@retheauditors@premnsikka 1/ “Flipping Hell”: #LSE listed taxpayer funded homeless/vulnerable accommodation op & #BDO audited ‘#HomeReit built on poor foundations’. CityAM, three days ago wrote: ‘#HomeREIT faces legal threat from biggest tenant over £5.5m rent relief deal’ …
2/ (cityam.com/home-reit-face…). A week earlier it was reported that #HomeReit’s ‘investment adviser’ (‘Alvarium’) had (prior to its #SPAC merger) spun out the unit ‘advising’ #HomeReit (‘Alvarium Home REIT Advisors Ltd’) allegedly to a newly created shell, …
3/ before, along with wealth manager #TiedemannGroup, a #SPAC merger (Nasdaq listing) with ‘#CartesianGrowthCorporation (ex-#AIG emerging markets PE funds crew from back in the day). The #HomeReit board allegedly in effect ‘subcontracted the business’ operation to Alvarium’,
4/ who the Times reported ‘sourced properties from vendors. But is yet to explain why buying 34 in Stoke, say, involved them being flipped three times in a day via two SPVs, with a portfolio the vendor collated for £3.2m sold to #HomeReit for £7.3m.’ (“Flipping Hell”).
5/ #HomeReit/‘Alvarium’ are also reportedly opaque on the thorny issues of ‘newly fully refurbished’ & ‘vendors "typically provide" tenants with "additional funding, usually representing 12 months of rent"’ - or as the Times put it - ‘where has the money gone ?’.
6/ #HomeReit responding (with a poopoo) to short-seller attacks, reportedly stated that it’s rent (lease) receivables were fully paid up (to 08/2022), however, 2 of its large charity partners (#NobleTree & #BigHelp) were reportedly refusing to pay their rent (lease) before then.
7/ #NobleTree is reportedly withholding more than £860k in rent from #HomeReit after claiming it has failed to receive promised funds to refurbish its properties despite assurances from ‘Alvarium’. HomeReit’s auditor pre & post it’s 10/2020 IPO was #BDO, ‘Alvarium’ was …
8/ sole broker, placing agent & intermediaries offer adviser. #Audit fees, however, weren’t #BDO’s only taste of the ‘#HomeReit’ honey. HomeReit’s inaugural 2020/1 accounts contained £326k of BDO audit fees & £240k of BDO non-audit fees. ‘Alvarium’ were pleased with BDO’s …
9/ corporate finance team - what HomeReit’s board thought is unknown. BDO & Mazars were criticised in 2022 by the UK audit regulator #FRC for ‘unacceptable’ audits (the worst auditors inspected for the 2nd year running). Meanwhile over in the US ‘BDO USA botched more than …
10/ half of its audits inspected by the US #audit regulator #PCAOB in 2021’. #BDO has been challenged on its independence after revelations that #HomeReit’s CFO James Snape was allegedly, until 03/2022, a senior audit manager at #BDO charged with checking HomeReit's books.
11/ Although where #HomeReit’s (in effect) IPO CFO (#Alvarium’s Gareth Jones) ended & HomeReit’s alleged recent maiden CFO James Snape started is unknown as HomeReit was allegedly a board of 4 non-exec directors that had delegated day-to-day running of the Company to ‘Alvarium’.
12/ Background: ‘#HomeReit delays results after allegations from short-seller #Viceroy’ - (
@retheauditors@premnsikka 1/‘ Investigation in to #AIM listed #RevolutionBeauty unveils "serious issues" over the way the business was allegedly run under previous senior managers’. Revolution hired Macfarlanes to investigate after their long term auditors #BDO ‘reared up’.
2/ Yesterday it reportedly emerged that Macfarlanes had discovered Revolution made "unacceptable" loans to senior managers, requested distributors book orders worth £9m to meet y/end financial targets + failed to consider key info. when acquiring a company owned by its chairman.
3/ Revolution’s auditor prior/during/post #AIM listing was #BDO. BDO & Mazars were criticised in 2022 by the UK audit regulator #FRC for ‘unacceptable’ audits (the worst auditors inspected for the 2nd year running). Meanwhile over in the US ‘BDO USA botched more than half of …
2/ UK’s blind eyed financial regulator (@TheFCA, formerly #FSA) in 12/2012, following implementation of the 2011 #Emoney regulations: Checkout’s website would follow months later. The FCA’s ‘#Emoney scene’ has been long covered by a thick ‘FCA fog’ which scandal …
3/ after scandal has sunk in to (#Wirecard, #AlliedWallet, #Payza etc - the subjects of future exposes). Little is known from the press about Checkout (precursor: #OpusPayments) - many press articles read like the same company press release, simply regurgitated.
2/ Unsurprisingly for this type of business the ‘old chestnuts’ of y/end cash & supplier rebates reared their heads. A whistleblower reportedly ‘identified issues’ at its UK insulation & interiors subsidiary: ‘SIG Distribution’. KMPG were reportedly brought in to investigate.
3/ In 2018 SIG announced “With support from KPMG, the group has completed a review of financial reporting controls at SIG Distribution, which identified no further material accounting cause for concern” + “a number of employees are leaving the business” (insider.co.uk/company-result…).
@ArmitageJim@premnsikka 1/ ‘Key US law enforcement aide being investigated for allegedly extorting former Venezuelan officials’. But questions hang over Spain’s allegations that Martin Rodil exploited ties to US officials (icij.org/inside-icij/20…).
2/2 Getting on for a decade ago Bloomberg published a rip-roaring tale of US resident Venezuelan emigre chauffeur Martin Rodil, also working at the IMF as a data entry clerk entering #MoneyLaundering data - he allegedly became a US ‘deep state’/Israeli intelligence ‘middleman’.
Addendum 1/2 : for those interested in the mechanics of the alleged laundromat, the US indictment (USA v Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad) gives quite a bit of detail including the ‘double trouble’ of Swiss/Dubai/London banks & Nevis passports (drive.google.com/file/d/14Q6NsU….
2/ “We have created a more digital, agile & flexible TSB,” said Paul Pester, CEO of TSB, at the unveiling of the bank’s new technology platform, Proteo4UK in 2017 (fintechfutures.com/2017/12/tsb-un…). However, switchover in April 2018 resulted in the loss of internet & mobile banking …
3/ services for many customers for > a week. Some customers reported seeing detailed account information of other customers, including balances of accounts other than their own. Paul Pester, then chief executive, stated that TSB was "on its knees"(bbc.co.uk/news/business-… AND …
@ArmitageJim@premnsikka - 1/ A corrupt solicitor: ‘Timothy Schools’, who named his firm ‘ATM’ because it was "a cash machine" for litigation awards has been convicted of a notorious #fraud - the £120m #Axiom Legal Financing Fund “Axiom”. Axiom was launched in 2009 as an …
2/ offshore fund (+ its associated ‘fund manager’ - Tangerine Investment Management’ - “#Tangerine”), purportedly providing litigation finance to small UK solicitors firms for low value high volume claims. It was peddled to the UK public & expats widely by a large web of …
3/ @theFCA made men/women & their associated unauthorised cold calling cowboys in the FCA’s SIPPshittery, @TPRgovuk’s pension liberation scams + allegedly ‘wrapped’ (in purportedly ‘insurance bonds’/SIPPs) by the FCA’s ‘Big Fish’ & peddled particularly to older …