1. There is one very good thing that came out of Russia’s genocide. For years it was difficult to identity what was Russian proxy and what was real, what was pro Middle East peace and what was antisemitism, what anti imperialism and what was just anti West
2. Russia on 24 Feb blew off masks of all of their proxies and corrupted things. It’s such clear moral position and so factually undisputed that anyone who sided with Russia is unmasked. Then you actually see all of their previous work in context.
3. I found this prominent American antiwar group led by feminists by accident when they were promoting Russian propaganda. They called @codepink. Seem like nice ladies. They demonstrate against war, for #FreePalestine, for human rights. Until Russian genocide.
4. So I research them. Why would antiwar activists supporting Palestine be friendly with Dugin and Nazis? haaretz.com/world-news/201…
5. Once you see their support for Russia, Iran regime and Assad you understand they never were antiwar. They are only anti America but they wear duvet of good causes to sell themselves to good people.
6. @ajamubaraka Seems like good man. He’s peace activist. He is for environment. But what I tell you who Russia target to use often? Antisemites. Why would good man fail on this cause against Russian imperialism? haaretz.com/world-news/201…
7. Remember there are very real allegations about American Green Party. Because Russia already did it elsewhere.greenparty.org.uk/news/2021/10/0…
8. Same with @LPNational. What could be wrong with group that want self determination, freedom, property rights? But they don’t. Their goal is anti West, anti Americanism and they defend Russian aggression, Iran executions. Assad genocide of #Syrians to prove it.
9. If you find human rights activist with #Palestine flag in their profile, they are Russian proxy or anti west. I found none with such flag who are also anti Russian aggression. They in fact will deny human rights to other Muslims. But they hijack #FreePalestine to
10. Use for antisemitism and pro Russian policy. This is not accident. We have Soviet archives that show this as goal.
11. When you see strange thing of human rights activist defending Russian aggression, it’s because human rights is their mask, not their nature. @ajamubaraka is Russian proxy, nothing else. Everything else is artifice.
12. At least now we all know who is who and what is what. Russia blew off masks of their own corrupted things, exposing them.
Look, she will tell you that 2+2=5 because she is either Russian proxy or imbecile easily manipulated. Only one if other. There is no third option.
I feel like my mind will explode from this obscenity of Russia appropriating #Holocaust to defend themselves against their crimes that are longer, inspired Hitler and worse than Nazi Germany. Russia is original Nazi ideology. So this will be lesson 🧵 below.
1. Anna’s History Class - Part 5 - Russian Holocausts and Antisemitism
Before Russia was federation, soviet empire it was genocidal imperial thing that colonized and erased nations, forcing them into Russification. Jewish people would not be stripped of their identity,
2. So Russia genocide Jews all over their empire in murders called pogroms. Very first pogrom happened in 1821, in #Odesa where I sit freezing now. Odesa was by far most frequent target of these massacres, but all of Eastern European Jewish people were targets.
I suspect Russians thought our president would be on this #HelicopterCrash. You cannot convince me otherwise. You know how rare it is for government officials flying in capital to have this kind of accident? I don’t even remember one. #RussiaIsATerroristState assassinated
-We want Ukraine
-We install puppet but Ukraine refuse our puppet.
-We poison their leader, but Ukraine did not like that.
-We stage separatists movement, but Ukraine fought us
-We demand Ukraine stop being not Russian, but they refuse
-Ukraine even elect Jewish leader as if to say that they don’t like our antisemitism and ruin our entire narrative they are Nazis. We spent years building this kid ti justify invasion.
-Ukraine even tried to be sovereign nation, building wealth, practicing freedom on our doorstep with no regard to how much we hate freedom.
-Then they even speak their own language. How dare they not speak language we forced them to speak?
Too late. I don’t care what you do. It’s been nearly year since we found r@ped 4 year old girl blindfolded and laying dead on top of her also r@ped mother in #Bucha. It’s been nearly year since we see child after child with similar trauma across country,
Those #Bucha girls held in basement for month and made pregnant, those #Irpin girls found in mass graves with multiple DNA in them. #Izium, torture chambers for children in #Kherson, #Mariupol people all gone,
Disappeared and stolen children. Mass graves. 21 concentration camps, executions, mass murder, freezing, starvation, trauma. We are suffering for year.
And you decide that #Dnipro was worth flowers? Take your flowers to hell with you. I don’t forgive you. No one does.
There is no libertarian party of America. I don’t care what these fascists tell you dear friends. Don’t ever pick their candidates. Don’t fund them. Don’t support them. They are lie. Defining principle of libertarianism is non aggression followed by property rights.
Russian libertarians, actual libertarians, sit in jail for opposing Russian aggression. They ran to exile screaming to West to stop Russian aggression. They have been disappeared to stand for freedom. Same with every libertarian group across Eastern Europe. In Belarus
Half of opposition is dead or in jail. In Ukraine, birth place of libertarianism, our libertarians are dying to defend property and fight Russian genocide. Mises who founded this movement, is Ukrainian and born in Lviv
They were #RussianNazis when they start WWII with Nazi Germany and plan to divide up Europe, that allied evil only end when Hitler betrayed Russia in 1941
They were #RussianNazis when they came to liberate Auschwitz and raped victims there.
“rape of Jewish women survivors of concentration camps, including Stutthof, Ravensbrück and Auschwitz-Birkenau”neweasterneurope.eu/2022/04/21/the…