3/ How can we enjoy moments w/ family & friends & lower the risk of illness?
💥 Small steps you take to reduce risk are worthwhile. A little bit better…is a little bit better.
Prevention steps that work for COVID will reduce the risk of RSV, flu, & many other nasty viruses.
4/ ⚠️Start being more cautious *today* to lower the chances of being sick on Christmas Day.
Wear a mask during those last crowded shopping days.
Limit contact w/ those noticeably sick who decided to be out anyway-it’s OK to say no to a meet up now to avoid being sick for X-mas.
5/🤒Stay home if sick.
We know this a gray area w/ perpetually snotty kids. Use common sense if visiting grandparents, babies, or other vulnerable loved ones. If anyone feels feverish or really cruddy, that’s a sign they are contagious w/ SOME virus you’d rather not pass on.
6/ 🧪 Rapid test for COVID prior to traveling or gathering. Knowledge is power-don’t bring uninvited viral guests to the holidays.
7/ We know some people are reluctant to test so it doesn’t ruin their travel or other holiday plans.
We get it– the Nerdy Girls are also human, and we’re all in the third holiday season of COVID potentially keeping us away from traditions and loved ones.
8/ While ignorance may seem like bliss, we encourage you to test EVEN if you plan to still go forward w/ plans regardless of the outcome.
If you know someone is positive, you can be more vigilant w/ masking, distance, ventilation, etc to prevent infecting vulnerable family.
9/ 🪟 Ventilate.
Open windows or hang out outside when weather permits.
Masks (N95/KN95 quality) block inhalation & exhalation of COVID & other respiratory viruses. Masking during travel can protect you & others even if you don’t mask at family events. Mask if you develop symptoms during the holiday.
While COVID dominates the air rather than hands, RSV & many other germs last longer on surfaces. Break out that hand sanitizer & those Lysol wipes again, especially before eating (but old-fashioned soap & water works great too).
12/ 💊 Use Paxlovid! If you or a family member >50 (or otherwise at risk) test + for COVID, get Paxlovid.
Don’t be afraid of rebound–it’s extremely effective at keeping people out of the hospital & NOT DEAD.
1/ Q: Has almost everyone been infected with COVID by now?
A: Recent estimates suggest around 58% of the population in the US and over 70% in England have been previously infected, with BIG increases during the Omicron wave.
3/ ➡️ During the Omicron wave from December 2021-February 2022, this estimate increased from 33% to 58%.
➡️ Rates vary a lot by age, ranging from 33.2% for those over age 65 to 75% for those under age 18.
2/ Not likely. If your kids are suddenly getting sick a lot, this is likely due to “catching up” on exposures rather than a weakened immune system.
3/ Many families w/ young kids have been hunkered down for the better part of 2 years– a good % of a young child’s entire life. While isolation had *many* downsides, we can agree that not having to suction snot out of infant noses or clean up norovirus puke was a happy upside.
1/ Q: Are cases peaking? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve).
2/ ➡️ And if the downward slope is *slower* than the rise, we will see *more* cases during the decline from a surge.
3/ Burning fast could be a silver lining of super transmissible #Omicron. Cases rose & fell quickly in S. Africa (w/ hospitalizations & deaths still lagging). The UK appears to have turned the Omicron corner. Many US states appear past their peak in cases, w/ regional variation:
Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant & holiday get-togethers is hitting communities & health care w/ FORCE! Testing is in short supply.
3/ Health care is under extreme pressure with surging cases. If you can avoid even one additional contact, you are helping. This is a temporary and urgent request (from a health care provider).