2/9 – Western Europe
The #COVID19 epidemic activity is:
- Plateauing/slow landing in: SE (R-eff=1.02);ICL=1.0; GR=1.0; NL=0.96/FL=0.94; PT=0.91.
- Landing in CH; LUX; IT: with low mortality;
AU; DK; FR: medium mortality;
DE: high mortality);
3/9 – East-Central Europe
- Landing towards their #COVID19 safety zones in Slovenia; Serbia; Latvia; CZ; Bulgaria; Ukraine;
- Slow landing in Croatia=0.93; Estonia=0.92; Lithuania=0.91.
4/9 – Africa
- Green everywhere regarding its #COVID19 epidemic activity, but high level of underreporting.
5/9 – Middle-East
- Increasing again in their #COVID19 epidemic activity in Israel (R-eff=1.09); (Cyprus=1.09), with low (medium) mortality;
- Landing in Qatar;
- Reported to be safe elsewhere.
6/9 – Asia & Pacific
- Surge, driven by #XBB, in their #COVID19 epidemic activity in Japan (R-eff=1.22); Malaysia=1.22, with low mortality;
- Rise in Australia=1.14; New Zealand=1.17; South Korea=1.14, with low mortality.
- Landing in Singapore and Taiwan.
7/9 – Asia & Pacific (cont'd)
- Rising in China (R-eff=1.11), which is struggling with its #ZeroCovid strategy, very low mortality;
- Lack of news from North Korea;
- Apparently safe elsewhere.
8/9 – North America
- Canada (R-eff=0.97) is just above its #COVID19 safety zone, medium mortality. 90.7% >1 dose. Poor quality reporting from Provinces.
- USA=1.08 is increasing again, with medium mortality. 81.0% >1 dose. Red in 42 states, orange in 5 and green in 3.
9/9 – Latin America
- Plateauing in its #COVID19 epidemic activity in Chile (R-eff=1.03), with low mortality.
- Surging in Costa-Rica=1.27;
- Reported to be safe elsewhere.
10/9 – Read forecasting for other countries by following @AdelineDugerdil
A few definitions:
Safety zone: nb of forecast cases < 30/100K population/week
30 < Medium level of epidemic activity < 140 cases/week
140 < High level < 700
Very high level > 700...
11/9 –
... Definitions (cont'd):
Very low mortality: nb of forecast deaths/d < 0.05/100K pop
0.05 < Low mortality < 0.10
0.10 < Medium mortality < 0.20
0.20 < High mortality < 0.50
Very high mortality > 0.50
Alarming mortality > 1.0
Very alarming mortality > 3.0
• • •
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1/8 - “Over time, Twitter has become a major public good, says @M_B_Petersen, Aarhus University. “I believe it has played important roles in the dissemination of knowledge globally and between scientists and the public during, for example, the pandemic.” science.org/content/articl…
2/8 - “Still, with uncertainty about how Twitter will change under Musk, many of the thousands of medical and scientific experts on the platform have started to look for alternatives or are considering giving up on social media altogether.”
3/8 - “For the moment, most researchers are waiting to see what happens with Twitter. “I’m hedging my bets with a Mastodon account but not planning to leave in the short term,” says biologist @CT_Bergstrom, University of Washington, Seattle.”
1/4 - En Angleterre, l'ONS estime entre 400K et 500'000 le nombre de personnes gravement immunodéprimés et 3,7 millions de personnes très vulnérables à l'infection. Pour eux, contracter le #COVID19 signifie plus souvent des formes graves, plus souvent des #LongCovid invalidants.
2/4 - Chez les personnes immunodéprimées, toute activité est désormais risquée: le travail, le transport, les magasins,les loisirs...
99% d'entre eux se sentent exposés au risque de leurs enfants allant à l'école.
91% évitent d'aller chez le médecin par peur du risque nosocomial.
3/4 - Cette communauté de personnes très vulnérables vis-à-vis du #COVID19 se sent abandonnée aujourd'hui par les pouvoirs publics et le reste de la population fière et heureuse de revivre comme avant
94% présente des signes d'anxiété (le tiers d'entre eux, une anxiété extrême).
1/5 - Avec la grève des biologistes en France, les prévisions du #COVID19, même à 7 jours, sont vaines.
Cette grève, dans ce pays riche, centralisé, doté d’instituts de statistiques et de recherche de grande qualité, dévoile avec surprise, une veille sanitaire de piètre qualité.
2/5 - La France ne s’est pas dotée d’un échantillon représentatif de sa population sondé chaque semaine pour le #SARSCoV2 comme le font les Britanniques. ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati…
3/5 - La France n’a pas équipé 1500 stations d’épuration d’une surveillance virologique, avec un échantillonnage quotidien, comme le font les Néerlandais qui disposent de 350 stations pour 17,8 millions d’habitants. coronadashboard.government.nl/verantwoording
1/8 - “More outbreaks of infectious disease are inevitable. But it is possible to stop many of them turning into pandemics. The past 20 years of outbreaks — #COVID19, Zika, Ebola, A/H1N1, MERS and SARS — can teach us how to improve global health security.” nature.com/articles/d4158…
2/8 - “Monitor zoonoses:
The biggest risk comes from pathogens that circulate in animals making the jump into humans. It is crucial to identify hotspots where humans and animals come into contact and take steps to reduce risk.”
3/8 - “Sequence globally
It is crucial that we quickly obtain and share the genetic sequences of viruses as they emerge. If a virus emerges in a country without the ability to sequence it then it could spread silently for weeks, as happened when Ebola surged in Guinea in 2014.”
1/4 - “Concernant le coronavirus responsable du #COVID19, malgré plus de 635 millions de cas rapportés dans le monde à ce jour, il reste très exceptionnel que d’autres modes de transmission que la seule voie aérosol soit invoquée.” atlantico.fr/article/decryp…
2/4 - “Porter un masque n’est pas très plaisant, c’est vrai, mais on peut s’étonner que face aux risques de #COVID19 qui sont loin d’avoir disparu, et d’autres viroses, on ne voie pas davantage de personnes porter le masque en lieux clos souvent bondés, insuffisamment ventilés.”
3/4 - “Il serait utile que l’on se penche sur la fabrication de masques en tissus aux normes élevées de filtration (type #FFP2), des masques lavables, plus confortables, esthétiquement plus plaisants, et moins onéreux et de moindre empreinte écologique que les masques jetables.”
1/4 - “Bangladesh’s GDP per capita was 12% lower due to global warming than it would have been otherwise in the two decades preceding 2010, according to the study published Monday.” time.com/5575523/climat…
2/4 - “The effect is more dramatic elsewhere, particularly in sub-Saharan African countries including Sudan, Burkina Faso and Niger, where climate change has driven GDP per capita more than 20% lower that it would have been absent climate change.”
3/4 - “Higher temperatures affect economic output in a variety of ways. For example, labor productivity decreases with extreme heat, crops produce lower yields and cognitive functioning declines.”