Take the MVP test results as proof and execute your plan in a waterfall style. Without regular inspection and adaptation, your plan will fall apart like a house of cards.
Shot to the moon.
2. Agile
Pick an Agile framework like Scrum. Start without validating your business model. Came up with ideas and deliver them in iterations.
Most ideas are not going to work. And your product probably never had a chance to achieve the Product-Market fit.
Gambling and waste.
3. Product Discovery
Use quantitative and qualitative analysis—interview customers. Identify opportunities. Ideate. Validate the riskiest assumptions. You will end up with validated Product Backlog items.
No bigger picture. And nothing built.
Fortunately, there is a better way:
1. Start with the Lean Startup.
Identify customers and their underserved needs. Use MVP prototype to quickly validate critical assumptions about your business model and get maximum learning with minimal effort.
I particularly like the Product-Market Fit Pyramid as defined by @danolsen:
2. Transition into the production track with two streams running in parallel:
a) Product Discovery answers the question, "What to build next?" Products are never done. You need to perform Product Discovery continuously. In particular, interview your customers every week.
A few controversial things I believe about PM and growth:
1) Customer outcomes over business metrics
Pursuing only business results is a silly goal.
Because users are too often forgotten.
Customer outcomes are a better pursuit in the long term: 🧵
• Delighted customers impact your business > $$$
• Happy customers stay with you longer > lower churn
• They can't stop talking about the product they love > growth
Contrary to popular belief, OKRs are not "the most important" tasks.
Their goal is to create focus on what's not urgent yet critical for the long-term growth of the business (strategy). You should select only one OKR. You can sequence them if needed.
1. Stakeholders decide on the high-level roadmap 2. PM refines the details and creates User Stories ("WHAT") 3. Work is waterfalled to the DEVs, who only decide "HOW" 4. Designer tries to make it prettier. It's like lipsticking a pig
You know what I think? Waterfall and stage gates. Even if you use an Agile framework, don't lie to yourself. That's a project mindset.
Working with individuals is not enough. To achieve great outcomes, you need to work with the entire team. Eliminate internal competition, egos, and conflicts. Make sure everyone is aligned around shared values and goals.
2. Leadership can only be earned
Your top priority is coaching people and helping them grow. Listen and pay attention. Carry about their well-being and support them when they need it.
"If 'you're a great manager, your people will make you a leader. They acclaim that, not you"
Ask yourself: What are their problems, needs, and desires? What's truly important to them? What jobs do they want to perform? By which outcomes will they evaluate your product's value?
A common mistake is to focus too much on a particular solution. Theodore Levitt famously said, "Customers don't want a drill, they want a hole in the wall."
Sometimes there might be some UI guy who takes care of selecting stock photos or modifying the CSS styles. But in reality, the usability of the product is not taken seriously by anyone.
So the usability sucks.
2. The Designer is engaged too late.
The Designer is asked for help when low-fidelity prototypes are ready, or worse, once the application is built. Their only job is to "make it prettier."
No matter how much they try, it's like lipsticking a pig.