If you are already familiar with Graph Neural Networks, but still want to better understand the maths behind in a formalized logical framework, I recommend the following book/paper by @mmbronstein@joanbruna@TacoCohen@PetarV_93
A graph consists of nodes & edges connecting pairs of nodes.
The connectivity of the graph is encoded in its adjacency matrix.
Each node is attached some characteristics, i.e. a feature vector.
Tasks that GNNs can achieve:
1. Node classification: predict the class of nodes in a graph, e.g. classifying protein function in a protein interaction graph
2. Graph classification: predict a single label for the graph, e.g. drug screening (yes/no per drug represented as graph)
3. Edge prediction: predict edge properties, e.g. drug repurposing, find whether novel edges between drugs and diseases exist in a graph.
All these tasks involve different formulations of mathematical optimization problems defined over the elements and structure of the graph👇
-- Notations 1 --
V - vertices: elements called u
E - edges
A - adjacency matrix: square, with size the number of nodes
x_u - feature vector: information for each node u
X - feature matrix: stacking feature vectors for all nodes [x1,...xV]^T
-- Notations 2 --
N_u - neighborhood nodes: set of neighboring nodes for each node u
X_N_u - neighborhood features: set of feature vectors for all neighboring nodes
h_u - local function, takes into account the neighborhood
h_u = \theta(x_u, X_N_u)
-- Message passing --
Have you heard of "message passing" for Graph Neural Networks but didn't know what it was?
Here you do: \theta is also known as "propagation" or "message passing"
The are three main types of \theta, with equation 10 the message passing one.
1. For each node: a "message" value is computed by applying a (neural network) function for all its neighbors in its neighborhood N_u
2. The values computed at 1. (as many values as neighbors) are then aggregated by e.g. sum (adding up all values), average (averaging) or maximum
3. Then the (neural network) function \theta is applied over the value(s) resulting from 2. & the node's own feature vector.
Don't forget that the above 1-2-3 sequence is computed for every node! These values are then used directly as e.g. input to a node classification problem.
-- Transformers --
What happens if we don't know the real connectivity of the graph, i.e. we don't have A?
Let's assume an extreme case: the graph is in fact fully connected, i.e. A is full of 1.
Then, attentional GNNs (eq 9 above) reduces to the forward pass of a Transformer!
This makes sense, as Transformers model the interactions among words in a sentence. These interactions start off with a complete graph (everything can be related to everything), and are iteratively improved to only keep the relevant links.
Division frenzy 🤩: T cells can divide indefinitely & long outlive their host organism!
One of 2023's most exciting papers so far!
A paper that challenges scientific paradigms & brings strong experimental evidence against long-held scientific beliefs.
Let's break it down🧵
Friends, this small 5-page @Nature paper is the perfect example of the ideal science:
1. Pick a very relevant topic (T cell adaptive immunity) 2. Ask a very relevant question related to this topic (how often can CD8+ T cells divide?)
👇 nature.com/articles/s4158…
3. Understand very well the current state of research (T cells have limited division potential) 4. Develop a hypothesis testing current state 5. Craft an accurate experiment to test it (passage same T cells for 10 years) 6. Investigate findings 7. Confirm/contradict hypothesis 🎁
The science of #immunotherapy can cure a patient's otherwise incurable cancer.
But sometimes immunotherapy fails completely
Shockingly, we hardly know why.
A meta-analysis of #Genomics & #Transcriptomics in >1,000 immunotherapy-treated patients aims to better understand why🧵
This 2021 @CellCellPress paper is one of the best #DataScience#Bioinformatics resources out there for understanding the genetic determinants of response to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs).
This paper, a #multiomics longitudinal study just out in @CellCellPress, tracked the co-development of microbiomes & metabolomes from late pregnancy to 1 year of age in 70 mother-infant pairs.
Everybody knows that the immune system is hugely complex.
#singlecell sequencing has (arguably) done more for the immune system than for other health applications.
Via #scRNAseq, we discovered & characterized crazily detailed immune cell phenotypes.
Such detailed phenotypes have been found in both healthy and diseased tissues.
I wrote several threads about this topic and find it to be one of the most foundational & fascinating progresses that have happened in biomedicine in the past 10 years.
Let's map out where the field stands & what is next🧵
First, some context.
The genomics single cell field has started out 1-2 decades ago with a huge promise:
"Find the missing link between genes, diseases and therapies. This will bring completely novel therapeutics to the market & cure disease."
The underlying logic is straigtforward:
1. the cell is the main unit of living organisms
⬇️ 2. cells break down in disease
⬇️ 3. understanding cells helps understand how & why they break
⬇️ 4. this helps with engineering new therapeutics
⬇️ 5. new therapeutics will cure disease