Brahmacharya is a thing, not a person. (Let's not confuse it with brahmacārī). It's a Vedic idea, so let's define it from a Vedic viewpoint. #vedicwayoflife
And Vedic Brahmacarya is not primarily about celibacy, but about learning and proceeding by the path of brahman - by seeking the knowledge behind mantras, by following a discipline that shows your commitment, respect and focus. #vedicwayoflife
Celibacy is only a background for greater focus, is recommended by sutras for this reason. Brahmacarya itself isn't celibacy & the house-dwellers who cohabit only for procreation are also fit for brahmacarya; they can continue to learn Vedas even post marriage. #vedicwayoflife
For now, practically as long as you don’t entertain lustful thoughts (by taking actions based on them) towards women (or whatever it be), and you are seeking the way of mantras, learning knowledge and showing discipline in it, you remain a brahmachārī. #vedicwayoflife
Provided you also abstain from other several unnecessary and ambiguous activities like eating meat, going after luxury, lack of guilt, not showing interest in seeking value and improving yourself. #vedicwayoflife
Replying to a chat or having to talk to a girl in your school or college or online doesn’t cause you to leave brahmacharya, as long as you don’t have any intention to sleep with her, or regard her potentially as one. #vedicwayoflife
Even if you supposedly drift away from a discipline due to human frailty, there are penances to bring you back. It is not designed to mess with you. #vedicwayoflife
Brahmacharya is there for every being, not just males, in Vedas. It is a state of discipline, of seeking Rta through being in a discipline, which ensures you are free from going wayward, and that you serve your true purpose. As Atharvaveda says: #vedicwayoflife
“By Brahmacharya, through tapas, does a king extend wide protection to his kingdom,
The Acharya, through Brahmacharya, seeks for a brahmachārī (to instruct). #vedicwayoflife
By brahmacharya, the kanya obtains her young husband,
By brahmacharya do the cart-bullocks and horses graze for grass.
By the tapas of Brahmacharya did Devas dispel death away,
Indeed by brahmacharya did Indra, bring the Light, for the Devas" #vedicwayoflife
This principle of discipline of doing only what is essential, and staying focused on it, is what is called brahmacharya.
Also because He is the destroyer of the devatas, as per a Smrti shloka quoted by Svaami Vijayeendra Teertha Shripaadagalu, in Shaiva-Sarvasva Khandanam of Nyaayamauktikamaala.
#SanatanaDharma #SanatanDharma #Sanatani
ब्रह्माणमिंद्रं रुद्रं च यमं वरुणमेव च ॥ ८६ ॥
निगृह्य हरते यस्मात्तस्माद्धरिरहोच्यते ।
Being the destroyer who destroys Brahmaa, Indra, Rudra, Yama & Varuna, he is known as ‘Hari’.
Shukracharya: A great knowledgeable person who was respected even by Devas and Saints. He was an expert in Political Science. He founded the Shukra Niti. In his niti he has laid down the following points:
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism…
One should never reveal certain things in front of others.
It’s great if you are loved and respected by all, but don’t show it off in front of others- doing so will lower your respect in the eyes of others
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism…
If you have to face insult at any point in your life, it’s best to keep it to yourself; telling that to everyone you know will make you feel insulted in front of others as well.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism…
Tantra is an abstract religion, it doesn't have a clear definition. Different seekers define it differently, many not even consistent with each other. Tantra, though, is clearly recognized as being very different from the ancient Hindu Vedic tradition.…
Before trying to delve into tantrism, it is important to understand that this is not a single coherent system. It is rather a tradition that gradually evolved from an accumulation of practices and rituals, in order to attain the grace of the divine.…
The practitioner of tantra uses his own prana or divine energy in order to harness it to the universal prana, thereby attaining his goal. The goal in question could be either spiritual, material or both.…
Tantra in Hinduism could be considered to be parallel to the Hindu Vedic tradition. Tantra contains written records of the Agama, which comes in four main parts, as follows:…
Jnana or metaphysical knowledge
Yoga or meditative practices
Kriya or ritual practices
Charya or ethical and religious principles of conduct #SanatanaDharma#Hinduism
Most of the staunch Hindu Vedic practitioners, however, consider the Tantras to be anti-Vedic in character and hence, altogether shun both the cult and the practitioners of the same.…
The universe consists of a Mahabrahmanda, or grand Cosmos, and of numerous Brihatbrahmanda, or macrocosms evolved from it. As is said by the Nirvana Tantra, all which is in the first is in the second.…
In the latter are heavenly bodies and beings, which are microcosms reflecting on a minor scale the greater worlds which evolve them. "As above, so below." This mystical maxim of the West is stated in the Vishvasara Tantra as follows:…