They lied about vaccine efficacy & it’s impacts on your health without any implications or repercussions. Nothing’s gonna change in the future.
They want to control your lands, your food, your bodies, your health, your wealth & your minds. Keep falling for their lies, you’ll never see the light.
Nearly every war has been a result of the media lies — Julian Assange
Who’s complicit with those media lies… your government of course
They never want the war to end. The wars were meant to be continuous so they can keep funding it through weapons manufacturers & rebuilding contracts and keep lying to people they are helping Ukraine attain its freedom & democracy… bullshit
They lied about diamonds are rare, diamonds mean relationships forever.
We all suckers bought into it
They either lie or hide the truth. In this case they shut him up when he spoke about the most violent nations on 🌎
Nothing to see here. Vaccines don’t have anything to do with this 🤷♂️
Kobe Bryant was suing Big Pharma and his testimony was a couple of days prior to his death.
Is this just a conspiracy theory or another one of their hush ups 🤷♂️
The governments, politicians, WHO, FDA, CDC, WEF, IMF, SEC, IRS, FBI, CIA have all become so tainted… we might as well call conspiracy theories as previews of the real thing 🤷♂️
Dr. Peter McCullough revealing too many truths. He’s been stripped of his right to practice medicine.
"The vaccine is incredibly risky, and basically it's achieving it's goal. If the goal was to reduce the world's population, it's working."
We called you murderers
We called you science deniers
We closed libraries, schools & parks
We shut your business, stopped travel
We stopped you from traveling in emergency
We forced vaccine mandates, got you fired, shamed & canceled
Let’s forget all this happened & start fresh
FBI, DHS are closely working with the media platforms like Facebook & Twitter to actively censor content. In the name of disinformation, they routinely urge media platforms to delete, update or reduce page rank for information that’s adversely impacting the establishment 🤷♂️
Imagine your close friend or family member died due to 💉 side effects
Imagine your kids went into depression due to lockdowns & social distancing
Imagine you couldn’t travel to your family or friends funeral
Imagine you lost your job…
Would you pardon them for their acts?
Trust no experts, think for yourself.
They’re not going to take responsibility for your health. It’s all about their profits, it’s all about their power.
You’ve been forced to take vaccines, forced out of work, forced economic shutdowns, forced into lockdowns, stopped schools and thrown kids into deep depression…
Forget everything, forgive us for we didn’t know better. Let’s start fresh.
Here’s another lie perpetrated on you all through rap music culture. A bunch of black young rappers keep dying. Who’s not dying are the record executives who keep promoting the bad culture of money, sex, guns, violence, drugs and death. You are all pawns in their #RapCultureGame
I’m not gonna forget and forgive. There are decades when nothing happens and sometimes there are weeks when decades happen. Those few weeks in 2020-2021 showed us what could happen in a totalitarian future. #NoAmnesty
Owner of “The Atlantic” magazine.
“The Atlantic” magazine asking for amnesty. I’m sure she’ll be asking for amnesty for all the childrens lives destroyed by our ruling class & elite wealthy pedophiles, because they didn’t know better 🤷♂️
Don’t trust your science, trust ours
Myth: A jab a year keeps the doctor away as per Joe Biden
Fact: A jab a year boosts Big Pharma profits, reduces your immunity and keeps you jab subscriber for life
It’s a win-win scenario, take the jab 😂
Yup there will be mask and vaccine addicts pretty soon at this rate 😂
Here are 10 arguments proving that climate change is a giant hoax to perpetuate the climate spending from innocent taxpayers:
1. Historical Climate Variability: Climate has always changed naturally over time, citing periods like the Medieval Warm Period or the Little Ice Age as evidence that current changes are within historical norms, not caused by human activity.
2. Inaccuracies in Climate Models: Climate models have failed to predict certain trends or events accurately, suggesting that these models might exaggerate the impact of CO2 or other greenhouse gases.
3. Urban Heat Island Effect: Temperature increases recorded in urban areas are due to more concrete and less vegetation, not global warming, thus skewing global temperature data.
4. Benefits of CO2: There's an argument that CO2 is beneficial for plant growth, essentially acting as plant food, which could lead to greener Earth and higher crop yields, countering negative effects.
5. Economic Motive for Climate Tax: The suggestion here is that the push for climate change action is more about creating a new tax revenue stream for governments rather than environmental protection. This tax, they claim, would disproportionately affect the poor and small businesses.
6. Manipulation of Data: Climate data has been manipulated or selectively reported to fit a narrative, like the "Climategate" controversy where emails suggested scientists might have withheld data or adjusted it to support their conclusions.
7. Natural Solar Cycles: Changes in solar activity, like sunspots or solar cycles, correlate more closely with Earth's temperature changes than CO2 levels do, suggesting solar influence over human influence.
8. Lack of Consensus: There's significant disagreement within the scientific community about the extent and cause of climate change.
9. Previous Doomsday Predictions: most of the past environmental predictions about population growth, resource depletion, or pollution that didn't materialize as predicted, suggesting current climate predictions might also be exaggerated or wrong.
10. Geopolitical Control: Climate change fears are used by global elites or organizations like the IMF, UN, WEF and WHO to push for more centralized control over national policies, economies, and personal behaviors through mechanisms like carbon credits or emission treaties.
Governments have made endless wars possible through Fiat money inflation. With nothing backing the money they print, all they need is lies and propaganda to start more wars and print more money to fix that’s destroyed.
It’s a never ending cycle…. Unless we stop it.
Argument for Taxation Enabling War:
1. Funding Mechanism: Taxation provides governments with the necessary funds to finance military operations. Without a steady income from taxes, nations would struggle to maintain standing armies, develop military technology, or sustain prolonged conflicts. Historical examples, like the British taxation of the American colonies to fund imperial wars, illustrate how tax revenues directly fuel military capabilities. The ability to tax gives states the financial muscle to engage in warfare, thereby making war not just possible but also more extensive and prolonged than it might otherwise be.
2. Public Support and Legitimacy: Taxation also serves as a tool for garnering public support or at least compliance for war efforts. When citizens pay taxes, they are indirectly invested in the state's ventures, including military actions. This financial contribution can be spun into a narrative of shared national interest or defense, legitimizing the war in the eyes of the populace. For instance, during wartime, governments might increase taxes or introduce war bonds, linking the financial burden directly to the war effort, thereby fostering a sense of collective responsibility and urgency.
Argument for War Leading to Increased Taxation:
1. Economic Strain and Recovery: Wars are immensely costly, draining national resources and often leading to economic downturns. Post-war recovery, rebuilding infrastructure, and providing for veterans require significant funds, which governments then seek through increased taxation. The aftermath of World War II, where many countries raised taxes to rebuild, exemplifies this cycle. War thus sets a precedent for higher future taxation to address the economic fallout from military conflict.
2. Military-Industrial Complex: War stimulates the military-industrial complex, creating a demand for continuous military spending. This spending, in turn, necessitates higher taxes to support an ever-growing defense budget. The cycle of war leading to more war can perpetuate a need for increased taxation to fund new military endeavors, technological advancements, and the maintenance of military bases worldwide. This was evident during the Cold War, where the arms race between superpowers led to significant tax increases to support military spending.
Both arguments highlight a symbiotic relationship where taxation and war feed into each other, creating a cycle of financial and military escalation.