2/13. As the 2nd week of #COP27 starts the BIG question is: will it establish a #LossAndDamage Finance Facility or will rich countries continue to delay & push responsibility onto the #ClimateVulnerable by pushing non-transformative solutions like insurance?
4/13. *This is one of a typology of delay tactics used by rich countries that have been used over the last 30 years to defer action on #LossAndDamage. See our "Cost of Delay" brief below for the full list:
5/13. Today sees the launch of the #GlobalShield against Climate Risks. Expected to focus on insurance, the #GlobalShield is "making progress" outside of the @UNFCCC whilst rich countries block progress within the @UNFCCC. Coincidence? We think not!
6/13. Insurance can, at best, play a very small role in addressing #LossAndDamage. It often only pays out 2-3% of the cost of damages, leaving vulnerable countries seeking humanitarian assistance (inadequate) or loans which often lead to spiralling debt after a #ClimateDisaster.
7/13.Side note: all those arguments about lack of “absorptive capacity” don’t explain why debt is increasing across climate-vulnerable nations. Including #Vanuatu’s debt, which rose from 21% to >50% of GDP after cyclone Pam in 2015 & Harold in 2020.
8/13. Insurance also pushes the responsibility for #LossAndDamage onto vulnerable people by asking them to pay for expensive policies that inadequately cover losses and damages to homes, livelihoods and lives impacted by a #ClimateCrisis they did little or nothing to cause.
10/13. There are better, fairer responses to #LossAndDamage that a Finance Facility should be well funded for, including social safety nets, a recovery facility for instant cash, and dozens of other proposals laid out at the many dialogues since 2016.
11/13. Yet, so far, of the US$ 300m committed to #LossAndDamage, 65% is for the #GlobalShield and most of this funding is recycled from adaptation funding, other climate funding, or development funding (aid), meaning, that it’s not really #LossAndDamage finance at all.
12/13. How will we know if rich countries are genuine?
The "litmus test" = establishing #LossAndDamage finance facility at #COP27. If they continue to block whilst seeking kudos for throwing pennies to the #GlobalShield, it will be clear that the Global Shield = a delay tactic.
1/24. 📢During the first contact group on the New Collective Quantified Goal on #ClimateFinance (#NCQG) the G77 and China has indicated they will not accept the substantive framework for a draft text as a basis for negotiations and requested a new text. 🧵
2/24. The G77 asked for a new text to be provided by the Co-Chairs before the next session of the contact group, one that reflects the points that developing countries have raised repeatedly under the Ad Hoc Work Program of the #NCGQ .
1/24 Today was the final day of the 21st meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom21) of the Warsaw International Mechanism for #LossAndDamage (WIM), which took place from September 11th to 13th in Bonn, Germany. Prior to ExCom 21, the 2nd meeting of all thematic expert groups of the ExCom (EG2) was also held in Bonn from September 9th to 10th. Our team was there! Here are some key points from the discussions.🧵
2/24 🗣️ ExCom21 covered several agenda items, including:
👉Preparation of voluntary guidelines for enhancing collection and management of data and information to inform the preparation of biennial transparency reports (BTRs);
👉How the latest climate science can inform policy-making relevant to averting, minimising, and addressing #LossAndDamage;
👉Work related to strategic workstreams on slow onset events, non-economic losses (NELs), comprehensive risk management (CRM) approaches, human mobility, and action and support;
3/24 agenda items (cont’d)
👉Cross-cutting activities of the second five-year rolling workplan of the ExCom;
👉Collaboration with the Advisory Board of the #SantiagoNetwork;
👉Collaboration with the entities that form the #LossAndDamage funding arrangements, including the Fund for responding to #LossAndDamage (Fund);
👉Recommendations to be included in the 2024 ExCom annual report.
1/59.📢 The final day of the 11th Technical Expert Dialogue (#TED11) and Third Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Program (#MAHWP3) of the New Collective Quantified Goal on #ClimateFinance (#NCQG) concluded yesterday in Baku, Azerbaijan 🇦🇿. Here are our #LossAndDamage takeaways. 🧵
2/59. 📺The webcast from day 4 of #TED11 and #MAHWP3 can be found here:
3/59. The 4th day of the meeting saw the continuation of #MAHWP3, a report back on #TED11, and a stocktaking session identifying further technical issues, elements and recommendations for political consideration.
1/55. The first day of the 2⃣nd meeting of the Board of the #LossAndDamage Fund has concluded in Songdo - Incheon, in the Republic of South Korea 🇰🇷. Here are our takeaways.🧵
2/55. The 2⃣nd meeting of the Board of the #LossAndDamage Fund opened with a statement by Ji-Young Choi, Deputy Minister for Intl. Affairs, @moefkorea_eng, Republic of Korea 🇰🇷, who announced a voluntary contribution of $7 million USD to the #LossAndDamage Fund.
3/52. Having announced the contribution to the #LossAndDamage Ji-Young Choi indicated that he hoped the pledge would act as a catalyst to encourage more, much needed, contributions to the Fund. 💰
1/44. 📢 Today was the first day of the 2024 #BonnClimateConference which saw the opening plenary and a Technical Expert Dialogue on the New Collective Quantified Goal on #ClimateFinance (#NCQG), here are our #LossAndDamage takeaways. 🧵
2/44. This morning started with a Press conference from the Alliance of Small Island States (@AOSISChair) and the Chair of the Least Developed Countries Group (@LDCChairUNFCCC) on expectations for the #BonnClimateConference.
3/44. Key messages included from the @LDCChairUNFCCC, Evans Nijewa: “The current $100 billion goal [set in 2009] is far below the needs we have in our countries. The New Collective Quantified Goal on #ClimateFinance (#NCQG) must reflect the true needs of our countries.”
1/18.⚠️USEFUL INFO: The 20th meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Warsaw International Mechanism for #LossAndDamage (WIM) will take place from the 12-15th of March in Bonn, Germany 🇩🇪. Here’s some useful context, what to expect and our expectations for #WIMExCom20🧵.
2/18. #WIMExCom20 will take place at Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn with the meeting opening on the 12 March 2024 at 09:00 a.m. CET. The meeting will be hybrid.
3/18. The WIM was established at #COP19 in Warsaw to address #LossAndDamage associated with impacts of #ClimateChange, including extreme weather events and slow onset events, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of #ClimateChange.