Factors associated with release relief of Long COVID symptoms at 12-Months and their impact on daily life
“The prevalence rate of most symptoms remained high at 12 months: asthenia 83.1%, neurocognitive and neurological symptoms 91.8%, cardiothoracic symptoms 77.9%, 👇
musculoskeletal 78.8%.
During Long COVID phase, 62.2% had to stop working at least once and only 32.5% resumed professional activities full time at one year follow-up.👇
We need URGENT political measure about taking #Covid19 seriously #BringBackMasks#airpurification#ventilation to avoid the personal tragedies beyond the health and financial tragedies !!!!! Family literally explode because of ignorance ! I had to isolate from my own relatives👇
My relatives keeps crossing #Covid19 which I can NOT afford (I feel it myself). It’s HORRIBLE to be isolated from them but 1- I want to keep functioning (min level) and work to get my salary, I support a whole family 2- to continue #longCovid 👇
#longCovid fundamental research & therapeutic trials we have been building +ADVOCACY..this last point doesn’t work for now…the situation is worse (or similar) to any kind of war I could have imagined. We keep being in a war mode and we need to be organized as such #Covid19war 👇
Happy to be a co-author of this article about #viralepersistence in #longCovid patients-found by dogs of @Env_Alfort- w/ Dominique GRANDJEAN, Dorsaf SLAMA, Capucine GALLET, Clothilde JULIEN, Marc BLONDOT, Maissa BENAZAZIEZ, Judith ELBAZ and Dominique SALMON #apresJ20#Covid19
Dogs have already demonstrated high capacity in detecting Covid19 infection in acute phase (very high sensitivity)
Now they help demonstrating once more that #viralepersistence is present « in some Long Covid patient »..#apresJ20#longCovid#Covidlong#Covid19 👇
Très heureuse d’avoir pu participer à cette 1ière journée sur le #covidlong organisée par @SPILF_ le 19-11 @VilledeNancy
Heureuse d’avoir pu présenter à la suite du Pr Salmon ma clinique, à la base non spécifique 👇 #apresJ20#longCovid#doctoctoc
non documenté (PCR-, sero -), qui, si personne ne me l’a contestée aurait pu l’être, aurait pu tomber ds la case de ceux qui « croient » avoir eu le #Covid19 . Infection devenue incontestable par mes travaux avec Pr D. Salmon prouvant la #persistancevirale 👇 #apresJ20#Covidlong
à plusieurs étapes du #Covidlong, et/mais qui doit être incontestable sur la seule clinique qui, si on en fait une lecture attentive, est en fait très parlante, comme celles d’un bon nombre d’#apresJ20#Covidlong#longCovid 👇 #DocTocToc#COVID19
If your rememember, end of July, I talked on Twitter about a swab done to me closer to the olfactory bulbs following my recurring complaints of feeling something gurggling here (I often talked about that on Twitter)..2/n
..then the doctor told me to not talk anymore about these trials, especially on social networks. Mid October I was called to be told that my PCR (usual nasal swab) done end of July was negative, like all of them, 1st one being done at 4,5 weeks) BUT 3/n
Si vous vous souvenez, fin Juillet j’avais parlé sur le fil d’un prélèvement qui m’avait été fait plus proche des bulbes olfactifs, suite à mes plaintes récurrentes de sensation de grouillement au niveau des fentes olfactives (dont j’ai svt parlé ici)..2/n
puis le médecin m’a dit de ne pas/plus parler de ces essais, notamment sur les réseaux. Mi Octobre j’ai été appelée pour m’annoncer que ma PCR nasopharyngée faite ce jour là était négative (comme toutes mes PCR faites, la 1iere à 4,5 semaines) MAIS 3/n