Convoy funding came in via etransfer to a variety of encrypted Protonmail addresses in addition to cash & crypto. It would take an entire team of experts to “follow the money” in a forensic analysis. There is no indication from #OPP that they did this. #EmergenciesActInquiry
This was a tweet of mine from back in Jan/22. It was based on what I’d been seeing. This also applies to #ConvoyFinancing. When there’s no one traceable source of💰, forensic analysis clearly becomes more complex. Now add in laundered💰from foreign adversaries = even more complex
Let’s use, for example, the precursor practice op to #FluTruxKlan, known as #UnitedWeRoll. Many of the same players. They used what they learned in 2019 & applied it to 2022 convoy op. Here we have deceptionist Bexte, claiming fresh crisp $20s were collected from “crowdfunding”.
Is that cash - collected at each stop on #UnitedWeRoll journey from Alberta to Ottawa (at roughly the same time of year as #FluTruxKlan too 🤔) - readily traceable? No. I’m sure people did donate, but that didn’t pay for 10s of 1,000s in fuel costs, food, hotels for multiple rigs
So unless @OPP can demonstrate they forensically traced crypto, got warrants for encrypted etransfers & bank statements & did an extensive attempt at tracing cash, their statement “no foreign influence was identified” is based on what evidence? It is simply not credible. #cdnpoli
By the way, these screenshots are not of Canadians nor Canadian companies. Jesse Powell (formerly of Kraken), for example, is an American based in California. #EmergenciesActInquiry#OttawaOccupation
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Child abuse occurred during #FreeDumbConvoy. Majority #CPC MPs supported & promoted this malign influence op that cost 🇨🇦billions, shuttered businesses, caused harm to residents. It should be disqualifying from holding public office. #NeverVoteConservative#EmergenciesActInquiry
Kids were used as props and human shields. They were endangered on multiple fronts by parents who believed radicalized nonsense. All used & exploited by bad faith actors like #PierrePoilievreTheCoward. It is disgraceful. #FreeDumbConvoy#EmergenciesActInquiry
The trolls and bots that showed up on this post reveal that #FreeDumbConvoy was never about truth, freedom, rights or “mandates”.
Disinformation bots & trolls are never about any of those things. Don’t engage, just report & block these toxic accounts.
.@nationalpost is garbage. It is a propaganda rag that used to also do reporting & now only occasionally throws actual reporting in to disguise what a deception publication it is. Its attempts to carry water for #FreeDumbConvoy is a case in point. #EmergenciesActInquiry#cdnmedia
Carson Jerema is a propagandist. His job is writing propaganda “opinion” pieces, not journalism & certainly not informing the public. In fact, he misinforms the public. His claims are directly contradicted by evidence & testimony. He begrudgingly acknowledges the harm, then…
Claims the harm wasn’t sufficient. That it was somehow all under control by other levels of government, when the evidence clearly shows this was not the case. That the unwillingness & failure to act by provincial & municipal governments forced the use of #EmergenciesAct. #cdnpoli
As I make my way through the #EmergenciesActInquiry (& I strongly encourage everyone to listen to it themselves rather than relying on spin in #cdnmedia reports), a few things stand out.
Bylaw officers were intimidated & didn’t feel safe to do their jobs re #FreeDumbConvoy 1/
2.Tow truck companies were unwilling to risk their safety or their business & vehicles by towing the trucks, aside from tow operators who refused b/c they bought into propaganda of the occupation. (CTV’s reporting leaves out the lack of safety reasons, highlights the “sympathy”)
3. But what is most troubling perhaps, is the intelligence failures on the part of @OttawaPolice. I can’t imagine it was out of incompetence, I also can’t imagine it was because INSET, CSIS, FINTRAC didn’t provide #OPS with intel. #EmergenciesActInquiry
The lies told by #Conservatives & a supine #CdnMediaFailed around the #EmergenciesAct, is appalling on every level. Not only did virtually all #CPC MPs support an #InfoOps & destabilization operation against 🇨🇦, many were key participants. The EA was necessary as a direct 1/2
There’s a coordinated international hit job on 🇨🇦’s gov’t. 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇷🇺🇨🇳 operations. The ops coming out of England may be a proxy for Russian ops amplified by England’s ever-present far right. They inauthentically trend anti-Trudeau hashtags using accelerator botnets & trolls #cdnpoli
But, as I’ve said many times, these ops are only successful when they can get real people to engage & perpetuate them. So 3k people in 🇨🇦 + 4K in 🇺🇸 + 3K in 🇬🇧 + troll factories & botnets, suddenly appears like an overwhelming movement that spurs others to believe. #CdnDisinfo
Troll networks are complex echo chambers that have steadily evolved since the early days of 🇷🇺’s Internet Research Agency. To be successful they MUST include authentic users. So a typical response from people in these malign networks is “she says I’m a bot!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣”. Um, no