Russian aggression against Ukraine has a longer history. 2014 and 2022 are its peak, but not the beginning. I will try to highlight the main stages:
1992-2003 - Latent aggression
2003-2013- Preparation for war
2014-2022-Hybrid war.
2022 - now - Invasion and large-scale war. #NAFO
1992-2003-Latent aggression. This stage is characterized by manipulations, attempts to realize aggressive goals under the guise of settling disputes after the collapse of the USSR. The artificial question about the status of Crimea, division of the Black Sea Fleet,
the disarmament of Ukraine, the Budapest memorandum.
2003-2013- Preparation for war. At this stage, the Russian Federation resorts to provocations and pressure, harsh information warfare and propaganda. At the same time, a "fifth column" is being created in the middle of Ukraine. The conflict over Tuzla,
interference in the 2004 elections, Severodonetsk congress (inspiration of "separatism"), gas, trade and culture wars, planting Russian narratives in the Ukrainian infofield, inciting Ukrainophobia, hysteria about history and the Holodomor,
support for pro-Russian politicians (Yanukovych's regime), slavery agreements, planting Russian culture.
2014-2022-Hybrid war. When the previous efforts of the Russian Federation failed, and Yanukovych lost the remnants of his influence, the Russians began armed aggression. Often crudely disguised as "Ikhtamnet", the spread of fakes.
The shootings on the Maidan, the annexation of Crimea, the seizure of administrative buildings in the East, attempts to destabilize all southern and eastern regions of Ukraine, provocations in Kharkiv and Odesa, creation of artificial "separatists" in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
As a result of ATO, hybrid aggression is stifled. It was then that the first open invasion of regular Russian troops took place. Ilovaisk. First Minsk. Attempts to destabilize Ukraine in winter. Debaltsevo Second Minsk. Shelling of cities along the front line.
Separate attacks on Ukrainian positions with the aim of igniting a new phase of the war. Positional war. Ukraine's attempts to freeze the conflict and Russia's attempts to spread the war further.
2022 - and until today. Stage of open war. Impunity in the international arena for the previous stages of aggression and other wars, as well as a sense of power pushed the Russians to try to destroy Ukrainian statehood and deal with Ukrainians.
Російська агресія проти України має значну тривалішу історію. 2014 і 2022 це її пік, але не початок. Спробую виділити основні етапи:
1992-2003 - Латентна агресія
2003-2013- Підготовка до війни
2014-2022-Гібридна війна.
2022 - і дотепер - Вторгнення і масштабна війна.
1992-2003-Латентна агресія. Для цього етапу характерні маніпуляції, замасковані спроби реалізувати загарбницькі цілі під маскою врегулювання суперечок після розпаду СРСР. Штучне питання про статус Криму, поділ Чорноморського флоту, роззброєння України, Будапештський меморандум.
2003-2013- Підготовка до війни. На цьому етапі рф вдається до провокацій і тиску, жорсткої інформаційної війни і пропаганди. При цьому створює всередині України свою "п'яту колону". Конфлікт щодо Тузли, втручання у вибори 2004, Северодонецький з'їзд (інспірування "сепаратизму"),