I retired at 43 yrs old. I’m 52 now and the best advice I can share is to appreciate the moment. So many people talk/write about living in the present and such. Hard to do but it’s a great goal. Constant challenges…
I read a lot about killing the ego and that presents great challenges. Climb a mountain to feel present? Accomplish the climb to feed the ego? Hard to decide what we do to tame the ego vs feed it vs silence the mind and be present
Well, as far as hiking goes… maintaining healthy balanced life is essential for general well-being. I find historic hiking of deep valleys therapeutic as I see the geology and note the passage of millions upon millions of years during a decent
In some places you can descend 2 billion years.. nearly half the age of our solar system.
Digest that time and consider how little time you’ve got. Just a blink in the suns eye. So insignificant. So unimportant.
Our egos can never be fed enough. Peace only comes when we starve it.
Those of us that are lucky enough to have the time and space to ponder should also follow Plato’s guide with his Allegory of the cave.
We are ruled by egomaniacs. Our only hope is to create a system that doesn’t require rulers but instead promotes true democracy. The system should have administrators and ‘WE’ should rule it.
I hope to help ‘friends’ to invest not just for financial profit but also in themselves so collectively we can make the world a better place. Will take more than just money… focus and determination are the key
The fed will reverse its policy not because it’s beaten resource/energy related inflation but instead because they need to stop the financial system from collapsing, along with severe housing sector and employment pain.
China will be reopened and hungry for commodities and competition for various metals will be greatly intensified. The world is going to wake up to the reality that the resource sector has been underinvested in for over a decade and…
We need more people working on actual frameworks for democracy with real checks and balances. Issue based debates rather than left and right party politics.
Super wealthy are very good at making themselves money. Not so good at sharing. EOS
I’ve got to know a lot of super rich people in my life… a couple billionaires
Some key reasons for the ultra high level of success.
- Ego driven drive to be a billionaire
- Immense talent to attract skilled people to work for them for a tiny fraction of their own compensation
I’m honestly amazed that when the #Fusion news broke it was celebrated due to terrible reporting, the first articles I read had me thinking it was at least somewhat significant. #uranium
The first articles I read had me doing a little digging because I wanted to understand more about the fuel ingredients and the cost of the fuel production etc (energy going into fuel). I quickly discovered that one of the key ingredients is extremely rare and can only be sourced
Sourced in size from waste of a Candu #Nuclear power plant. And that we don’t even have enough stockpiled to ‘jumpstart’ the would be first comercial fusion reactor and run it long enough so that it can breed its one fuel. So we are at best decades away and…
Delaying multi billion dollar projects because of fuel shortages will result in runaway fuel pricing because fuel prices are irrelevant to these projects. HALEU shortages are just the tip of the iceberg here
Serious shortages of uf6, enrichment capacity, conversion and #uranium are coming. Slowly then all at once. Overfeeding is coming and due to the onslaught of new builds, extensions and restarts prices will be going back to and beyond the historic inflation adjusted price
If you polluted your brain by listening to fedspeak today…
CS dropping another 6% looking at going to zero. Let’s see what the ECB and Fed do about that? They will have to orchestrate a bailout/buy out and likely to make that happen they will have to promise in closed door meetings to buy up bad debts and ease. (Provide liquidity)
CS is too big to fail and steps that involve money printing and bouncing the economy will soon need to be taken or JPM and the rest of the financials charts will look like CS and it will happen in less than a year.